ok i made this script idk if it works or not beacuse there is no splits at the server i am at that offten -

on *:quit: {
  if (*.future-irc.net isin $1) && (*.future-irc.net isin $2) && (%split. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null) { 
    set %split. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 1 
    timersplit $+ $2 1 10 
    unset %split. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
    inc %splits.future 1
    amsg 4(( 14Net Split 4))
    amsg 4(( 14( $+ $replace($reptok($2,$gettok($2,1,46), $+ $gettok($2,1,46) $+ ,46),.,.) 4)) 15<4--15> 4(( 14( $+  $+ $replace($reptok($1,$gettok($1,1,46), $+ $gettok($1,1,46) $+ ,46),.,.) $+ ) 4 ))
  elseif (. isin $1) && (. isin $2) && (%split. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null) { 
    set %split. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 1 
    timersplit $+ $2 1 10 
    unset %split. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
    amsg 4(( 14Net Split 4))
    amsg 4(( 14( $+ $replace($reptok($2,$gettok($2,1,46), $+ $gettok($2,1,46) $+ ,46),.,.) 4)) 15<4--15> 4(( 14( $+  $+ $replace($reptok($1,$gettok($1,1,46), $+ $gettok($1,1,46) $+ ,46),.,.) $+ ) 4 ))
    if (%splits. $+ $server != $null) {
      inc %splits. $+ $server 1
    elseif (%split. $+ $server == $null) {
      set %splits. $+ $server 1

the point to this script is if the server splits it records it if the server is not in %splits. <server name> and there will be a list it counts the splits and if it does not exist it will write a new var called %splits. <server name> will this script work

and im trying to figur out how so when some one types
it tells them a list of the servers that has had a net split on them and then they can type
!splits <server in the list>
and it will list how maney times the server has splited

i tried to make this as clear is i could sorry if it is a bit foggy. frown

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