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#4429 01/01/03 11:06 PM
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 2
I can't get files from people and i try to use /dcc allow but it always tells me I have invalid parameters and I think I'm doing it what could be wrong?

#4430 01/01/03 11:14 PM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,138
"/dcc allow" isn't a valid command, which is why it says invalid parameters.

For someone to help you with you DCC problems information like your OS, the exact error you are getting, connection and router(if any) would be helpful.

#4431 01/01/03 11:54 PM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 27
The correct command is
/dccallow <nick>
though wink

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#4432 02/01/03 02:21 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
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Actually, it's:

/dccallow +nickname
/dccallow -nickname

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it
#4433 02/01/03 04:33 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,321
I like mIRC-style aliases because it's easier for me to remember flags that way. Here is what I use:
alias dccallow {
  if (!$1) echo $color(info) -eati2 * /DCCALLOW [-r] &lt; list $chr(124) help $chr(124) ? $chr(124) nick [nick [nick [nick [nick]]]] &gt;
  elseif ($1 = list) .raw DCCALLOW list
  elseif (($1 == ?) || ($1 == help)) .raw DCCALLOW help
  elseif ($$1 == -r) .raw DCCALLOW $+(-,$replace($2-,$chr(32),$+($chr(44),$chr(45))))
  else .raw DCCALLOW $+(+,$replace($1-,$chr(32),$+($chr(44),$chr(43))))
raw 617:*: echo $color(whois) -ati2 * $2- | halt
raw 618:*: echo $color(whois) -ati2 $2- | halt
raw 619:*: echo $color(whois) -ati2 End of /DCCALLOW list. | linesep -a | halt
raw 620:*:{
  if ($2- == The following users are on your dcc allow list:) linesep -a
  echo $iif(*is not in* iswm $2-,$color(ctcp),$color(whois)) -ati2 $2-

Here's how you use it (and what you see).
  • /dccallow ParaBrat
    [color:black]* ParaBrat has been added to your DCC allow list

    /dccallow -r ParaBrat
    * ParaBrat has been removed from your DCC allow list
    /dccallow ParaBrat Cobra^ Pasmal
    * ParaBrat has been added to your DCC allow list
    * Cobra^ has been added to your DCC allow list
    * Pasmal has been added to your DCC allow list

    /dccallow list
    The following users are on your dcc allow list:
    Pasmal (Pasmal@pasmal.net)
    Cobra^ (Cobra^@cobra.net)
    ParaBrat (ParaBrat@parabrat.net)
    End of /DCCALLOW list.

    /dccallow -r Cobra^ Pasmal
    * Cobra^ has been removed from your DCC allow list
    * Pasmal has been removed from your DCC allow list

    /dccallow help (gives you the help directly from the server)
    /dccallow ? (gives you the help directly from the server)
    /DCCALLOW [<+|->nick[,<+|->nick, ...]]
    • [help]
      You may allow DCCs of filetypes which are otherwise blocked by the IRC server
      by specifying a DCC allow for the user you want to recieve files from.
      For instance, to allow the user bob to send you file.exe, you would type:
      /dccallow +bob
      and bob would then be able to send you files. bob will have to resend the file
      if the server gave him an error message before you added him to your allow list.
      /dccallow -bob
      Will do the exact opposite, removing him from your dcc allow list.
      /dccallow list
      Will list the users currently on your dcc allow list.
      End of /DCCALLOW list.
      * /DCCALLOW [-r] < list | help | ? | nick [nick [nick [nick [nick]]]] >
  • I hope you find this idea as useful as I do. cool

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