Before my hard drive crashed I was using 5.x version of mIRC, and I kept a log of all files that I recieved in an ini file, $nick.ini. Now I've tried rewriting the event but for some reason It only wrote to a few files and then never wrote to them again, or any new ini files. This is the code I currently have:
on 1:FILERCVD:*:{
[color:red] /writeini $mircdirUploaders\ $+ $nick $+ .ini $date $time(hh:nn:ss) $nopath($filename [/color] )
/writeini gets.ini $nick $time(hh:nn:ss) $nopath($filename) $+ $chr(32) $+ $date
inc %gotten
I've also tried setting a variable, set %nick $nick $+ .ini, and then using /writeini $mircdirUploaders\ $+ %nick, but that didn't work either.
The code fore get.ini works without a problem. For some reason It just doesn't like this little bit of code.
Any help would be greatly apreciated.