ever see those links for AIM to add someone to your buddy list via a link on a webpage? Ex.:
<a href="aim:addbuddy?screenname=MyScreenName>click here to add me to your list!</a>
Why not have an <a href="mIRC:certaincommand?=$1+$2+$3">Click here to do the mIRC command!</a>
You could have mIRC default to only letting certain non-insecure commands be allowed for usage, and for all other commands, they simply won't work, but this option could be switched off to allow for a link to run any command (or alias) through mIRC or certain other commands/aliases could be added to an allowed or disallowed list.
This would be useful for having someone join a certain server or channel or to initiate a DCC chat session to a certain IP by simply clicking on a link on a website. Certain warnings could be placed to make sure newbies don't blindly give away personal info or compromise their system by setting this option to allow for all mIRC commands to work through links, then click on a deceptive mIRC link.