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#52559 05/10/03 06:47 AM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Why is it that sometimes, $did(1,seltext) only works and sometimes $did(1).seltext only works? Why is this so?

AustNet #trenzterra and #w
Head Scripter @ http://trenzterra.uni.cc
#52560 05/10/03 10:11 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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give us a example of each situation?

and we might be able to find out?

//if ( khaled isgod ) echo yes | else echo no
#52561 06/10/03 07:54 AM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Can't give any example. $did(1).seltext works sometimes and sometimes $did(1,seltext) works. I am wondering about this inconsistency.

AustNet #trenzterra and #w
Head Scripter @ http://trenzterra.uni.cc
#52562 06/10/03 11:06 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I've never used or seen used $did(n,seltext). I couldn't get it to work in any situation when I gave it a quick test just now. If you were using it to test the selected text in an editbox then that parameter is invalid and so mIRC reads it simply as $did(n), which returns the full text of the editbox. Besides that I can't see any way where that identifier would even appear to do anything.

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#52563 07/10/03 05:29 AM
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Sometimes, $did(6).seltext works in some situations but $did(6,seltext) works in some situation, its very strange..

AustNet #trenzterra and #w
Head Scripter @ http://trenzterra.uni.cc
#52564 07/10/03 05:32 AM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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heres a sample dialog for u to check...

on *:dialog:cppp:close:*:{
if ($did(8,seltext) == $null) { set %bdisable o }
dialog cppp {
title "Control Panel"
size -1 -1 230 128
option dbu
tab "Tab 1", 1, -3 -14 245 148
text "Welcome to the Control Panel of TrenzTerra Tornado! Check out the links on the right side and you can adjust settings according to what you want. Have fun.", 5, 5 4 164 112, tab 1
tab "aj", 2
box "Web browser", 6, 1 1 176 34, tab 2
button "Browse", 7, 144 13 30 10, tab 2
edit %browser, 8, 3 13 141 10, tab 2 autohs
check "Use mIRC Default", 9, 57 25 53 9, tab 2
box "Warnings for opening URL:", 10, 1 39 176 33, tab 2
check "Any URL", 11, 4 49 50 10, tab 2
check "URLs that ends with extensions commonly used to spread viruses", 12, 4 60 171 10, tab 2
tab "Tab 3", 13
list 14, 2 3 50 50, tab 13 size
box "Information", 15, 53 1 124 40, tab 13
text "Server:", 16, 58 11 20 8, tab 13
edit "", 17, 78 10 97 10, tab 13 read autohs
check "", 18, 99 22 7 10, disable tab 13
text "All Servers", 19, 108 23 31 8, tab 13
button "Remove Channel", 20, 88 43 47 10, tab 13
box "Add a channel", 21, 2 55 175 69, tab 13
text "Channel: #", 22, 6 67 28 8, tab 13
edit "", 23, 34 66 140 10, tab 13 autohs
text "Server:", 24, 6 77 20 8, tab 13
edit "", 25, 27 76 146 10, tab 13 autohs
check "All Servers", 26, 72 88 37 10, tab 13
text "(seperate servers with space)", 27, 50 98 74 8, tab 13
button "Add Channel", 28, 70 110 41 10, tab 13
box "Navigation", 4, 178 1 52 123
list 3, 179 10 50 112, size
on *:dialog:cppp:sclick:9:{
if ($did(9).state == 1) { did -m cppp 8 | set %bdisable o }
else { did -n cppp 8 | set %bdisable b }
on *:dialog:cppp:sclick:11:{
if ($did(11).state == 1) { set %allurl on | did -b cppp 12 }
else { set %allurl off | did -e cppp 12 }
on *:dialog:cppp:sclick:12:{
if ($did(12).state == 1) { set %haurl on }
else { set %haurl off }
on *:dialog:cppp:sclick:7:{
set %browser $$file="Choose the internet browser:" $mircdir\*.*
did -ra cppp 8 %browser
if ($did(9).state == 1) { did -n cppp 8 | set %bdisable b | did -u cppp 8 }

on *:dialog:cppp:edit:8:{
set %browser $did(8,seltext)
on *:dialog:cppp:sclick:20:{
var %theid = $did(14).sel
rexecute $did(14).seltext
did -r cppp 14
var %aj = 1
while (%aj <= $lines(store\aj.txt)) {
if ($chr(60) != $left($read(store\aj.txt,%aj),1)) && ($chr(62) != $left($read(store\aj.txt,%aj),1)) {
did -a cppp 14 $read(store\aj.txt,%aj)
inc %aj
else { inc %aj }
if ($did(14,%theid).text != $null) { did -c cppp 14 %theid | dexecute $did(14,%theid).text }
elseif ($did(14, $calc(%theid - 1)).text != $null) { did -cf cppp 14 $calc(%theid - 1) | dexecute $did(14,$calc(%theid - 1)).text }
elseif ($did(14, 1).text != $null) { did -cf cppp 14 | dexecute $did(14,1).text }
else { did -r cppp 25 }
alias lexecute {

did -ra autoj 7 Update!
var %cj2 = $1-
var %cj = 1
while (%cj <= $lines(store\aj.txt)) {
if (%cj2 == $read(store\aj.txt,%cj)) {
if ($read(store\aj.txt,$calc(%cj + 2)) == >a) { did -c cppp 18 | did -m cppp 12 }
did -ra cppp 23 $right($read(store\aj.txt,%cj),$calc($len($read(store\aj.txt,%cj)) - 1))
did -ra cppp 25 $right($read(store\aj.txt,$calc(%cj + 1)),$calc($len($read(store\aj.txt,$calc(%cj + 1))) - 1))

else { inc %cj }
alias dexecute {
var %cj2 = $1-
var %cj = 1
while (%cj <= $lines(store\aj.txt)) {
if (%cj2 == $read(store\aj.txt,%cj)) {

did -ra cppp 17 $right($read(store\aj.txt,$calc(%cj + 1)),$calc($len($read(store\aj.txt,$calc(%cj + 1))) - 1))

if ($read(store\aj.txt,$calc(%cj + 2)) == >a) { did -c cppp 18 }
else { did -u cppp 18 }
else { inc %cj }
alias rexecute {
var %cj2 = $1-
var %cj = 1
while (%cj <= $lines(store\aj.txt)) {
if (%cj2 == $read(store\aj.txt,%cj)) {
write -dl [ $+ [ %cj ] ] store\aj.txt
write -dl [ $+ [ %cj ] ] store\aj.txt
write -dl [ $+ [ %cj ] ] store\aj.txt

else { inc %cj }
dialog browser {
title "Browser links"
size -1 -1 174 72
option dbu
box "Web Browser", 1, 0 2 173 33
edit %browser, 2, 2 10 144 10, autohs
button "Browse", 3, 146 10 24 10
check "Use mIRC Default", 4, 63 21 55 10
check "URLs that ends with extensions commonly used to spread viruses", 7, 2 58 167 10
check "Any URL", 6, 2 47 31 10
box "Warnings for opening URLs", 8, 0 35 173 37

on *:dialog:browser:edit:2:{
set %browser $did(2).seltext
on *:dialog:browser:sclick:3:{
set %browser $$file="Choose the internet browser:" $mircdir\*.*
did -ra browser 2 %browser
if ($did(4).state == 1) { did -n browser 2 | set %bdisable b | did -u browser 4 }
on *:dialog:browser:sclick:7:{
if ($did(7).state == 1) { set %haurl on }
else { set %haurl off }
on *:DIALOG:browser:sclick:6:{
if ($did(6).state == 1) { set %allurl on | did -b browser 7 }
else { set %allurl off | did -e browser 7 }

on *:dialog:browser:sclick:4:{
if ($did(4).state == 1) { did -m browser 2 | set %bdisable o }
else { did -n browser 2 | set %bdisable b }

on *:dialog:browser:init:*:{
if (%bdisable == o) { did -c browser 4 | did -m browser 2 }
if (%haurl == on) { did -c browser 7 }
if (%allurl == on) { did -c browser 6 | did -b browser 7 }

on *:dialog:cppp:sclick:28:{
var %theid = $did(14).sel

write store\aj.txt $chr(35) $+ $did(23,seltext)
write store\aj.txt < $+ $did(25,seltext)
if ($did(26).state == 1) { write store\aj.txt >a }
else { write store\aj.txt >b }
did -r cppp 14
var %aj = 1
while (%aj <= $lines(store\aj.txt)) {
if ($chr(60) != $left($read(store\aj.txt,%aj),1)) && ($chr(62) != $left($read(store\aj.txt,%aj),1)) {
did -a cppp 14 $read(store\aj.txt,%aj)
inc %aj
else { inc %aj }
if (%theid != $null) { did -fc cppp 14 %theid | dexecute $did(14).seltext }
elseif ($did(14).lines == 1) { did -cf cppp 14 1 | dexecute $did(14).seltext }

on *:dialog:cppp:init:0:{
if (%bdisable == o) { did -c cppp 9 | did -m cppp 8 }
if (%haurl == on) { did -c cppp 12 }
if (%allurl == on) { did -c cppp 11 | did -b cppp 12 }
did -az cppp 3 Welcome
did -az cppp 3 Browser Links
did -az cppp 3 Auto join
var %aj = 1
while (%aj <= $lines(store\aj.txt)) {
if ($chr(60) != $left($read(store\aj.txt,%aj),1)) && ($chr(62) != $left($read(store\aj.txt,%aj),1)) {
did -a cppp 14 $read(store\aj.txt,%aj)
inc %aj
else { inc %aj }
on *:dialog:cppp:sclick:14:{
dexecute $did(14).seltext
on *:dialog:cppp:sclick:3:{

if ($did(3).seltext == Auto join) {
did -fu cppp 13
did -f cppp 3
if ($did(3).seltext == Browser Links) {
did -fu cppp 2
did -f cppp 3
if ($did(3).seltext == Welcome) {
did -fu cppp 1
did -f cppp 3

AustNet #trenzterra and #w
Head Scripter @ http://trenzterra.uni.cc
#52565 07/10/03 10:20 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I didn't use the whole code since it had a lot of code that wasn't necessary to test, I just used the on close event and the dialog table definition. It worked in the way I described in my previous post, the $did(8,seltext) was treated as if it was just $did(8) (not a bug), then when I switched it to $did(8).seltext it worked correctly.

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#52566 07/10/03 11:07 AM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Strange, it didn't work for me. Anyone know why?

AustNet #trenzterra and #w
Head Scripter @ http://trenzterra.uni.cc
#52567 07/10/03 01:54 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hmm.. better just make sure you understand what the .seltext property is for: It is to return the text in a given ID which has been selected (highlighted).

dialog blah {
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 120 80
  edit "Hello", 1, 10 10 100 10
on *:dialog:blah:close:*:if ($did(1)) echo -a Text: $+(04,$ifmatch,,$chr(44)) Selected text: $+(12,$did(1).seltext)

If you just open the dialog with /dialog -m blah blah and then close it again it will simply return:
Text: Hello, Selected text:
Now open it again, select some of the text and close it and you'll get something like:
Text: Hello, Selected text: ell

If you change the $did(1).seltext in the code to $did(1,seltext) you'll see that both parts will always return the same value.

Your dialog code might not work, I didn't check through it for errors. But I can say that I'm confident that $did(n, seltext) will never behave like $did(n).seltext does and that $did(n).seltext will always return correctly for selected text.

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.

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