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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Wise? I think not.
I went to holiday to one of those states that seem to have no brains at all, and guess what time I woke up? 4am! Because the sun came up at that time! If they did implement daylight savings it would have been at least 5am. Argh, why can't people just accept change >_<
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Because change for change's sake is pointless? And daylight savings proves that.
A little history lesson: Daylight savings was not originally intended for recreation and was not originally in summer. It was brought in during the war years to allow people to find their way home from their employment at arms factories using the poorly lit streets we had at the time. It also allowed for extending the hours in which such factories could operate.
These days daylight savings only serves to benefit dole bludgers who fancy an extra hour at the beach.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I just went back to 6.03 and solved the whole problem. I'll wait until after the next few bug fixes before I jump in again and upgrade.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It would be more usefull if the people at mIRC would just fix the bug ASAP, instead of people who don't have the problem coming on here and saying there isn't a problem for them.
I'm over it - just fix the bloody thing!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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And if ppl who DONT have the problem dont say so, it makes any issue that much more complicated to track down dont you think? IMO, it helps to know who anything does and doesnt effect in order to narrow down potential source.
all went fine for me here in the US on win98SE, v6.12
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I`m from the UK and my mIRC works just fine for daylight savings.
I have Windows XP Pro (SE1) installed and have V6.03 and V6.12 of mIRC Installed - both have no problems whatsoever with the daylight saving time.
all my scripts work perfect without having to re-load them up again (which i read about somewhere else on this board)
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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daylight savings commenced for me in my state of Australia on the 5th October, and my computer made it's normal adjustment as I expected and so did mirc, just as it has all other years...... this was at 2am 5th October using version 6.03 ??? the probelm for me began on october 26th, which is when many other areas of the world adjusted their clocks, and that has never affected me and my computer before.....and I had upgraded to mirc 6.12 approx 24 hours earlier....... I have read where ppl have said to go alter other settings re daylight savings and BIOS etc, I use the computer, I do not feel I should have to go manually adjust MY computer for something that appears to be a problem within mirc, why did mirc have to change something that worked perfectly fine?? the program is used worldwide, so why must parts of the world now have to alter their computer settings to manually do something that can be and is programmed in ??
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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ParaBrat: I was referring to those who were implying there wasn't/isn't a problem at all - but whatever
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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it's clearly 6.12 that's the problem - previous versions don't do it
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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and yeah, we put our clocks forward one hour on the 5th, so why would we want then to go backwards on the 26th?? and what is going to happen when we put our clocks backwards in March??
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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well, of course since we're not in the US or UK, we are pretty low priority as ParaBrat and the likes have demonstrated!
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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yup, me as well, New Zealand... running XP, and with the new mIRC - only noticed it today, but i have been away for a few days... i need my logs correct, and i do get my systems time updated via server... help please
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Excuse me? Just how did i imply anyone was "low priority" based on where they live? By suggesting that those who are and arent effected say so, giving their location, OS and version "in order to narrow down potential source" of the problem is far from indicating any priority scale, denial, or lack of interest based on location or any other dang thing. If we dont know details of when something happens or doesnt happen, how do you expect anyone to figure out the what/why?
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Hi ParaBrat,
It seems that mIRC retrieves the time from the operating system. Whem it's daylight savings the operating systems adds an hour onto the time.
If mIRC does retrieve the normal standard time, then it isn't adding on the offset obtained by $daylight
Thats what I think anyhow.
Those who were on daylight savings time and had no problem going back to normal time, probably manually changed the time and does not have a daylight savings flag set in the operating system.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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oh dear - I just tried to find 6.03 or something earlier than 6.12 to download in the meantime until they fix the bug, and there's nothing earlier except 5.91
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I was always under the impression that it was to do with bringing in the harvest...and hence dated back much farther. I'm probably wrong, though  BTW, I have not had a problem either here (W98, 6.12) or at my Dad's (XP, 6.12) (changing BST->GMT). I wonder if there's something which is dependent on the $timezone, too - UK having $timezone = 0 doesn't get affected...wild suggestions; like someone else said - it must be something quite obvious. -- Sais
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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On W98SE work fine .. But i don't know why my Windows change the time in steptember .. Now in octomber it do nothing  Anyone have same problem ?
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Daylight Savings was first proposed in 1907 by William Willett, a British builder and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Willett observed during the summer months the sun rose well before people arose from their bed and set well before most people went to be in the evening. He proposed to transer some of the wasted daylight hours in the morning to the evening period with the proposed benefits of addition time for recreation, reduced crime and energy savings due to the reduced need for artifical light. The scheme was ridiculed and met with considerable opposition, particulary from farming interests, and attempts to introduce it were defeated until WW1. Now the only major inductrialised country in the world not to have introduced Daylight Savings is Japan. Daylight Savings was first introduced in Australia during WW1 under Commonwealth legislation which, due to wartime emergency, was binding on all the States. Today, QLD, WA and the NT are the only States in Australia not to adopt Daylight Savings.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I'm guessing that in six months when the northern hemisphere clocks go back one hour, they will have problems, assuming this bug isn't fixed by then.