No I dont mean for it to go to the top of the 'list', just to the top of the 'window'.
It highlights the right line but appears at the bottom of the window.
There are say 500 lines in the file listed in the window, but only 10 lines show at any given time in the scrolled list window due to its size.
It refreshes so that highlighted line appears in the list window but the highlighted line appears at the 10th(bottom) 'list window line' after refresh rather than the 1st(top) 'list window line'.
I hope you follow that.

And on a second note, I didnt want to start a new thread unless I have to but,
when using:
/drawtext -hnrpboc @ <color> [color] [fontname fontsize] <x y [w h]> <text> and the font name is say 'times new roman' (spaces) as opposed to 'verdana' (no spaces) how do I write a fontname in the code that has spaces?
I get errors when using a font with spaces but no errors with fonts that have no spaces when trying to scroll the text across the window.
But I am a picture window newb so please help :tongue: