I already sent you a mail talking about /draw* command improvments that can
be made.
Now i have another feature sugestion, more like a new alias/identifier that
i think you should add to mirc's predefined ones. (Sorry i have only
scripting feature sugestions, but im a scripter)
The alias/identifier, would be called swicthbar/$swicthbar.
So what could this do?
Think about an array that contains all switchbar buttons, and its
properties, like: $switchbar(1).propertie .highlight .name .type .cid
.network and more that you can think of.
The command switchbar could be used to activate/minimize/close the window
relative to the given swicthbar button number, like: /switchbar -a 1 |
/swicthbar -m 1 or /switchbar -x 1.
I think it would be a great improvement in window handling in mirc. And i
have to mention that the speed and functionality of custom switchbars would
improve very much.
I already tried to do something similar using C/C++, started trying to make
a dll, but your switchbar is itself custom as it is, and i cant manage to
get info from it, like i do with normal win32 toolbars or rebars.

Hope you include this alias/ident in the next mirc version or in a future