lol, thank you. I knew how to do all of the docking :tongue: but thanks for trying to help anyway. No... my math was quite correct... if i didn't forget a single + sign :tongue:, it's always something

. i accidently had something like "iHeight = 'Something'" instead of "iHeight
+= ..." lol, but i've got all of that worked out, lol. just one last bug to work out (which i think i know whats up) and it'll be complete, a docking dll that allows 32 docked windows (not that anybody would need 32 :tongue:) a custom docked toolbar (that doesn't count as any of the 32), with some other new features, such as allowing you to have it dock the side windows first instead of the top windows, and allowing you to choose when the custom toolbar will be docked (before ALL windows [including the switchbar and toolbar], after toolbar/switchbar but before the other 32 possibly docked windows, or after ALL windows [including the 32 possibly docked ones]).
I suppose it's safe to let everyone know that this DLL is for a full script that Voice of Power, db2k, and myself are working on, called "Paragon" which will support all sorts of great new features. The dll that I am writing for it is to allow some of the features in our script to do things that haven't been done before, but theres also some stuff that has been done and I've added them for the following reasons:
1) Theres no sense in using a 40k dll for 2 functions.
2) Theres no sense in distributing 15 dlls with a script.
3) Theres no sense in
loading 15 dlls which will have have their own memory overhead, and possibly cause conflicts with eachother and with overridden window procedures.
4) Things have been done, but not the way i wanted them :tongue:
5) Looking at the code of others, i've noticed that nobody seems to focus on efficiency anymore.
Next, some features in the dll:
1) Replacing mIRCs menu bar with a custom one which supports Owner Drawn popups.
2) Docking multiple windows on any side (top left bottom right) including the other toolbar features mentioned earlier :tongue:
3) Basic icon/titlebar functions
4) Basic icon counting function
5) Common Dialog Color and Font Select Dialogs (I May add open and save stuff too)
6) A function to detect when a dialog control has lost focus
7) And i'm sure there'll be more
Finally, It will be released for public use shortly after our script has been released. There is currently no release date.
I had a question for you naru: could you point me toward the APIs I should look into for placing an icon in the system tray? By all means i don't want the code written for me, but if you can tell me where/how to start poking around so that i might learn that would be much appreciated. Thanks for the ExeScope thing too, I think i'll stick to depends.exe for now, but i'll keep ExeScope around in case i need some of the other features it offers, i just like the way depends displays dependency and import/export information a little better. Wow, this was a long post