i made this my self sorry if its a noob command coz i am a noob at scripting

and proud of it :tongue:
on 1:INPUT:*: {
if ( $1- == np ) { msg $active .:!!No Problem!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == ty ) { msg $active .:!!Thank You!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == g2g ) { msg $active .:!!Got To Go!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == fu ) { msg $active .:!![censored] You!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == ds ) { msg $active .:!!Ѐåd|¥-§îñ!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == lol ) { msg $active .:!!Laughing Out Loud!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == brb ) { msg $active .:!!Be Right Back!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == bbl ) { msg $active .:!!Be Back Later!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == bbiab ) { msg $active .:!!Be Back In A Bit!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == l8r ) { msg $active .:!!Later!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == rofl ) { msg $active .:!!Rolling On Floor Laughing!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == roflmao ) { msg $active .:!!Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == pff ) { msg $active .:!!Pffffffff!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == lo ) { msg $active .:!!Lo!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == hi ) { msg $active .:!!Hi!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == hey ) { msg $active .:!!Hey!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == sup ) { msg $active .:!!Sup!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == hmm ) { msg $active .:!!Hmmmmmmmm!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == omg ) { msg $active .:!!Oh My God!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == nvm ) { msg $active .:!!Never Mind!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == nm ) { msg $active .:!!Nuttin Much!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == gg ) { msg $active .:!!Good Game!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == jok ) { msg $active .:!!Joking!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == jj ) { msg $active .:!!Just Joking!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == jk ) { msg $active .:!!Just Kidding!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == hehe ) { msg $active .:!!HeHe!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == haha ) { msg $active .:!!HaHa!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == cya ) { msg $active .:!!Cya!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == ? ) { msg $active .:!!????!!:. | halt }
elseif ( $1- == fgi ) { msg $active .:!!Forget It!!:. | halt }
wot the problem is, is that when i say 1 of em like lol i wont show laugh out loud can u help me plz
Edited out the "offensive" lines.