When i first realised it wasnt working i took off all my scripts, still didnt work so i downloaded another copy of mirc 6.12, still it didnt work. I asked 7 different people from different places around the globe to see if it was just because him/her was in a different place, still nothing. I made sure that gets were being accepted and also made sure that the query's werent bein sent to one window.
I downloaded the mirc6.12.exr and saved it so i didnt have to keep downloadin it and tried totally uninstalling it from my operating system and then installing a fresh copy. Still it did not work.
I also went to a few different servers to see if it was just the server i was on that wouldnt let me, because some servers only allow p2p's with operators.
I dont know what the problem is but wish i knew.
Thanks for trying to help me.
- Baden