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#7516 20/01/03 01:25 PM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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There's a bug in mIRC 6.03 regarding the $rand function that is not present in 6.0 and 6.01. When I do $rand(1, 20) for example, the number of 1's and 20's that show up is only half to 2-19.

I told some other people about it and they can't reproduce the error under the two earlier mentioned versions, but they get the same result as me under 6.03

Example output of the script I ran, changed to $rand(1,3) for brevity:

10000 iterations performed
1: 2521 occurences (25.21 percent)
2: 4999 occurences (49.99 percent)
3: 2480 occurences (24.8 percent)

Here's the script itself:

/probtest {
  var %max = 3

  var %i = 1
  while (%i < $1) {
    var %prob_ [ $+ [ %i ] ]
    inc %i

  %i = 0
  while (%i < $1) {
    inc %prob_ [ $+ [ $rand(1, %max) ] ]
    inc %i

  echo 2 $1 iterations performed
  echo 2 -----------------------

  %i = 1
  var %nr
  while (%i <= %max) {
    %nr = [ %prob_ [ $+ [ %i ] ] ]
    echo 2 %i $+ : %nr occurences ( $+ $calc(%nr / $1 * 100) percent)
    inc %i

I solved it temporarely by using the following alias instead:

/dice_rand {
  if ($0 < 2) return
  var %result
  while (!%result || %result < $1 || %result > $2) {
    %result = $rand($calc($1 - 1) , $calc($2 + 1))
  return %result

However I suggest you change the $rand command to what it was smile

#7517 20/01/03 09:16 PM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Posts: 39

this beast is back?

it was fixed back in 5.61 or something :P

A quicker solution, and a more generic one would be something along the lines of

/myrand {
var %randvar = $rand($1,$calc($2 + 1))
if ( %randvar == $calc($2 + 1) ) return $1
return %randvar

(NOTE: not sufficiently tested, but it should work)

but it wouldnt work with $myrand(a,z) like $rand does

#7518 21/01/03 02:47 AM
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Indeed the script is quicker, but it has a side effect which made me choose the other approach: if the bug is ever fixed, you have an increased chance for 'a'.

It's not more general, both of them do effectively the same under practically all circumstances.

#7519 21/01/03 03:41 AM
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Hoopy frood
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DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
#7520 22/01/03 06:26 AM
Joined: Jan 2003
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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why are u runnin your probe script with 2 while loop which count to outerspace?
btw.. its not an iteration, its just a simple statistic nothin more.

sure a while loop need iteration to run, but thats a different story of address calculation.
so how about this one? runnin on a 3num test by 10000 test 44times faster.
alias probtest {
  var %time = $ticks
  var %max = 3
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %max) {
    var %prob_ [ $+ [ %i ] ] 0
    inc %i
  %i = 0
  while (%i < $1) {
    inc %prob_ [ $+ [ $rand(1, %max) ] ]
    inc %i
  echo 12 $1 iterations performed
  echo 12 -----------------------
  %i = 1
  while (%i <= %max) {
    var %nr = %prob_ [ $+ [ %i ] ]
    echo 12 %i $+ : %nr occurences ( $+ $calc(%nr / $1 * 100) percent)
    inc %i
  echo 12 $calc($ticks - %time) $+ ms elapsed.

and i use thisone to generate my random values... the numbers within one span only return once per cycle. i need that type of behaviour more often than a random int which can be the same number several times one after another.

only limitation is the max length of around 900chrs for a string within mirc for the output.

; radom integer
;nimmt per zufall eine Zahl aus %start bis %ende, wobei keine Zahl innerhalb
; eines Durchlaufs zwei mal auftaucht. Es dürfen alles nur Integer werte sein!
;Version: 1.0.2 - 14.06.2002 by Codeq
;Version: 1.0.4 - 15.06.2002 by Codeq
;Version: 2.0.0 - 09.09.2002 by Codeq
;Sytax: $randomint(<start> <ende> [p]<N>)
;wobei N angibt wie viele zahlen zurückgegeben werden sollen. Bei pN ist es ein Prozentwert.

alias randomint {
  tokenize 32 $1-
  var %randomint.start = $round($1,0)
  var %randomint.ende = $round($2,0)
  if (%randomint.start < %randomint.ende) {
    if (p == $left($3,1)) { var %randomint.prozent = $remove($3,p) }
    else { var %randomint.absolut = $round($3,0) }
    if (%randomint.start <= %randomint.ende) {
      var %randomint.i = 1
      var %randomint.j = $calc($abs($calc((%randomint.ende * -1) + %randomint.start)) + 1)
      if (%randomint.prozent) { var %randomint.absolut = $round($calc(($remove($3,p) * %randomint.j) / 100),0) }
      if (%randomint.absolut > 0) {
        var %randomint.string 
        var %randomint.output 
        while (%randomint.i <= %randomint.j) {
          var %randomint.string $addtok(%randomint.string,$calc(%randomint.start + %randomint.i - 1),44)
          inc %randomint.i
        while (%randomint.absolut > 0) {
          var %randomint.rand = $rand(1,$numtok(%randomint.string,44))
          var %randomint.output = $addtok(%randomint.output,$gettok(%randomint.string,%randomint.rand,44),44)
          var %randomint.string = $deltok(%randomint.string,%randomint.rand,44)
          dec %randomint.absolut
        return %randomint.output
      else { return *** error: ausgabe muss grösser null sein. }
  else { return *** error: start muss kleiner ende sein. }

Codeq (J. Diel)
euIRCnet LocOp (irc.hes.de.euirc.net)
http://coding-board.de | www.euirc.net
#7521 24/01/03 06:28 PM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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My bad, of course the first loop condition was supposed to read (%i < %max) and not (%i < $1), which is pretty much all you changed cool

As for the terminology, a single execution of a loop is usually called an iteration, so it's not technically incorrect, even though I agree it's maybe somewhat oddly chosen. Not my choice of words, I modified someone else's script to slightly increase it elegance.. within the limitations of mIRC scripting.

As for your alternative random script: it's not really what I'm looking for. I need it to be truely random, that includes two consecutive identical results. However, it has it's purposes smile

Last edited by SubSpace; 24/01/03 06:37 PM.

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