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yakumo Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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I dont think this is quite the same as the previosul CTCP resume post as there is NO filename being displayed at all, hence missing parameter.

/debug -p @debug
gives :

-> irc.mircx.com privmsg XdccServerName :XDCC send #2
<- :XdccServerName!hidden@i.am.not.here.com NOTICE yakumo` :*** Sending you pack #2 ("knoppix_custom.tar"), which is 759MB (resume supported)
<- :XdccServerName!hidden@i.am.not.here.com PRIVMSG yakumo` :DCC SEND knoppix_custom.tar 2254884517 32774 795589778
-> irc.mircx.com PRIVMSG XdccServerName :DCC RESUME "" 32774 20122584
<- :XdccServerName!hidden@i.am.not.here.com PRIVMSG yakumo` :DCC ACCEPT "" 32774 20122584

script generated error msg :[15:58:00] ??? ¢ Invalid DCC from XdccServerName - Missing parameters (DCC ACCEPT "" 32774 20122584)

i've tried a totally clean install of mirc 6.1 /6.11 no scripts, same problem so it's mirc itself not my scripts, 6.03 = no problems at all, clean or with scripts. totally disabeling my firewall doesn't help fix the problem at all ,

any help greatly appreciated, i don't want to be stuck with 6.03 frown


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yakumo Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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ok, only time it doesn't seem to happen the file sender is also mirc (even 6.03 though i havn't tried friends using earlier versions). but it's actually fairly rare for file servers to use mirc..

403 views so far and no replies to my orriginal post, isn't anyone else at least having the same problem? i can't beleive it's just me as it happens with any totally fresh mirc6.1x install with everything at defaul I've tried..


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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from a quick look at this i think its your ends fault

-> irc.mircx.com PRIVMSG XdccServerName :DCC RESUME "" 32774 20122584

should read

-> irc.mircx.com PRIVMSG XdccServerName :DCC RESUME file.ext 32774 20122584

Why yours is doing that i have no idea, i just tried on mine and it works fine. admittly v6.12

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I've had the same problem in mIRC 6.12 resuming from a couple fserves (at least one of which was running Obsidian 0.9.2-pre1 on XChat).

Anyway I'm pretty new to mIRC scripting but wrote this small work-around last night. It's not perfect but I haven't encountered any problems with it yet.

To use this in mIRC, press Alt-R and copy the following block of code (between the lines of ===) into the Remote tab in the scripts editor.
Alternatively, download the script file from http://www.lethek.id.au/dccresumefix.mrc to your mIRC directory and type into your mIRC window: /load -rs dccresumefix.mrc

;I use quotation marks here since I don't know how spaces in filenames are handled or even if they're allowed by the protocol.
;Unless you know for sure that spaces cannot be used in the filename field of the message, I recommend you use this code.
ctcp *:DCC SEND:*: {
var %dccfilename = $ [ $+ 3- $+ [ $calc($0 - 3) ] ]
var %dccfullpath = $+(",$filename,")
if ($exists(%dccfullpath)) {
var %resumepos = $calc($file(%dccfullpath).size - 8192)
if (%resumepos < 0) { %resumepos = 0 }
.msg $nick DCC RESUME $+(",%dccfilename,") $ [ $+ [ $calc($0 - 1) ] ] %resumepos $+ 

;A shorter, faster version that doesn't bother about spaces. Untested- I don't know if it'll always work.
ctcp *:DCC SEND:*: {
if ($exists($filename)) {
var %resumepos = $calc($file($filename).size - 8192)
if (%resumepos < 0) { %resumepos = 0 }
.msg $nick DCC RESUME $3- $5 %resumepos $+ 

Raw debug logs using this script and resuming the download on a plain mIRC installation are as follows (with my address removed of course) -

DCC resume from mIRC 6.12 (sysreset 2.53) to mIRC 6.12 (plain):
<- :LethekServ!user@host NOTICE Lethek laughCC Send zx.cots.01.divx5.ogm (
<- :LethekServ!user@host PRIVMSG Lethek :DCC SEND zx.cots.01.divx5.ogm 3420017815 3287 238298721
-> irc.micrx.com PRIVMSG LethekServ :DCC RESUME "zx.cots.01.divx5.ogm" 3287 139976
-> irc.micrx.com PRIVMSG LethekServ :DCC RESUME "" 3287 139976
<- :LethekServ!user@host PRIVMSG Lethek :DCC ACCEPT "zx.cots.01.divx5.ogm" 3287 139976
<- :LethekServ!user@host PRIVMSG Lethek :DCC ACCEPT "zx.cots.01.divx5.ogm" 3287 139976

DCC resume from XChat 2.0.5 to mIRC 6.12 (plain):
<- :LethekServ!user@host PRIVMSG Lethek :DCC SEND zx.cots.01.divx5.ogm 3420017815 3530 238298721
-> irc.mircx.com PRIVMSG LethekServ :DCC RESUME "zx.cots.01.divx5.ogm" 3530 160984
-> irc.mircx.com PRIVMSG LethekServ :DCC RESUME "" 3530 160984
<- :LethekServ!user@host PRIVMSG Lethek :DCC ACCEPT zx.cots.01.divx5.ogm 3530 160984

I can't find a way to both stop mIRC sending it's own DCC RESUME message and to still receive the file. In any case there don't appear to be any adverse effects when the two DCC RESUME messages are sent, all clients I've tested with have no problems handling the two DCC RESUME messages.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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heres some help on your problem with spaces.
If the filename has spaces in it it well look like this

DCC SEND "file name with spaces.txt" <ip> <port> <filesize>

The reciever is ment to reply for resume with

DCC RESUME file.ext <port> <position>

the file.ext is exactly that " f i l e . e x t " this is what the mirc help says. So i guess its really only something mirc is doing, which would explain why mirc dont like "" it thinks thats no file at all.

From the Mirc help....
Note: The newer versions of mIRC actually ignore the filename as it is redundant since the port uniquely identifies the connection. However, to remain compatible with older mIRC's, mIRC still sends a filename as file.ext in both RESUME and ACCEPT.

I would try this out
ctcp *:DCC SEND *:*: {
  if ($exists($filename)) {
    ;below line can be removed if you like, i dont like resuming if i have the same amount of file or more
    if ($file($filename).size &gt;= $gettok($1-,-1,32)) { HALT }
    var %resumepos = $calc($file($filename).size - 8192)
    if (%resumepos &lt; 0) { var %resumepos = 0 }
    .msg $nick DCC RESUME file.ext $gettok($1-,-2,32) %resumepos $+ 

I believe as long as there is some filename in the resume it would work, but u may well be right that you need the correct filename when dealing with some other irc clients.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Thanks for your reply, I don't know how I missed that note on the help page :tongue:

I'll try your version out for a while and see how it goes. I think you may be right however, if other recent versions of mIRC were sending file.ext instead of the correct filename - I've never noticed dcc resumes failing on them in the past.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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OMG just to confuse the situation, now im getting DCC RESUMES "" <port> <position> being sent from my client, seems to be revolving around the name of the file being sent was only happening on RAR files for me, I did note tho that i didnt get any bad responce from them, the correct file was resumed to me.

Gets weirder and weirder.... Must be the sender who cant deal with "" as the filename maybe, and not mirc as I know it was mirc i was recieving from.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok after posting my last post back to you i went and checked the version.txt with mirc 6.12, it says since 6.11 dcc resume and dcc accept use the original file name instead of file.ext. So now im assuming that "" is a bug, that some other clientys they do a dcc resume or dcc accept to, dont like, but some just ignore.

Sorry for the incorrect info i sent you before.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Well, since changing the script to use file.ext instead of the original filename, I haven't had any problem resuming from fileservers that don't like the "" string.

Although there must be a reason why Kaled supposedly changed it in 6.11 & 6.12 to use the original filename - I assume there must be some other clients I haven't come across yet that won't work without a valid matching filename. So it's probably safest to stick with that.

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