I got a noticeable lag when performing an $ialchan(*,#,N) with large amount of addresses in mIRC v6.14 compared to previous versions. Did referrer to the
versions.txt but no changes were made. Hmmm...
1.67ghz AMD2000+ (OC`ed 1.8ghz) 512ddrRam 60gbHdd
alias find.host.list.on.chan {
var %tmp.very.long.host.token.1 = *!*@*.haha.com,*!*@*.hehe.com,*!*@*.hihi.com...etc²
var %tmp.very.long.host.token.2 = *!*@*.gaga.com,*!*@*.gege.com,*!*@*.gigi.com...etc²
var %tmp.very.long.host.token.3 = *!*@*.lala.com,*!*@*.lele.com,*!*@*.lili.com....etc²
var %tmp.find.host.list.on.chan, %tmp.host, %tmp.token, %tmp.count = 1
while (%tmp.very.long.host.token. [ $+ [ %tmp.count ] ]) {
%tmp.token = 1
while ($gettok(%tmp.very.long.host.token. [ $+ [ %tmp.count ] ],%tmp.token,44)) {
%tmp.host = $ifmatch
if ($ialchan(%tmp.host,$iif($chan,$ifmatch,$1),0)) %tmp.find.host.list.on.chan = $addtok(%tmp.find.host.list.on.chan,%tmp.host,32)
inc %tmp.token
inc %tmp.count
echo %tmp.find.host.list.on.chan