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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
Joined: Nov 2003
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Before my hard drive crashed I was using 5.x version of mIRC, and I kept a log of all files that I recieved in an ini file, $nick.ini. Now I've tried rewriting the event but for some reason It only wrote to a few files and then never wrote to them again, or any new ini files. This is the code I currently have:
on 1:FILERCVD:*:{
  [color:red]  /writeini $mircdirUploaders\ $+ $nick $+ .ini $date $time(hh:nn:ss) $nopath($filename [/color]  )
  /writeini gets.ini $nick $time(hh:nn:ss) $nopath($filename) $+ $chr(32) $+ $date
  inc %gotten

I've also tried setting a variable, set %nick $nick $+ .ini, and then using /writeini $mircdirUploaders\ $+ %nick, but that didn't work either.

The code fore get.ini works without a problem. For some reason It just doesn't like this little bit of code.

Any help would be greatly apreciated.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Do you have a folder called "Uploaders"?

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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
Joined: Nov 2003
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Yes I have a direcotry called Uploaders. There are 6 ini files in the directory, and the last time any file there was updated was 11/12/2003, and I've downlaoded many files since then. I've also chiecked the bracket number, but no problems there either.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Mar 2003
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Did you try using $+(Uploaders\,$nick) ? Or $+($mircdir,Uploaders\,$nick)

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Try that..
on 1:FILERCVD:*:{
  writeini [color:blue]-n[/color] $+([color:blue]"[/color],$mircdir,Uploaders\,$nick,.ini,[color:blue]"[/color]) $date $time(hh:nn:ss) $nopath($filename)
  writeini [color:blue]-n[/color] gets.ini $nick $time(hh:nn:ss) $nopath($filename) $+ $chr(32) $+ $date
  inc %gotten

From the help file: If the -n switch is specified, mIRC will attempt to write to the .ini file even if it is larger than 64k.
If your Mircdir is somthink like that: D:\MIRC'S\MIRC 6.12\ (directory name with spaces) then you need to put the " char.. "D:\MIRC'S\MIRC 6.12\" ..

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Joined: Nov 2003
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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
Joined: Nov 2003
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Well that seemed to work, but I don't recognize the syntax. I understand how $+ works but i've never seen $+(",").

I'm assuming it works like a function that can recieve a dynamic number of variables and uses commas as delemiters, then combines the variables just like you were passing pure text; a $+ b $+ c.

Is that correct?

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Babel fish
Babel fish
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if your directory contains spaces, you have to use "dir" or $shortfn(dir).

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