/editbox -n doesn't fill the editbox of the target if it is a hidden or minimized window.
//window -eh @name | editbox -n @name /help
/window -a @name
//window -en @name | editbox -n @name /help
/window -a @name
Both of these show a window with no editbox history.
However it does work if you combine the last command with the first two...
//window -eh @name | editbox -n @name /help | window -a @name
alias ebox.test {
window -en @name
editbox -n @name /timer
.timer 1 1 echo -s - $!line(@name,0)
.timer 1 2 window -c @name
Try it; /ebox.test
Now try it with activating the window; //ebox.test | window -a @name