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rbhibbs Offline OP
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Ameglian cow
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I'm using version 6.03 and take advantage of the user list to easily identify visitors to my channel according to their roles. For example:

.auser -a 100 $nick 8

then I can discriminate among users by userlevel, either for identification as members of a certain class, or for granting rights to use remote bot commands.

This works well except for two problem area. Address mask form 8 includes nickname, e-mail address, and host name, but(1) users occasionally change their e-mail addresses, and (2) the host name changes if the domain changes, or if the ISP uses IP address instead of DNS name.

After a while, outdated entries clutter the users.ini file. Using /ruser hasn't been as successful as I hoped: the command

/ruser 100 $nick 8

will only remove the entry matching the current user mask, while

/ruser $nick -or- /ruser $nick !

won't match any entry in the users.ini file.

I've specifically chosen address mask form 8 to minimize false matches on visitors who might have the same ISP, especially since the help file entry for /ruser stated that the '$nick !' form would eliminate all entries.

Suggestions will gratefully be accepted on ways to script removal of outdated entries in users.ini.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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One way would be to add $ctime to the userlist entry line as "info"
.guser -a 100 $nick 8 $ctime

You could then update the info when the person joins the channel.
on *:join:#channel:{
.iuser $address($nick,8) $ctime

Then to flush old entries, check "if $calc($ctime - $ulist().info > X" (seconds), and ruser if it is

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rbhibbs Offline OP
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Ameglian cow
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that's an interesting idea, but it will only work if the address mask is unchanged, which unfortunately cannot be guaranteed as users change nicknames and ISPs.

The /ruser command seems to be intimately linked with the current value of the user's address -- I'm trying to find a way to match old, outdated entries in the users.ini file and have had no luck so far.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you use masktype 3 with /guser, there is only a fraction of users who will still have problems.
(type 3 = *!*identd@*.host.domain)
All the variable parts have been wildcarded. The only problem is when a ISP varies more than just one part of the mask, which is not common.

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rbhibbs Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Actually, several dial-up ISPs (notably in the UK) typically vary 2 or 3 parts of the domain name depending on the dial-up pool. Also, perhaps 20% of my users' report an IP address rather than domain name, a significant portion of them being dial-up, so two octets of the IP address typically are different with each iteration.

Nobody ever promised this would be easy.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm trying to find a way to match old, outdated entries in the users.ini file

Thats the point of /iuser and $ctime, it will update entries with $ctime, then you can loop through $ulist() and find old, outdated entries. Then you can create an alias to loop through the $ulist() entries, checking the times since last seen and now. You can either run the alias manually, or set it to execute on some event trigger, such as "on start/on connect/on me:*:join:" or so.

Here is an example. I used 604800 (1 week) for this but you can change that to whatever you like.
alias remoldusers {
  var %i = 1
  ; loop through list
  while $ulist(*,%i) {
    ; remove if the time since last seen is greater than 1 week
    if $calc($ctime - $ulist(*,%i).info) > 604800 { ruser $ulist(*,%i) }
    ; if the entry was NOT removed, increase the counter var
    else inc %i

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It looks like you're adding an unnecessary space before the exclamation mark, and that's why the command is ineffective. Try this:

//auser level nick!*1@*.2.3 | auser level nick!*4@*.5.6 | ruser nick!

You'll notice this time /ruser removes any entry beginning with 'nick!'.

Also I'd like to suggest an alternative authentication system that uses only 1 entry per user at all times, see a sample here.

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rbhibbs Offline OP
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I have a new grandchild arriving today or tonight, so I won't be able to give your suggestion a try with my users.ini file for a day or so, but thanks for the suggestions!

I already keep a file with join and leave times, indexed by nickname, and will look to that to be a first source of time information, although I do like your suggestion about /iuser and $ctime -- maybe that will turn out to be the best way to deal with outdated entries in users.ini.

I'll let you know what my test results are in a day or so.

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rbhibbs Offline OP
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Ameglian cow
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I've not had any luck with /ruser nick! <--no space

It had always returned an error when used in a script, but I gave it a try from the status window data entry box just now and it was successful.

Curious -- that probably implies an error in my script that I didn't see earlier. I'll do some more testing in a day or so -- can't get to it sooner because my daughter-in-law is probably giving birth this afternoon or evening and I'm going to be a bit distracted, as you can imagine!

Thanks for the input: once again it looks like what I thought was being sent to the command interpreter (at least in my script) is not quite what I thought it was.

Will let you know in a day or so.

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rbhibbs Offline OP
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Ameglian cow
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yep! there was an unprintable character in my script that got inserted between the nickname and the exclamation point so that the script fragment

/ruser $nick $+ !

actually produced

/ruser name.! <--where (".") represents the unprintable character

this form of the /ruser command does, indeed, work exactly as advertised.

Thanks to all who commented....

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