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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I would like to see the possibility for changing the rightclick menu when someone pastes an url in a channel or query. I've tried some "obvious" menu identifiers like menu url/web/link but it doesn't look like that is implemented. It would be nice to have that possibility included in mIRC's script functionality. The reason I miss it is because I have both IE and Opera (Opera is default browser) and some crap pages only work in IE. Also there is a lot of avi/mpg/mp3 etc links posted and it would be great having a "Save with download manager" or something. I would like to change/add to this menu:  You can also see my posts on some forums: Changing right click menu (on this forum) Change right click web menu
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hi there  I think it's quite good. I don't know how practical the "Save with download manager" feature would be to implement. Also, that's how a lot of warez sites get their illegal files across..like with "Save target as" - personally I wouldn't want to see more promotion of warez, and I think this would make the whole illegal file sharing thing much easier on people. I think it would be nice and useful for many people however, if they could, for example, right click a URL link and then have a menu that expands so that there are a list of browsers to choose from. My 2 cents. Regards,
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Sorry for double posting. I just thought when I posted in the script forum and people said it didn't work it would be natural to post in "suggestions".
As for the warez thing I agree with you, but people have to deside for themselves if they wanna "do warez". Personally I'm on several car channels that users posts links to pictures and video of their own car, so thats perfectly legal. Also with videos when you click the link now you just get a "save as..." question from your browser.
If in some version Khaled includes som kind of "menu url" function and not some preprogrammed menu people can change the menu if they want to. Most people won't even know the function is there because most people doesn't do scripts.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah, apologies, a little overzellous on the reply there - I edited my post  You made some fair points btw. Regards,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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along the same lines as this, it's been suggested (and Im bringing it up again) that we be allowed to modify the right click menu from a #channel name from the status screen. Right now it only has 3 options but I think we should be able to extend that more. I like your idea of open in new window/browser and I think this would allow people to have a default browser yet point mirc urls to other windows (as you have clearly stated) via popup. This way people could do:
Open in Netscape open in IE open in firefox open in mozilla
etc etc etc
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Right now when you double click a link. It pops up a message by default and asks if you want to open the link. Why not jsut add a few options on how u want to open it?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yeah, it would be good if you could set a list of browsers on your computer, which ones to grant mirc "access to" (via that window) and then checkbox it on a case by case basis OR set a default browser and have it use that all the time (which we have now, but still, a diff way of doing it)
Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Also, that's how a lot of warez sites get their illegal files across..like with "Save target as" - personally I wouldn't want to see more promotion of warez, and I think this would make the whole illegal file sharing thing much easier on people.
That's ridiculous. There must be at least once a day that I have to copy a link and use my /wget alias to download a file with wget.exe. Not a bit of it is anything illegal. Also, not that you should have any reason to be "up on the times" as far as the warez scene is concerned, but HTTP warez is pretty 1992-ish. Does anyone know if you can use ON HOTLINK to download something externally?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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"That's ridiculous"No, it's my opinion, whether you agree with it or not does not denote it's logic or sense. Also, just because you get something legally, doesn't mean everyone else does. Happy chattin'  Regards,
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Most illegal files are shared through DCC.. not through websites. This would be a great feature to be added with little down side.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I like the idea of menu items like "Open in default browser" "Open in alternative browser" "Save target as..." "Save with d/l manager"
The alternative browser (and path to it), and the d/l manager, could be set in the Options. I don't think it's necessarily practical to expect mIRC to autodetect ALL browsers and managers installed on the system!
Anyone who's seen my earlier posts on these boards will know that I'm very "anti" having file sharing in mIRC at all... but here I would agree that warez are not a major issue. And ensuring that the only links openable begin with http:// would of course prevent d/l's from ftp's etc. anyway...
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