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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Could someone help me with this simple script? I know it is probably a simple thing, but I'm still very much just learning, and would appreciate you help.
I'm trying to make a script that will work like this: 1. shy_and_quiet: pray for judy guardian guardian: this is a prayer for judy
2. shy_and_quiet: pray for sue guardian guardian: this is a prayer for sue
3. shy_and_quiet: will you pray for beth guardian guardian: this is a prayer for beth
I hope you get what I mean. Here is the script that I have tried:
on 1:TEXT:*pray for* *guardian*:#Free_Women:{ msg $chan this is prayer for $3 }
That doesn't work quite right, and I know that it is flawed...but I don't know how to fix it and make it work right.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Basically, I want it to catch the name being ask to be prayed for, and have it return that name in the prayer.
Thank you!
I'm a Scripting Newbie, please forgive my questions, and have patience with me. Thanks!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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The only problem I could think of with your code would be the ...EXT:*pray for* *guardian*:#Free... should be *pray for*guardian* not sure thought... so your code should be on 1:TEXT:*pray for*guardian*:#Free_Women:{ msg $chan this is prayer for $3 } But if I scripted this for myself I would use... on *:TEXT:*:#Free_Women:{ if (pray == $1 && for == $2 && guardian == $4) { msg # This prayer is for $3 $+ . } } of course there million other ways of scripting it such as on *:TEXT:*:#Free_Women:{ if (pray == $1) && (for == $2) && (guardian == $4) { msg # This prayer is for $3 $+ . } } or many others 
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Thank you FunChatter
I have put in the script that you wrote, and it works well for "pray for judy guardian" and gives the right response. But if I write "can you pray for judy guardian" it gives no response. Do you know why that might be, or what I can do to get it to respond properly if it is asked that way?
I'm a Scripting Newbie, please forgive my questions, and have patience with me. Thanks!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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We could add if (pray for isin $1-) but then we would have no way of knowning if the nick is $3 $4... or $N... We could add a line for can you pray for x guardian though... on *:TEXT:*:#Free_Women:{
if (pray == $1 && for == $2 && guardian == $4) { msg # This prayer is for $3 $+ . }
if (can == $1 && you == $2 && pray == $3 && for == $4 && guardian == $6) { msg # This prayer is for $4 $+ . }
} so now we got a line witch detected *pray for x guardian* and one who detects *can you pray for x guardian*
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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*smiles* Thank you FunChatter!!
In the second line of script though, should the very last variable be { msg # This prayer is for $5 $+ . } ? 5 instead of $4?
So, I should write an If line for each way that I think they might ask? Like one for just "pray for x guardian" and one for "can you pray for x guardian" and another for "will you pray for x guardian"?
*smiles* I'm excited to have learned how to do something new!! hehehe!!
btw - i understand everything in that code, except what $+ means at the very end of each response line. What is $+ ?
I'm a Scripting Newbie, please forgive my questions, and have patience with me. Thanks!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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You are right, the $4 was a typical mistake, $5 is the correct one... In identifyers and generaly you can't just stick up $nick and a dot coz it will apear as a $nick. identifyer witch dosn't exit... same for $5 $4 $3... $whatever so you need to use $+ to stick up an identifyer with something else  Here is what the mIRC help file says: /silly /say Hel $+ lo th $+ ere $+ !
Parameters are normally separated by a space. To make mIRC combine parameters you can use the $+ identifier. The above line will say Hello there!.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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YIPEEE!! It Works great!! Thank you so much!! Now I have a working script for that, AND I have learned a little more about scripting!!
Despite all the questions I've been asking over the past few days, I really am learning. There is just so much to learn, that it is coming slowly but surely!!
Thank you FunChatter for your patience with my questions, and for teaching me a little bit more about scripting. VERY much appreciated!!
I'm a Scripting Newbie, please forgive my questions, and have patience with me. Thanks!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:TEXT:*pray for & guardian:#:{
.msg $Nick Ok! Picture me praying for $gettok($1-, -2, 32) $+ .
} < +YourNick> Ok, like can you like PLEASE pray for Hammer guardian <[color:600080] @Guardian[/color]> Ok! Picture me praying for Hammer.
on *:TEXT:*pray for * guardian*:#:{
if $regex($1-, /pray for (.+) guardian/i) {
.msg $chan Ok! picture me praying for $regml(1) $+ .
} < +YourNick> Oh no! Mom just called. Can you please pray for Hammer, ParaBrat and d00dman Guardian?? I'd really appreciate it. < @Guardian> Ok! Picture me praying for Hammer, ParaBrat and d00dman.
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C