just bo coincidence today I found out, that if you switched the nickname and alternate nickname in the options dialog, mIRC changes your nick at the active server...
although this might be usefull for n00bs, I would rather have these 2 nicks put in there, and kept the same at all time (I know, you can do it with scripts on START).
I hate it when I change my nick once (not using /qnick but just nick) it changes the settings of the options dialog, so if I get disconnect by an error (10053 in my case, which happends alot :-[) it takes that temp nick instead of the primairy nick I used to have at the dialog. even after opening the dialog en seeing that the 2 nicks are correct it still changes the nick at auto reconnect to the temp nick I had set a long time ago (like yesterday or something) instead of the nick what is in the primairy nick box...