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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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hi you should add a feature to use classes classes should be build up in this way
class foobar {
; var %all.vars.used.in.this.class
; in this example %var
var %var
alias myfunction {
return $this->%var
alias setvar {
set $this->%var $1-
class barfoo extends foobar {
alias increasevar {
inc $this->var
usage of a class create $foo new foobar $foo->setvar foobar echo -a $foo->%var would echo foobar then that feature would be a realy strong element in mirc scripting , ie you could create a object for each channel when u try to create a custom switchbar over all it would be REALY usefull sry for my crappy english greetz
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'd love to see OOP added to mIRC, however I don't think it will ever happen. Khaled seems reluctant to add even minor language enhancements. I have no idea how many times for() was suggested, yet it's still not in mIRC, and now switch() is being suggested a lot too, yet it hasn't been added, it wasn't until recently that Khaled even made it sound like he would consider adding switch(). So basically, I'd love to see it added, and I'd fully support having it added, I just wouldn't get my hopes up.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I don't think OOP really belongs in an IRC scripting language.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why not? Because it makes writing scripts 5000000x easier? Imagine this (Javaish):
import mirc.floodkicker;
class NickFloodKicker extends FloodKicker implements OnNick {
public NickFloodKicker(%channel) {
;Set this to monitor on %channel
;Set a flood as 5 in 60 seconds
public OnNickChange(%oldnick, %newnick) {
;On nick change, increase the flood count
if (%oldnick ison $this->%channel) {
;Increase the number of actions for this user
;Change the name of the counter, so that it is now called %newnick so it can still be monitored
/new $NickFloodLimit(#test) And that would be all you'd have to write to make a nick flood kicker. The FloodLimit class, which would either be internal, or written by someone else for reusability, would handle everything else, the testing if it 5 in 60 seconds, resetting the counter, kicking the user, etc. All you have to do is tell it to monitor the channel, and to increase the number of recorded actions by that user. You are going to tell me that doing it like that is not useful? Imagine how many other dozens of taks would be simplified. Another example would be an MP3 player, all the basic stuff, playlists, play/pause/etc. would be in an MP3 class, then when you create an MP3 player, you just have to add to the prebuilt playlist and create a GUI. It would simplify virtually EVERY script task I can think of. Think of the current nick flood scripts, are you going to tell me you could, using mIRC's current scripting system, create a nick flood kicker as easily as I just did?
Last edited by codemastr; 27/08/03 08:04 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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hm i think your way is a bit to object orientated and imo to complex for mirc scripting lang
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm pretty sure in the last switch thread Khaled said a switch statement was on his to-do list, so I don't think it's a case of not wanting to develop the language. More likely it's down to prioritising the planned additions and deciding that 'code style' changes like switch and for statements aren't necessities. The fact that it's been a year since the last release suggests that some big changes have been made - hell, maybe the next mIRC release has already got OOP by the bucketload. Maybe.
If objects are added to mIRC scripting I just hope they don't use the PHP style demonstrated in the original suggestion. IMO the -> style is ugly.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The -> style is certainly NOT a PHP invention, it is a C feature, it means "access a member and dereference the pointer", I just used -> as an example, . could just as easily be used. However, I thought . was a bad idea since that is already how mIRC uses properties. Is $someclass(blah).%count saying access the member of someclass called blah with member %count or is it saying $prop = %count? -> solves this ambiguity.
And you are right, Khaled did say switch() is on his to-do list, however he also implied that it is very low on his list.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I kinda wish Khaled had a base class (mircEvents, or some facsimile) that we could program and inherit the class and "Script" in c. Use a call like /loaddll <dllname> <class> that would make use of the class, and give the ability to overload functions like onChannelText or onChannelAction
class mircEventsClass: myPersonalClass {
private override void onChannelText(char *chan, char *nick, char *msg) {
private override void onQueryText(char *nick, char *msg) {
//more blah
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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yea that would be a realy nice feature for theming engines or faster bots ( i know only a few ms faster )
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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This would complete reinvent the wheel of mIRC scripting. Is it really that required? I wouldn't think so. Just write your stuff in DLL files and call to it that way?
After re-reading the code, I do like the idea of having such an event that could change a variable or whatever to monitor a diffferent one in real time w/o re-initializing the entire event over again. That could be useful, otherwise I don't see the point to any of the other stuff.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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If you think about it; you'll notice there are quite a few advantages of OOP. Sure it has its shortcomings, but far far often they are more than compensated for.
What I'd like to see first is a 'psuedo class' which merely defines its own varibles and aliases as local - no nasty constructors, destructors etc. Sure a script file does it at the moment with alias -l, and also a little with groups. Perhaps it could do a little more :P
Then, when no one is looking, perhaps we can slip in method overriding...
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I know that this is an old topic BUT I'd just donate my two cents here and I hope Khaled will not make it Java-style if ever he adds classes. It just sucks; all the extends, implements.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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whats not to like about extend ? With php i have a general database class and 90% of my other classes extend that database class so i dont have to initiate a new database class inside that class whenever i need to do something with the database. I hardly ever use Interfaces and therefor "implements" since i just can't be bothered though i can see a use for it with publicly available code. Interfaces would be alot of overkill for mIRCscripts. "extend" would definitely rock imo since you'll have code inheritance. Eventhough i love Javascript OOP for its obscurity and fun to play with atleast Java atleasts seems to implement a general class driven syntax. Some cool idea's in this thread though thanks for digging it back up!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I like the idea in part, but due to mIRC's syntax I wouldn't implement inheritance, polymorphism, instances, exceptions, or assertions; only static classes, constants, and encapsulation. Trying to change a constant should be quitely ignored. I think this is a more mIRC-ish way of doing classes...
; access modifier ( -c = constant, -P = public, -p = private )
class TextFormatter {
; Private class variables
var -cp %Logo ~Logo~
; Public class methods
alias -P Echo { echo -a $1 }
alias -P Logo { return %Logo }
alias useClass {
TextFormatter.Echo $TextFormatter.Logo
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The idea of private and public seems unnecessary for mIRC scripting. For a language that has always tried to be easy to pick up the use of private/public seems counter-productive. Same too for constants - there'll clearly be no performance benefit to them so there's no need to limit the scripters ability. For both public/private variables and constants If the scripter knows what they're doing then there's no reason not to allow them access to change any variable, and if they don't know what they're doing they either shouldn't be doing it or should be ready to see things break in the name of learning. If classes are just going to be static then it seems you might aswell use the existing ability to use periods in aliases and stick to a class.method naming convention. Trying to change a constant should be quitely ignored. If something fails it should raise an error. Trying to sweep errors under the carpet just encourages bugs.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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You're demonstrating something more like a namespace. There is no point in making classes if they're not instanced.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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also, I know of more then 1 person who use . in their alias names... so it would break quite a few scripts
If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I'd suggest using ->, since most programming languages use it =)
class classname {
init {
private var %x = $1
public alias test {
return $calc(%x - $1)
alias useclass {
var @x = $classname(1234), @y = $classname(4321)
echo -a @x->test(4) - @y->test(1)
set @f $classname(123)
.timer 1 5 ehco -a @!f->test $eval(|,1) unset @f
[0] 1230 - 4320
[1] 123
(number enclosed in []s is a timestamp, from the start of /useclass.)
There are many different ways of doing it, but i'm certain this wouldn't be the best way to make then =)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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actually most programming languages I know use .
only C uses -> for pointers and PHP (scripting language) uses ->
If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Ah, my bad. Been a while since I did C++, and I've been using PHP over the past few months
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