I want to write join quotes for the regulars who come into my channel. I have all the quotes and all the code but it doesn't work right. It's probably totally wrong but can anyone help out? I'd appreciate it very much.
Here's what I have right now:
on 1*:JOIN:#kfc-cinema:{ if (($nick == Infecta)) { //msg $chan [13:11] <Infecta> I got expelled from 3 high schools [13:12] <Infecta> before being sent to a special boarding school in Englands equivilent of Idaho - Gloucestershire ! [13:12] <Infecta> so I drove a tractor through the local cricket pavillion [13:12] <Infecta> MWAHAHAHA ! } || (($nick == Jasse)) { //msg $chan "You will never own the Ren and Stimpy dvds! MUHAHAHA!" } || (($nick == yoshimi)) { //msg $chan [19:46] <yoshimi> Goodnight, chawbacon! } || (($nick == $me)) { //msg $chan 2D4EVER } || (($nick == Sanban)) { //msg $chan [21:10] <nabnaS> look, yoshimi i'm connected to 0 peers and 0 seeds, and it says I have 300 hours left } || (($nick == NeoSepharan)) { //msg $chan [23:03] <NeoSepharan> is it wrong that im talking to a 12 yo girl } || (($nick == TheArtofFighting)) { //msg $chan Another Gackt lover! GET HIM! } || (($nick == scar))
{ //msg $chan [14:36] <scar> you don't know how horrible the french accent is } || (($nick == sanjuro)) { //msg $chan [23:11] <Sanjuro> i'm like a cross between Vincent Vega and Frodo } || (($nick == Isak)) { //msg $chan [12:59] <Isak> try gay aware [12:59] <Isak> it will tell you gackt is a fag } || (($nick == eddyjackson)) { //msg $chan [22:58] * eddyjackson makes prodip crash one more time, just to show importance of upgrading } || (($nick == LMF-Prodip)) { //msg $chan [22:57] <LMF-Prodip> "Børk! Børk! Børk!" } || (($nick == nineballninja)) { //msg $chan [01:22] <nineballninja> my balls ache for it } }