I have made a basic version with on HOTLINK, It causes a problem, however. When you rightclick a nickname without the script it shows the nicklist popup, but with the script it doesn't

Here is the code I came up with:
on ^*:HOTLINK:*:#:{
if ( $remove($1,
<,>) !ison # ) {
on *:HOTLINK:*:#:{
if ( $remove($1,
<,>) ison # ) {
editbox # $editbox(#) $ifmatch
Note: If you decide to use it you will need to replace the text in blue with how your mIRC shows channel messages (I used <,> because by default mIRC shows messages as <nick>). Also you have to double-click rather than just click.
I hope someone can come up with a better version than this, be good to know how it's done, if it can be