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Joined: Feb 2003
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Ancyker Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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What i want to do is like on the mIRC toolbar, when you have the mouse over it i want it to appear up and flat when its down, i made the images, they both work, but i cant get them to change.

icon 12, 724 1 23 23, C:\Program Files\mIRC-NOSCRIPT\Files\Kernal\themex2.ico, 0, noborder

icon 12, 724 1 23 23, C:\Program Files\mIRC-NOSCRIPT\Files\Kernal\themex.ico, 0, noborder

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 397
well if your talking about a custom tool bar here is some stuff you might be able to work off of ;p
dialog toolbar {
  title "Example"
  size -1 -1 1000 18
  option dbu
  list 1, 1 2 1000 14, size

on *:dialog:toolbar:init:0:{
  dll dlls/mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version 
  dll dlls/mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname
  dll dlls/mdx.dll SetControlMDX $dname 1 ToolBar list arrows flat wrap nodivider > dlls/bars.mdx
  dll dlls/mdx.dll SetDialog $dname style
  dll dlls/mdx.dll SetBorderStyle 1
  did -i $dname 1 1 bmpsize 16 16
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon1.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon2.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon3.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon4.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon5.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon6.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon7.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon8.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon9.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon10.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon11.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon12.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon13.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon15.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon16.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon17.ico
  did -a $dname 1 +avc 1 $chr(9) Connect
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 2 $chr(9) Mirc Setup
  did -a $dname 1 +a 3 $chr(9) Tactical Setup
  did -a $dname 1 +a 4 $chr(9) Theme Setup
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 5 $chr(9) Address Book
  did -a $dname 1 +a 6 $chr(9) Channel Folder
  did -a $dname 1 +a 7 $chr(9) Channels List
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 8 $chr(9) MP3 Player
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 9 $chr(9) Away System
  did -a $dname 1 +a 10 $chr(9) Veiw Logs
  did -a $dname 1 +a 11 $chr(9) Custom Apps
  did -a $dname 1 +a 12 $chr(9) F Keys
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 13 $chr(9) Black List
  did -a $dname 1 +a 14 $chr(9) Buddy List
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 15 $chr(9) Cascade Windows
  did -a $dname 1 +a 16 $chr(9) Mirc Help
  did -a $dname 1 +a 17 $chr(9) Tactical Help
  dll dlls/ktools.dll DockToolbar $dialog($dname).hwnd
on *:dialog:toolbar:sclick:1:{
  var %toolbar $did($dname,1).sel
  if (%toolbar == 2) { /toolconnect }
  elseif (%toolbar == 5) { echo Mirc Setup }
  elseif (%toolbar == 4) { echo Tactical Setup }
  elseif (%toolbar == 5) { echo Theme Setup }
  elseif (%toolbar == 6) { echo Address book }
  elseif (%toolbar == 7) { echo Channels Folder }
  elseif (%toolbar == 9) { echo Channel List }
  elseif (%toolbar == 10) { echo Mp3 Player }
  elseif (%toolbar == 11) { echo Away System }
  elseif (%toolbar == 12) { echo View Logs }
  elseif (%toolbar == 11) { echo Custom Apps }
  elseif (%toolbar == 12) { echo F Keys }
  elseif (%toolbar == 13) { echo Black List }
  elseif (%toolbar == 14) { echo Buddy List }
  elseif (%toolbar == 15) { echo Cascade Windows }
  elseif (%toolbar == 16) { echo Mirc Help }
  elseif (%toolbar == 17) { echo Tactical Help }

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Ancyker Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 397
lol dont worry i was too when i did this it was kinda hard here let me explain it a bit more for yea ;p

dialog toolbar {
  title "Example"
  size -1 -1 1000 18
  option dbu
  list 1, 1 2 1000 14, size

on *:dialog:toolbar:init:0:{
  ;ok right here is were the MDX dlls are ativated need to dl em goto the bottom and click on the links
  dll dlls/mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version 
  dll dlls/mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname
  dll dlls/mdx.dll SetControlMDX $dname 1 ToolBar list arrows flat wrap nodivider > dlls/bars.mdx
  dll dlls/mdx.dll SetDialog $dname style
  dll dlls/mdx.dll SetBorderStyle 1
  ;ok now right here is were it sets the icons fairly simple ;p
  did -i $dname 1 1 bmpsize 16 16
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon1.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon2.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon3.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon4.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon5.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon6.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon7.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon8.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon9.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon10.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon11.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon12.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon13.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon15.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon16.ico
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $mircdiricons/icon17.ico
  ;ok now this is the fun part you get to set tool tabs!
  did -a $dname 1 +avc 1 $chr(9) Connect
  ;this little guy is to make a line break between icons
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 2 $chr(9) Mirc Setup
  did -a $dname 1 +a 3 $chr(9) Tactical Setup
  did -a $dname 1 +a 4 $chr(9) Theme Setup
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 5 $chr(9) Address Book
  did -a $dname 1 +a 6 $chr(9) Channel Folder
  did -a $dname 1 +a 7 $chr(9) Channels List
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 8 $chr(9) MP3 Player
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 9 $chr(9) Away System
  did -a $dname 1 +a 10 $chr(9) Veiw Logs
  did -a $dname 1 +a 11 $chr(9) Custom Apps
  did -a $dname 1 +a 12 $chr(9) F Keys
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 13 $chr(9) Black List
  did -a $dname 1 +a 14 $chr(9) Buddy List
  did -a $dname 1 -
  did -a $dname 1 +a 15 $chr(9) Cascade Windows
  did -a $dname 1 +a 16 $chr(9) Mirc Help
  did -a $dname 1 +a 17 $chr(9) Tactical Help
  ;ok now right here is were it makes the dialog file dock over the current toolbar so its not seen
  dll dlls/ktools.dll DockToolbar $dialog($dname).hwnd
on *:dialog:toolbar:sclick:1:{
  ;this creats the part that makes the commands
  var %toolbar $did($dname,1).sel
  ;more fun ok "if (%toolbar == 2)" that is just the icons dialog # the #2 at least
  if (%toolbar == 2) { /toolconnect }
  elseif (%toolbar == 5) { echo Mirc Setup }
  elseif (%toolbar == 4) { echo Tactical Setup }
  elseif (%toolbar == 5) { echo Theme Setup }
  elseif (%toolbar == 6) { echo Address book }
  elseif (%toolbar == 7) { echo Channels Folder }
  elseif (%toolbar == 9) { echo Channel List }
  elseif (%toolbar == 10) { echo Mp3 Player }
  elseif (%toolbar == 11) { echo Away System }
  elseif (%toolbar == 12) { echo View Logs }
  elseif (%toolbar == 11) { echo Custom Apps }
  elseif (%toolbar == 12) { echo F Keys }
  elseif (%toolbar == 13) { echo Black List }
  elseif (%toolbar == 14) { echo Buddy List }
  elseif (%toolbar == 15) { echo Cascade Windows }
  elseif (%toolbar == 16) { echo Mirc Help }
  elseif (%toolbar == 17) { echo Tactical Help }
;opens the dialog file
alias /menu { dialog -m toolbar toolbar }

just find the dlls at mircscripts.org and search google for ktools.dll and you should find it

umm i hope i made it a bit easyer i am kinda bad at explaining things to ppl srry if u dont understand

Need amazing web design for low price: http://www.matrixn3t.net
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Ancyker Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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I'm creating an additonal toolbar...not replacing the old one...

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 3,012
This should be what you're looking for:

alias icon { return $mircdir\img\icon\ $+ $$1 }
dialog ico {
  title "Hover Icon"
  size -1 -1 75 20
  option dbu
  icon 1, 1 1 17 18, $icon(Icon_1.ico), 0
  button "Close", 2, 25 1 50 18, cancel
on 1:DIALOG:ico:MOUSE:*: {
  ; Un comment me to find out where locations on your dialog are (used to reference
  ; where the mouse should be when the icon is to change)
  ; /echo -s Mouse: $mouse.x $mouse.y
  if (($mouse.x isnum 2-35) && ($mouse.y isnum 2-35))  {
    if ($did(1) != $icon(Icon_2.ico)) /did -g $dname 1 $icon(Icon_2.ico)
  else {
    if ($did(1) != $icon(Icon_1.ico)) /did -g $dname 1 $icon(Icon_1.ico)


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