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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I must ask, why have Khaled changed so you cant rename mIRC.exe ? I running bots scripted in mIRC for 5 channels, and every channel needs there own bot, and i used to have them named as the clans i runned them for.. now if i change the name to klan1.exe then mirc wont start.. kinda anoying
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Ameglian cow
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Maybe cause someone could rename it to some other file that could be used to fool users and once mIRC starts, here come the scripts. Think about it, it was a good idea.
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Hoopy frood
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Sure that could happen, but shouldn't you be allowed to name the files on your own system? I mean it's not like you're doing anything wrong be renaming it, just do like I did, stick with 6.03 until 6.11 comes out (which based on reactions 6.1 has received, I assume will be very soon), and hopefully that will revert all these changes that are causing nothing except problems.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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all these changes that are causing nothing except problems. You really are a fatalist, aren't you? 6.1 is out about 3 hours and you’ve doomed it because it has a ‘star’ icon on a (mostly) closed menu and because you can’t rename the exe. Thanks for the laugh
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Hoopy frood
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agreed im going to be sticking with 6.03 myself ... i can more than live with any bugs it may have in it. ass for what im doing im having little to no issues. To be honest im more disapointed in seeing these changes made to 6.1. it hasnt addressed any real issues aside from several small bug fixes. Im even wondering if it even resolves the whole I CANT SEE THE OPTIONS DIALOG thing that gets reported. this new version doesnt even fully support xp themes . yet it adds mirc defualt color themes? that seems like a huge waste of time in my opinion to add that when there are several other things that could have been addressed.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Wow, if you're having this much of a heart attack over v6.1, I don't wanna know what happened to you with mIRC v6.0; that was quickly followed by a bug fix version (v6.01).
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Hoopy frood
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I stick to 6.03 too  bether to use a program that i can change the name on then use somthing that im not even allowed to do that on, but i liked the new look on the dialogs in 6.1 .. no arguing there
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you can just create a shortcut and rename the shortcut :tongue:.
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I hate shortcuts  i dont have any on my desktop or anywhere else if i dont need it.. so i wont make new ones for this.. i stay with 6.03 and waiting for 6.1.1 comming out, and i hope i can rename that one
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that has little or no relevence to the issue at hand... why create a shortcut to have added to a file to open a program when it should be able to rename it very easily. granted khaled makes mirc ... and it may deture some virus's but anyone of these virus creators can use an older version of mirc and be perfectlly able to do what they want. not allowing a rename seems kinda pointless in my opinion
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Hoopy frood
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There are gains from having the exe non-renameable, you've already acknowledged that. Now... what possible gains do you get by it being renameable? I can't think of any. The original poster's reason is beyond me.. why on Earth 5 exe's are required to run a script on 5 channels I have no idea.
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Hoopy frood
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I have fetures that makes mIRC connect to game servers and more to look for players/scores and more. and every channel having there own server they want to use it on.. and if i make one script for all channels, then the que would be huge, i only allow won serach nick/channel/server , and if the bot was on all channels, then the ppl wanted to use it had to wait a long time, "depending on services running" .. so thats the reason i use 5 mirc .. and have them in folders named as the channels, same with the *.exe file.. its just for me so i easyer can keep track of them.. and i cant see why somone make a program you cant rename the exe file in.. same as microsoft relesed a windows version there you was forced to have the icons they want on your desktop.. in start menu and so on.. if you removed them or changed there names, then windows wouldent work, sounds a bit stupid to me.. i cant see any reason to lock the exe file's name.. virus? ok, but they will be there anyway, and lock the name on a exe file wont stop them from spreed, so again i dont see any point..
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Hoopy frood
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It will stop some future trojans from being made. There are already several that use renamed versions of mIRC to pass on information and spread, if the file cannot be renamed then it makes it very easy for someone to find if they've been infected. They can just search for mirc.exe.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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I find it ingenius that mIRC can't be edited. I mean, edit the file, just change one byte to another character, then change it back, it won't work anymore. So I assume mIRC checks against the creation of the file itself somehow. When it was last modified.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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and what about the countless virus already written in the older mirc? i could see it if these versions were no longer available at all ... but they are .. so this doesnt fix a virus in the future .. just makes it so they wont be using a new mirc for it. as for benefits . your right there are none and for the original poster this is true there is no reason to have to name 5 exes for each different bot. but i personally like to change my own mirc.exe on my pc to the same name as my script ..... to me it just makes everything conform. and renaming the exe is not even addressed in any license agreement. so id have to say it cant be breaking it. maybe its just my taste .. then again everyone has thier own.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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There are two issues I see from my point of view.
One, I think we should be able to halt the version reply and have our own custom version reply sent out. For one thing, people already know about mIRC. If they don't their out of the loop.
Two, trojan makers are going to find out a way to bypass the rename block and changed file block. It's just going to make it a bit harder for the newbies to trojan making I assume.
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Hoopy frood
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and that would stop the viruses? they just find another way to infect the users computers.. if it was so easy to just lock the name on the files.. dont you think the rest of the world have done it by now? so i dont think that solving any problems regarding the viruses out there.. and if i look at the past and where i found most trojans and other small things, then it was files that ppl relesed for mirc.. not mirc it self, like host finder/e-mail spammers/nuke programs and other files.. and i never seen any trojan or virus trying to infect a computer with the name mIRC.exe .. and i dont think i ever will.. but i have seen viruses and trojanans that using mIRC to infet the users computer.. so still dont see why the "name" lock should help.. if my file is named bla.exe or mirc.exe whats the diffrence ? it still doing the same thing.. connecting me to a irc server.. thats the main reason ppl using the program, if "we" are so affraid of viruses and trojans, then why not unplug our computers from the net.. and not get files from CD's or any media.. then "we" are virus free, bether to just warn ppl about the viruses and how they are spreed true the net, not force ppl using a serten name, i know Khaled worked hard for the program, but if i cant rename a file on my computer that are a program installed after windows. then i wont use it.. not even windows make it impossible to rename there files.. the thing that will happen if you are stupid enuff to do it, that is that windows wont work.. "cant find the exe file if you rename it, and didnt edit many other files to tell windows u renamed it".. and i cant see the point in that? you even can rename ICQ.EXE and still get it to work, and i belive many viruses and trojans are infecting you true that program too.. still the author of that program dont like the idea of that it can happen.. and this will only make more ppl hack and edit the mIRC.exe source, cos i havent seen any script out there that had its own mIRC.exe named just mIRC.exe .. they renamed it to "script name.exe" .. so it wont take long befor you can dl a program that let you change the name to what you want.. you have many programs that allow you to change the version reply for an example.. and i dont think Khaled like that ether.. but as long as its a program ppl will go in and mess with the code..
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I must ask, why have Khaled changed so you cant rename mIRC.exe ? I running bots scripted in mIRC for 5 channels, and every channel needs there own bot, and i used to have them named as the clans i runned them for.. now if i change the name to klan1.exe then mirc wont start.. kinda anoying
Try: mirc1.exe mirc2.exe mirc3.exe . . .
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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as i said somwhere abow.. i name the exe files after the clan i running them for.. looks stupid with mIRCclanname ..
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Hey, this is a weird thought, but YOU'RE USING mIRC! Make your own IRC client if you don't want it there, just leave it alone and get over it!
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Hoopy frood
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I just todl what i didnt like with the new version.. without any suggestions and feed back, then we wouldent see any new versions...
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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There's a lot of negavitity concerning the new version. But all in all, it will work out. Khaled will be seeing what everyone is saying. He can do two things (hope this doesn't sound rude.) One, he can keep it the way he has it now, frustrating a minority/majority of people. Two, he can swallow his pride in certain changes, change it back to the way it was, and obviously keep the new changes everyone likes. As I said, I hope this doesn't sound rude to him. But this is my point of view, just an opinion, nothing more.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You're talking like it's a bad idea but you've listed several reasons why it's a good one... i never seen any trojan or virus trying to infect a computer with the name mIRC.exe Exactly, that's because they rename the file to make it look like an important system file that shouldn't be deleted. If it's called mIRC.exe then there's no chance of it being mistaken for anything other than mIRC, making it less likely to be used to help a virus/trojan proliferate. That's good for mIRC and everyone else. you even can rename ICQ.EXE and still get it to work, and i belive many viruses and trojans are infecting you true that program too The makers of ICQ have made it quite obvious that they don't give a damn what happens to their users or anyone else by the complete lack of security in ICQ as a whole. That's not really a reason to help make mIRC a tool for trojans is it? i havent seen any script out there that had its own mIRC.exe named just mIRC.exe .. they renamed it to "script name.exe" Including the exe with a script is illegal anyway.
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Hoopy frood
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well, if include the exe is illegal, then 80% of all scripts out there is illegal.. i belive Khaled is satisfyed that so many users feel that hes program are so great that they spending houers writing scripts for it.. and if they include the exe file with the rest of mirc's files.. then i dont see any wrong with it, they didnt edit the exe file.. "only renamed it" , and if they dont trying to make it look like they made the exe, then i belive Khaled gets the credit for the program, he still have the "About" button there.. so hes info is included.. about how to register and stuff, and i dont think you are as "good" as you trying to look in here..
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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if its easier just put them into folders with the channel names.. or make 5 shortcuts and rename those instead... basically the same idea
-Nick (Darko) -Admin irc.aussiechat.org -#Chatzone, #helpdesk
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Still, why do all that when i simply could rename the exe file..  it feels like im forced to make allot of shortcuts and stuff.. i miss the old exe file, thats all
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I agree with sparta.
nice replies :P
I do rename my mirc to like -=MOUSE=-.exe
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i dont care about renaming the .exe, doesnt change the program or your scripts :tongue:,also i always access mirc from my desktop so i just rename it there.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I dont.. thats the prob.. i dont want allot of icons on my desktop.. so i dont have any, even removed windows default icons.. looks much bether without
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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80% of scripts? I don't know what sites you use for scripts. I sure as hell don't want to if 80% of them include exe's, but I can say that no sites I have ever used involving IRC scripts allowed exes to be included.
I don't know what you think I'm trying to look as good as. If by being 'good' you mean I don't release or use scripts with exes and I don't make trojans that use mIRC as part of the payload then yes, I am as good as I'm *trying* to look.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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many ppl here saying that you arent allowed to do this and that, but then they siting and use programs cracked or what ever "walking against red light".. and i dont belive that mIRC is the only program that arent relesed together with small scripts/programs other made,and im shure of that you have done somthing you shoudlent do with mirc.exe somtime. you can get many programs that are based on another creators work, but i dont see anything wrong in give somone the mIRC.exe together with the files you want to be used with mIRC, if you give a "script" to a tolal noob, then you can be shure of spending many houers try to explain to them how to do when they want to use your files.. and one site often named here have almost every script on it with included mirc.exe .. hexed and non hexed files, so if you never downloaded a script with exe files, then i guess you have been downloading "addons" not a full script..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Again you're just giving more reasons why mIRC should protect people with integral checks and anti-renaming checks. If there are sites irresponsible enough to distribute scripts with 80% of them containing exes which could easily have been reshacked to do anything on the user's computer, and there are users stupid enough to download them, then by stopping mIRC from being renamed and being edited Khaled could well have prevented thousands of future trojans.
Oh and yes, I can honestly say I have never edited the mIRC exe in any way.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i think a "full script" could just distribute the scripts, then have 1 file to load all the other scripts,i know of about 6 sites that distribute .exe's.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if somone making him self the trubble to edit a exe file.. "more then just rename it", then i dont think that this will stop that person.. i give it 2 maybe 3 days befor somone found a way to edit it.. i dont want to edit inside the exe file, just be able to rename it..
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Stop it Sparta, what you want is not going to happen. Apart from that some other remarks; "if include the exe is illegal"... It is illegal. Period. Read the licence agreement you agreed to. "if they include the exe file with the rest of mirc's files.. then i dont see any wrong with it"... It is wrong. Period. Read the licence agreement you agreed to. "then i belive Khaled gets the credit "... That simply doesn't matter. Mamamia, I really dont want to give such childish replies, but you really have to think a little before you post something or react to other ppl's posting.
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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it wouldnt take much i think to some1 who uses *cought* softice *cought* remove the security check for icon/filename of mirc so it really pointless to have it in  if cracker should pubish the patch on inet.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I just found out that you only have to have mirc at the start of the filename to run it... ie: "Copy of mIRC.exe" doesn't run, where as: "mIRC Copy of.exe" does, you can also change the .exe extention to .scr or such, there's no check for that...
Also... I know people who are already working on removing the crc check...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Wow. You know people who are cracking mIRC. Well aren't you Überl33t. Take this pill. It's not cyanide, honest.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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get a life starbucks.... he was only saying that he knew of people... its not his fault exclusivly that he knows people.. i know people as well.. who cares...
-Nick (Darko) -Admin irc.aussiechat.org -#Chatzone, #helpdesk