on *:Connect:{ /hload -sbn phmsettings phmset.txt }
alias PHMSAwaypref75 { dialog -m PHMSAwaypref75 PHMSAwaypref75 }
dialog PHMSAwaypref75 {
title "PHMScript 2003 Multi Server Away Systems"
size -1 -1 220 245
icon graphics/icon.ico, index
option dbu
menu "&File",400
item "&Away Now",401
item "&Exit",402
Menu "&Help",403
item "&Visit Our Web Site",404
item "&Email Us",405
item "&Submit Feedback",406
item "&FAQ",407
Menu "&Tell The World",409
item "&I Love You",410
button "OK", 30, 180 180 30 12, ok
button "Apply", 31,150 180 30 12
button "Cancel", 32,120 180 30 12,cancel
text "PHM Multi Server Away Systems",33, 70 1 100 10
text "© 2003 PHM Scripting Team",34,5 180 100 20
tab "Preferences",35, 5 10 210 165
text "PHM Multi Server Away Systems Preferences", 36, 40 25 120 12, tab 35, right
box "Pager",37, 10 35 80 35, tab 35
box "Set Times",38,95 35 115 50, tab 35
check "Turn On Away Pager",39,15 40 80 12, tab 35
check "Auto Reply To Messages", 40,15 52 80 12, tab 35
text "Repeat Auto Away Message",41,100 45 68 12, tab 35
combo 42, 170 45 35 60, drop, tab 35
Check "Enable Auto Idle Away",43,100 55 68 12, tab 35
text "Start Auto Idle Away", 44,100 67 68 12, tab 35
combo 45, 170 67 35 60, drop, tab 35
icon 46, 15 90 20 20,graphics/1.ico, tab 35,center
icon 47, 190 90 20 20,graphics/2.ico,tab 35,center
icon 48, 100 90 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,tab 35,center
box "Other",49,10 110 100 60, tab 35
box "Channels",50, 115 110 95 60, tab 35
check "Turn On Auto Loging",51,15 115 80 12, tab 35
Check "Announce Your Away",52, 15 130 80 12, tab 35
check "Set Back On Channel Input", 53,120 115 80 12, tab 35
check "Deop On All Channels",54,120 130 80 12, tab 35
tab "Nicks", 60
text "PHM Multi Server Away Systems Nick Settings",61, 40 25 120 12, tab 60, right
box "Regular Nick",62, 15 35 190 40, tab 60
box "Away Nick",63, 15 100 190 60, tab 60
icon 64, 15 80 20 20,graphics/1.ico, tab 60,center
icon 65, 190 80 20 20,graphics/2.ico,tab 60,center
icon 66, 100 80 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,tab 60,center
text "Your Regular Nick",67, 30 45 60 12, tab 60
edit %npmregnick , 68, 75 45 60 10,tab 60, autohs
check "Enable An Away Nick",69,30 110 60 12,tab 60
text "Your Away Nick", 70, 30 125 60 12,tab 60
edit %npmawaynick , 71, 75 125 60 10, tab 60
tab "Themes", 120
text "Please Pick Which Theme You Would Like Your Away System To Look Like", $&
121, 10 25 190 12, tab 120, right
box "Themes", 122, 15 35 190 135, tab 120
radio "Theme 1", 123, 20 45 30 12, tab 120
icon 124,40 10 150 80,graphics/style1.jpg, tab 120,center
radio "Theme 2", 125,20 60 30 12, tab 120
icon 126,40 25 150 80,graphics/style2.jpg, tab 120,center
radio "Theme 3", 127, 20 75 30 12, tab 120
icon 128,60 40 140 80,graphics/style3.jpg, tab 120, center
icon 129, 25 90 20 20,graphics/1.ico, tab 120,center
icon 130, 180 90 20 20,graphics/2.ico,tab 120,center
icon 131, 100 90 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,tab 120,center
radio "Theme 4", 132,20 110 30 12, tab 120
icon 133, 40 75 150 80,graphics/style4.jpg, tab 120, center
radio "Theme 5", 134,20 130 30 12, tab 120
icon 135, 20 100 180 100, graphics/style5.jpg, tab 120, center
tab "About", 180
icon 181,70 90 80 80,graphics/out.jpg, tab 180, center
text "PHM Multi Server Away Systems Was Designed To Work On Multiple Servers", $&
182,10 25 190 12, tab 180, right
text "To Work In Multiple Christian Chat Server Enviroments", $&
183,10 35 190 12, tab 180, center
text "Many Of The People Who Use Our Scripts Use It In More Than 1 Server Even In $&
Secular Servers", 184,10 45 190 12, tab 180, center
text "So We Decieded To Make Our Away System So That Our Users Could Use Our $&
Script", 185, 10 60 190 12, tab 180, center
text "Comfortably On All Servers They Wish To Enjoy!", 186, 10 75 190 12, tab 180, center
text "We Hope You Enjoy It And God Bless!!", 187,10 90 190 12, tab 180, center
icon 188,15 200 20 20,graphics/icon.ico, center
icon 189, 190 200 20 20,graphics/icon.ico, center
icon 190, 100 200 20 20,graphics/icon.ico, center
icon 191, 60 200 20 20,graphics/icon.ico, center
icon 192, 140 200 20 20,graphics/icon.ico, center
icon 193, 5 180 210 100,graphics/phmlogo.jpg, center
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref75:init:0: {
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 42 0
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 42 15
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 42 30
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 42 45
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 42 60
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 42 90
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 45 0
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 45 15
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 45 30
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 45 45
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 45 60
.did -a PHMSAwaypref75 45 90
if ($hget(phmsettings,awaypager) == on) { did -c PHMSAwaypref75 39 }
if ($hget(phmsettings,replytomsg) == on) { did -c phmsawaypref75 40 }
if ($hget(phmsettings,enableautoidle) == on) { did -c phmsawaypref75 43 }
if ($hget(phmsettings,autolog) == on) { did -c phmsawaypref75 51 }
if ($hget(phmsettings,annonceaway) == on) { did -c phmsawaypref75 52 }
if ($hget(phmsettings,setbackinput) == on) { did -c phmsawaypref75 53 }
if ($hget(phmsettings,deopall) == on) { did -c phmsawaypref75 54 }
if ($hget(phmsettings,enawaynick) == on) { did -c phmsawaypref75 69 }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref75:sclick:123:{ /hadd -s phmsettings themeawayset 1 }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref75:sclick:125:{ /hadd -s phmsettings themeawayset 2 }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref75:sclick:127:{ /hadd -s phmsettings themeawayset 3 }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref75:sclick:132:{ /hadd -s phmsettings themeawayset 4 }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref75:sclick:134:{ /hadd -s phmsettings themeawayset 5 }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:sclick:30:{ /hsave -o phmsettings phmset.txt }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:edit:68:{ /set %npmregnick $did($dname,68) }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:edit:71:{ /set %npmawaynick $did($dname,71) }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:menu:404:{ /url http://www.PHMinistries.net }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:menu:405:{ /url mailto myemailaddress }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:menu:406:{ /url http://www.PHMinistries.net/phmscriptfeedback.html }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:menu:407:{ /url http://www.PHMinistries.net/phmscriptfaq.html }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:menu:410:{ /ame 8,1=D =D =D Jesus Loves You And So Do I!!! =D =D =D }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:menu:401:{ dialog -k phmsawaypref75 phmsawaypref75 | /phmsawaypref22 }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref75:menu:402:{ dialog -k PHMSAwaypref75 PHMSAwaypref75 }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref75:sclick:42:{
set %autorepeataway $calc($did(42) * 60)
hadd -s phmsettings repeatautoaway %autorepeataway
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref75:sclick:45:{
set %startautoidleaway $calc($did(45) * 60)
hadd -s phmsettings startautoidleaway %startautoidleaway
On *:DIALOG:PHMSAwaypref75:sclick:31:{
if ($did(PHMSAwaypref75,39).state == 1) { /hadd -s phmsettings awaypager On }
else { /hadd phmsettings awaypager Off }
if ($did(PHMSAwaypref75,40).state == 1) { /hadd phmsettings replytomsg On }
else { /hadd phmsettings replytomsg Off }
if ($did(PHMSAwaypref75,43).state == 1) { /hadd phmsettings enableautoidle On }
else { /hadd phmsettings enableautoidle Off }
if ($did(PHMSAwaypref75,51).state == 1) { /hadd -s phmsettings autolog On }
else { /hadd phmsettings autolog Off }
if ($did(PHMSAwaypref75,52).state == 1) { /hadd -s phmsettings annonceaway On }
else { /hadd phmsettings annonceaway Off }
if ($did(PHMSAwaypref75,53).state == 1) { /hadd -s phmsettings setbackinput On }
else { /hadd phmsettings setbackinput Off }
if ($did(PHMSAwaypref75,54).state == 1) { /hadd -s phmsettings deopall On }
else { /hadd phmsettings deopall Off }
if ($did(PHMSAwaypref75,69).state == 1) { /hadd -s phmsettings enawaynick On }
else { /hadd phmsettings enawaynick Off }
alias PHMSAwaypref22 { dialog -m PHMSAwaypref22 PHMSAwaypref22 }
dialog PHMSAwaypref22 {
title "PHMScript 2003 Multi Server Away Now"
size -1 -1 200 180
icon graphics/icon.ico, index
option dbu
menu "&File",400
item "&Away Preferences",401
item "&Exit",402
Menu "&Help",403
item "&Visit Our Web Site",404
item "&Email Us",405
item "&Submit Feedback",406
item "&FAQ",407
Menu "&Tell The World",409
item "&I Love You",410
button "OK", 1, 165 115 30 12, ok
button "Cancel", 3,135 115 30 12,cancel
text "© 2003 PHM Scripting Team",4,5 115 100 20
text "PHM Multi Server Away Systems",5, 60 1 100 10
tab "Regular Away",6, 5 10 190 100
text "Set Regular Away Now",7,60 30 60 12, tab 6, right
text "Set Away Reason",8,9 40 60 12, tab 6, right
edit %npmawayreason ,9,80 40 80 10, tab 6,autohs
text "Set Away Nick",10,9 50 60 12, tab 6, right
edit %npmawaynick ,11,80 50 80 10, tab 6, autohs
button "Set Away",12,70 65 60 10, tab 6
icon 13,15 80 20 20,graphics/1.ico, tab 6,center
icon 14,170 80 20 20,graphics/2.ico, tab 6,center
icon 15,90 80 20 20,graphics/icon.ico, tab 6, center
tab "Stealth Away",60
text "Set Stealth Away Now",61,60 30 60 12, tab 60, right
text "Set Away Reason",62,9 40 60 12, tab 60, right
edit %npmawayreason ,63,80 40 80 10, tab 60,autohs
text "Set Away Nick",64,9 50 60 12, tab 60, right
edit %npmawaynick ,65,80 50 80 10, tab 60, autohs
button "Set Away",66,70 65 60 10, tab 60
icon 67,15 80 20 20,graphics/1.ico, tab 60,center
icon 68,170 80 20 20,graphics/2.ico, tab 60,center
icon 69,90 80 20 20,graphics/icon.ico, tab 60, center
tab "The Difference",120
text "The Difference Between Regular And Stealth Away",121, 30 25 130 12,tab 120,right
text "Regular Away Announces It And Lets You Know",122,25 35 130 12,tab 120, right
text "Stealth Away Just Marks You Away With Out An Announcement",123, 10 45 170 10,tab 120, right
icon 124, 15 55 20 20,graphics/1.ico, tab 120,center
icon 125, 170 55 20 20,graphics/2.ico,tab 120,center
icon 126, 90 55 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,tab 120,center
text "Use Stealth When You Want To Be Quiet When Your Away",127,10 80 160 10, tab 120, right
text "Use Regular For Anything Else", 128,35 90 100 10, tab 120, right
icon 129,10 135 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,center
icon 130,50 135 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,center
icon 131,95 135 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,center
icon 132, 135 135 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,center
icon 133, 175 135 20 20,graphics/icon.ico,center
icon 134, 5 70 190 190,graphics/phmlogo.jpg,center
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref22:edit:63:{ /set %npmawayreason $did($dname,63) }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref22:edit:66:{ /set %npmawaynick $did($dname,66) }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref22:edit:9:{ /set %npmawayreason $did($dname,9) }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref22:edit:11:{ /set %npmawaynick $did($dname,11) }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref22:sclick:12:{ /phmawayf99 }
on *:dialog:PHMSAwaypref22:sclick:66:{ /phmawayfs99 }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref22:sclick:1:{ /hsave -o phmsettings phmset.txt }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref22:menu:401:{ dialog -k phmsawaypref22 phmsawaypref22 | /phmsawaypref75 }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref22:menu:402:{ dialog -k PHMSAwaypref22 PHMSAwaypref22 }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref22:menu:404:{ /url http://www.PHMinistries.net }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref22:menu:405:{ /url mailto myemailaddress }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref22:menu:406:{ /url http://www.PHMinistries.net/phmscriptfeedback.html }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref22:menu:407:{ /url http://www.PHMinistries.net/phmscriptfaq.html }
on *:dialog:phmsawaypref22:menu:410:{ /ame 8,1=D =D =D Jesus Loves You And So Do I!!! =D =D =D }