I have a big problem to init some dialogs. Here is my example :
alias decrypt if (!$dialog(decrypt2)) dialog -m decrypt2 decrypt2 | else dialog -v decrypt2 decrypt2
dialog decrypt2 {
size -1 -1 151 85
option dbu
button "Connecter", 1, 21 63 37 12, ok
button "hors ligne", 2, 85 63 37 12, cancel
edit "", 3, 15 44 113 13,pass
text Taper la clé de décryptage $crlf $+ * Attention pas d'espace ni de caractères spéciaux $crlf $+ Si vous ne voulez pas vous connecter $+ $chr(44) appuyez sur le bouton Annuler, 4, 15 7 122 35, center
on *:dialog:decrypt2:*:*: {
echo -ag $devent
if ($devent == init) { timercount 1 3 did -f $dname 3 }
if ($devent == sclick) {
What I made (by a /dialog, $dialog or /decrypt) the event init is never executed. I set an echo and never it is indicated.
I have only the event "active"
What is the problem ? A part a button ok which is neccessary in a dialog, is there another control to make a good work of the dialog ?
It is not my first dialog which has this problem. I don't understand.
For information, I used WIndows XP Pro and mirc 6.12. I don't think there is any setting in options of mirc which influence this state.