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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't think your unerstanding this...

If italic was added, it was have absolutly no effect on mirc today. To prove it, go into an irc channel using telnet and tell me if mirc colors makes telnet go fubar... it doesn't. It's simple really, mirc just redifines what 1 character in the 0-255 ASCII setmeans.

Currently, the characters set aside for the mIRC/ANSI codes are:

B: 2 U: 31 C: 3 R: 22

What effect would it have if say... character 4 was made into italic? Would every irc client out there go fubar? No, they would see it as if it never existed as an underline, but as a regular character.

I don't know why you're arguing a point to have no italic. It's not harmful, not going to mess up server or clients.. Personally, I think you just get off hearing yourself talk ,and you feel you need to have the last winning argument.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Ok. I accept I was wrong.

You're so ANGRY, Tomato. Why is that? You're always harsh to people if they are wrong, have a differing opinion or just don't quite understand what you say. It's almost like you go out of your way smite people down with your rage and utter disdain for anything that opposes your view. What is it the world has done to infuriate you, hm?

There's no need to be unfriendly. It's just not big, it's not tough and it just raises your blood pressure. Also, it's just not CIVILIZED wink

Last edited by DekuHaze; 28/10/03 02:01 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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one small note about italics - Pirch has had it for years and I never heard people complain about compatibility. It just shows up (IIRC) as a CTRL block (like the CTRL+K block). Im not for or against the idea, just saying that ONE chat program I know of DOES in fact handle it.

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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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do you happen the know the character Pirch uses for italics? Because if Khaled adds italic support he will have to use that character for compatability.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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PIRCH interprets Ctrl + R as italics

Google is my friend laugh

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No he wouldn't.

1. Pirch is no longer made or supported.
2. Pirch is chokkas with exploits and bugs.
3. CTRL R is already assigned as reverse text.
4. As mIRC is the most popular programme - it would stand to reason that other programmes would have to fall in line, not the other way around.

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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Also, I can't script worth crap... so adding a "topic bar" would be a good solution for the rest of us. :tongue:

Maybe it could be used to change the topic... or you could completely change channel central into a bar at the top of each channel... who knows.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Well you cant script it, you would have to use a DLL. Probably something dodgy like Ktools, which is notoriously buggy (sorry kfreak). And a DLL can't be guaranteed to work in every future version of mIRC, anyway. It's a simple suggestion that would add to usablity for some people. I wouldnt like it, But it's khaled decision, and im sure he would give us the choice to disable it.

As for italics. I would like them. There is such a thing called Evolution. If mIRC encourages other clients to change and improve, great.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's simple. I emphasise points against those who argue with little to no reasoning behind their decision. Its not so much you have a different opinion, but that you have to keep arguing the same points over and over to try to stress how "right" you are. maybe if you argues valid, non-repeating points, I wouldn't rebutte as strongly.

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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Personally, I think it would just make sense to add an option to interpret CTRL+R (22) as italics instead of reverse, and have italics as default. That way it can mean either. theres no MAJOR difference in emphasis.

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