I'm running version 6.03 on Windows 2000.

I run a bot on one channel and a separate client for chatting.

I'd like to have just one copy of the mIRC.exe file (and other, common files) and differentiate between the uses by specifying root directory and ini file location in shortcuts, something like this:

Shortcut One Target: c:\mirc\mirc.exe -rc:\mirc\bot\ -i:c:\mirc\bot\mirc.ini
Shortcut One Start-in: c:\mirc\bot\

-- and --

Shortcut Two Target: c:\mirc\mirc.exe -rc:\mirc\client\ -ic:\mirc\client\mirc.ini
Shortcut Two Start-in: c:\mirc\client\

but that doesn't quite seem to do what I want. I have specific problems with the perform.ini file. Despite having a copy of the perform.ini file in both c:\mirc\client and c:\mirc\client\ini, mIRC cannot seem to find it. I then copied it to c:\mirc and still mIRC couldn't locate the file. Since perform.ini contains some necessary network initialization commands, this is a problem.

What am I not understanding? Any help would be appreciated.
