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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Actually yea, if $isregistered were added to the help file, script authors would go out of their way to encorporate it into their scripts, and thusly check before they crack so they don't piss off legitimatly registered users. I don't even know why I have to spell much out, it's a topic I rather not have to discuss period. Yup because criminals (and script kiddies) are extremely worried about upsetting a legitimate mIRC user. If they wanted to do this, they could use the wscript snippet already pasted, yet they don't. They could also add a check directly into the cracking program, they could also set it so the cracking program doesn't have access to "modify" a registry key, only create one, etc., etc. Why don't they? Because they DON'T care. I bet $50 here and now that Khaled never adds it. I'm going to hold you to that. And I'll also add that if Khaled does add it, he can have $25 of the $50 you'll be paying to me.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well one trip to a site like mIRCx where one can download thousands of mIRC scripts which come with the .exe demonstrates one thing - you are completely wrong about your assumptions that scripts that come with mIRC do so only when they also come with a key or keygen or crack, etc. It's just a patently absurd suggestion and commensurate with your posting patterns of late which are becoming increasingly provocative and nit-picky. IE: You argue for the sake of doing-so, not because you have found some valid evidence to support the arguement.
I would suggest that at least 95% of all scripts that are released with the .exe DO NOT come with a crack to disable the nag screen. If you like I will run a survey on the top 50 scripts from that site to prove my point.
The only script I have seen ever that was cracked was a complete and thorough job. It looked quite nice too, whoever wrote it knew what they were doing because all popups, toolbar skins, scripts, etc were hard-coded into the .exe. Christ only knows how but it was. Shame that it also came with a massive backdoor. Of course this sort of thing is against the mIRC licence, though that in itself isn't an issue here.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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argue for the sake of doing-so, not because you have found some valid evidence to support the arguement. I can vouch for that. I have seen numerous times where Raccoon argues a point, and another poster shows the facts to prove him wrong.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I do not know which post lead you to believe that I suggested "most scripts that come with mirc.exe do so only when they come with a keygen...". I've never downloaded a script that contains mirc.exe, and I have never downloaded an mirc keygen, so I wouldn't know these things.
The only statement even remotely related to what you are talking about, was me saying that a script containing mirc.exe cannot be "automatically registered" without some external process or script actively doing this action. You can't just "download a registered copy".
As such, my arguement is that an $isregistered identifier would only assist with this in ways I've already mentioned above.
I'm amazed and saddened that you and codemastr both know so much about this.
- Raccoon
Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Amazed and saddened? Why? Knowing that mIRC is hackable does not mean we do it. Knowing that my car can be driven at 250km/h doesn't mean I do it either. Knowledge and (where applicable) skill is power and this world is dog-eat-dog. I've used IRC for around 5 years. It's a bit hard to do that and not come across all aspects of the chat programme that is by far the most popular of all.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm amazed and saddened that you and codemastr both know so much about this. I'm working on my degree in Computer Security, this is the kind of stuff I want to do for a living. Of course I know something about how to crack programs, I'm required to take a class about it! Why? Because if I know how others do it, I can learn how to prevent it from happening in programs I write. And yes, I've downloaded key generators, thousands of them probably, not to use for illegal purposes, but again, to figure out how they work (did they actually discover the algorithm, discover a flaw in the algorithm, managed to find a little work around, etc., etc.) Think of it this way, would you be "amazed and saddened" to know that the FBI, the CIA, etc. all are intimately familiar with terrorist tactics? Of course not. They don't have that information so that they can carry out attacks, they have it so they can PREVENT attacks.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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No, I am not aiming at you, codemastr.
But it isn't a good idea.
I know I am an unregistered user (yes yes i deserve to die) but only because I can't. I tried asking before whether Khaled accepts other currency but he only accepts USD, unfortunately. Paypal stopped supporting Singapore bank accounts a few years ago (as far as i know, now i don't know) and i don't have a credit card.
So incorporating it in your script is a bad idea. You will only encourage more users to crack mIRC before using your script, which is lame.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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not everyone will use that in their scripts, just to have the possibilty to use such an identifier
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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* LocutusofBorg has joined #HelpDesk
<user> LocustofBrog! Help me!
<LocutusofBorg> Ask a question first
<user> My script not working anymore. It says mirc not registered
<LocutusofBorg> Then goto www.mirc.com and register your mIRC as you are supposed to
<user> I cant my parents dont allow me
<LocutusofBorg> Then there's nothing you can do - get another script
<user> I want this one!
<LocutusofBorg> You can't
* user has quit (Locust is dumbass)
No thanx
DALnet #Helpdesk I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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LOL  Sad but true..
* cold edits his posts 24/7
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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<MadKooky> user: go working , earn money <user> no i won't <MadKooky> then write your own script
Sorry i can't see any problem when people want something they should pay for. We don't live in paradise where everything is for free
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Now you're giving an example of what wouldn't happen (atleast if you knew what this addon entails). You're suggesting that if someone finds a script that uses the $isregistered alias, and limits abilities of the script, that noone can use mirc anymore. That's not true. The alias would be geared towards scripts not "plain 'ol mirc". When you said there was nothing you can do in your example, you were entirly wrong. You could have told them that they can use the original mirc, that most likely doesnt have anything comparing the $isregistered, but just the introduction dialog.
All you're doing is creating ficticious dialog that would never happen because you dont want to see it being added.
I said it before, if you are al worried that this is going to lead to "more cracking" or less users on mirc--you're wrong. People that crack mirc, again, dont give two sh**s about wheter is was or wasn't already cracked before they apply a patch. They aren't going to "only crack it if it hasn't been already". Someone please give me an example where it would need to check first. The only time you have cracks (or majority) are:
A) You downloaded a script with the .exe included, and apon running it it installs the crack (note the exe was not previously yours, so you didn't "register" it.) B) You download it when you have your own version, haven't registered, and apply it to the mirc installation you have.
It's not like your going to register mirc, go out and download a patch, then apply it to your already-registered-version of mirc.
Secondly you all are suggesting that user counts using mirc will drop.. That's not true. The only thing that might "drop" are the amount of people using scripted mircs, not the original. The original would remain not having someone where in the scripts file the code "if (!$isRegistered) /echo You are not registered, you cannot use this program".
I've done typing for now, when I wake up mire i'm sure i'll have a rebuttle to what you all have to say about why it shouldn't be added..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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* codemastr has joined #HelpDesk
<user> codemastr! Help me!
<codemastr> Ask a question first
<user> mIRC 6.11 keeps flashing red and saying I need to register!
<codemastr> Then goto www.mirc.com and register your mIRC as you are supposed to
<user> I cant my parents dont allow me
<codemastr> Then there's nothing you can do - get another client
<user> I want this one!
<codemastr> You can't
* user has quit (codemastr is dumbass) Isn't that exactly the same situation? So by your logic, registration should be removed from mIRC because all it does is encourage people to crack mIRC.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I was talking about a script not mIRC. And the dialog I pasted isn't complete fiction - it's happened to me lots of times.
DALnet #Helpdesk I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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It depends on what you are trying to do. Are you trying to stop users from coming in a channel if they don't have a registered version of mIRC? because there are many other IRC clients. You could make it possible by forcing users to DL an AddOn that would reply to a special CTCP request that would send encrypted information, but I don't recomend it.
If you are, on the other hand, trying to check if mIRC is registered on the current computer, all you have to do is look at the registry settings (I would recomend a DLL rather than WScript) or you can even use a DLL to check if the "Register mIRC" menu option exists.
Anyway, just some thoughts.