First i want to congratulate you for the great client you have. You
surely noticed it become a "programming studio" nowadays. Scripting is the
best feature for me in a irc client.

The thing is, i've been doing some picwin stuff now. Not using them to
replace dialogs, but to replace custom controls (like, treeview...), layout
Well, it surely works, but hte speed compromises much. Im not
Possible solution would be an approach similar to new file-handling
functions. There would be a /drawopen @window and a "/drawclose @window"
alike functions.
The thing is:
- we would save the -n flag on draw commands (perhaps?)
- like on the file-handling bit, the change would be the speed.
- some flag on /drawtext to draw sideways text like rotation of
90ยบ left or right.
- remove cleartype support on /drawtext.. it gives some junk on
/drawreplace after.
- optimize the whole bunch of draw commands for speed.

hope you reply and consider my humble sugestions