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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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i op on a server that includes regestered users age and sex as part of the /whois what i need to do is strip this out of /whois into a %var so i can check it or print it out main reason being to kick anyone who isnt a teen out of teens room and isnt an adult out of adultsonly room doing /debug on /whois targetnick /debug off shows the line i need is :irc.ukchatterbox.com 320 mynick targetnick :is 19/male so am i right in saying i have to trap the raws from a /whois command?, how do i do this?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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raw 320:*: echo -s Name: $2 - Age: $gettok($4,1,47) - Sex: $gettok($4,2,47) Using $gettok($4,2,47) you can even kick females out of males-only room
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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thanks, but how do i assign the returned line to a variable so that i can print it to a window, or use it in a warning/kick and how can i do it to everyone in the room without flooding my status (ie supress /whois from displaying), but still be able to do /whois normaly from command line or popup
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here's an example: On @*:join:[color:blue]#teenworld[/color],[color:blue]#20+[/color]:{
if $hget(whois,0).item < 3 {
; The hash table "whois" stores the nicks you are doing a WHOIS on.
hadd -mu20 whois $nick #
whois $nick
raw *:*:{
; 310-320 is the range of WHOIS replies.
if $numeric isnum 310-320 && $hget(whois,$2) {
if $numeric == 320 {
[color:green]echo -s Name: $2 - Age: $gettok($4,1,47) - Sex: $gettok($4,2,47)[/color]
if $numeric == 318 {
; 318 = End of WHOIS
hdel whois $2
} To know what a specific command does, type /help /command. See the gree line? This informal /echo can be replaced with anything else. For example - if $numeric == 320 {
var %nick = $2
var %chan = $hget(whois,$2)
var %age = $gettok($4,1,47)
if %chan == #teenworld && %age >= 20 {
notice %nick Man, you're too old for %chan
elseif %chan == #20+ && %age < 20 {
kick %chan %nick See you in #teenworld
} I hope it wasn't too complicated... To keep the current code structure, first paste in Word or Wordpad then copy to the mIRC editor.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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thanks m8, cant get it to work as typed, but at least it gives me some ideas to work on (note to self: best readup about hash tables now) by the way, i use EditPlus for all my scripting,html coding etc but thanks 
Last edited by EricDraven; 05/02/04 03:23 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I couldn't test this script because the servers I'm on do not send the age/sex reply you mentioned. If you want, tell me the name of your network and we'll do some tests. You can find a hash tables tutorial here: http://helpdesk.zaz.net/documents/tutorials.php
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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probably i am misunderstanding this but ? if this is the response :irc.ukchatterbox.com 320 mynick targetnick :is 19/male wont this Age: $gettok($4,1,47) - Sex: $gettok($4,2,47) return the number 1 for age and the number 9 for sex ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well you can check this yourself  Assuming $4 is the word "17/male", type: - //echo -a Age: $gettok(17/male,1,47)
//echo -a Sex: $gettok(17/male,2,47)
Those $gettok's treat the string as if it's separated by / - ASCII number 47 - and return either the first (1) or second (2) part of that string. Read more on tokens at Helpdesk's website.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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ah i see now thats what i was unclear on was the number 47 or 32 etc.. from the help file makes sense now thx for the explanation
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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What if you wanted to check for how many channels the joining nick is in, like for porn advertiser kicking purposes?