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Joined: Aug 2003
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 27
I've downloaded a script that is supposed to tell the last words that a user said...but it only seems to work if the user is still in the channel. I want it to still say thier last words, even if they have left. I can't seem to figure out how to edit the script to still tell the last words of someone not in the channel any more. Can someone help me with that?

Here is the script:

alias F6 {
dialog -ma end.LS.config end.LS.config

alias end.LS.config {
dialog -ma end.LS.config end.LS.config

on *:start: {
set %end.LS.Fkey $gettok($read($scriptdir $+ end.lastspoke.mrc,1),2,32)
if (%end.LS.scriptOFF == $null) { set %end.LS.scriptOFF 0 }
if (%end.LS.trigOFF == $null) { set %end.LS.trigOFF 0 }
if (%end.LS.trigger == $null) { set %end.LS.trigger !end.lastspoke }
if (%end.LL.trigger == $null) { set %end.LL.trigger !end.lastline }
echo -a 8*4*12* end.lastspoke v1.0 was succesfully loaded
echo -a 8*4*12* to config (change triggers etc) press %end.LS.Fkey
echo -a 8*4*12* if you already have %end.LS.Fkey assgined in another script, type /end.LS.config

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if (%end.LS.scriptOFF == 1) { halt }
if ($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($nick,1)) != $null) { write -dl $+ $readn lastspoke.txt }
write lastspoke.txt $network $+ . $+ $address($nick,1) $replace($fulldate,$chr(32),.) $nick $chan $replace($1-,$chr(124),$chr(135),$chr(36),$chr(134))
if (%end.LS.trigOFF == 1) { halt }
if (($1 == %end.LS.trigger) && ($2 == $null)) { .notice $nick Usage: %end.LS.trigger <nick> | halt }
if (($1 == %end.LL.trigger) && ($2 == $null)) { .notice $nick Usage: %end.LL.trigger <nick> | halt }
if (($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($2,1)) != $null) && ($1 == %end.LS.trigger) && ($2 == $nick)) { .msg $chan Hehehehe, silly! You should already know when you last spoke | halt }
else if (($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($2,1)) != $null) && ($1 == %end.LS.trigger) && ($2 != $null)) { .msg $chan I last saw $2 talking $duration($calc($ctime($fulldate)-$ctime($replace($gettok($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($2,1)),1,32),.,$chr(32))))) ago in $gettok($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($2,1)),3,32) $+ , using the name $gettok($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($2,1)),2,32) ( $+ %end.LL.trigger $2 to see what she said) }
else if ($1 == %end.LS.trigger && ($2 != $null) && ($address($2,1) == $null)) { .msg $chan Sorry, $2 doesn't seem to be online (or maybe $2 changed his/her nick?) }
else if ($1 == %end.LS.trigger && ($2 != $null)) { .msg $chan Sorry, $2 seems to be a quiet person, infact, I've never heard $2 utter a word! }
if (($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($2,1)) != $null) && ($1 == %end.LL.trigger) && ($2 == $nick)) { .msg $chan Hehehe, silly! You should already know what the last thing you said was | halt }
else if (($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($2,1)) != $null) && ($1 == %end.LL.trigger) && ($2 != $null)) { .msg $chan The last line I saw $2 say was: $replace($gettok($read(lastspoke.txt,s,$network $+ . $+ $address($2,1)),4-,32),$chr(135),$chr(124),$chr(134),$chr(36)) }
else if ($1 == %end.LL.trigger && ($2 != $null) && ($address($2,1) == $null)) { .msg $chan Sorry, $2 doesn't seem to be online (or maybe $2 changed his/her nick?) }
else if ($1 == %end.LL.trigger && ($2 != $null)) { .msg $chan Sorry, I've got no records of $2 saying anything }

on *:dialog:end.LS.config:init:*: {
did -a end.LS.config 3 %end.LS.trigger
did -a end.LS.config 7 %end.LL.trigger
did -a end.LS.config 10 %end.LS.Fkey
if (%end.LS.scriptOFF == 1) { did -c end.LS.config 15 }
else { did -u end.LS.config 15 }
if (%end.LS.trigOFF == 1) { did -c end.LS.config 16 }
else { did -u end.LS.config 16 }

dialog end.LS.config {
title end.lastspoke config
size -1 -1 110 128
option dbu

box "Triggers:",1,3 2 104 78,
text "Set lastspoke trigger:",2,7 10 60 7,
edit "",3,6 17 98 11,
text "This trigger will tell the person when and where a person last said something",4,7 28 100 14

text "Set lastline trigger:",6,7 46 60 7,
edit "",7,6 53 98 11,
text "This trigger will tell the person what the last thing a person said was",8,7 64 100 14

box "Configkey",11,3 82 64 27,
text "Set configkey:",9,7 93 35 7
edit "",10,43 91 16 11,

box "Disable:",14,72 82 36 27,
check "Logging",15,75 90 30 7,
check "Triggers",16,75 98 30 7,

button "OK",12,19 113 30 13,ok
button "Cancel",13,61 113 30 13,cancel

on *:dialog:end.LS.config:sclick:15: {
if ($did(15).state == 1) { did -c end.LS.config 16 }

on *:dialog:end.LS.config:sclick:16: {
if ($did(16).state == 0) { did -u end.LS.config 15 }

on *:dialog:end.LS.config:sclick:12: {
if ($did(15).state == 1 && $did(15).state != %end.LS.scriptOFF) { set %end.LS.scriptOFF 1 | set %end.LS.trigOFF 1 | echo -a 8*4*12* end.lastspoke is now fully 4disabled | goto next }
if ($did(16).state == 0 && $did(16).state != %end.LS.trigOFF) { set %end.LS.trigOFF 0 | set %end.LS.trigOFF 0 | echo -a 8*4*12* end.lastspoke is now fully 3enabled | goto next }
if ($did(15).state == 0 && $did(15).state != %end.LS.scriptOFF) { set %end.LS.scriptOFF 0 | echo -a 8*4*12* logging is now 3enabled }
if ($did(16).state == 1 && $did(16).state != %end.LS.trigOFF) { set %end.LS.trigOFF 1 | echo -a 8*4*12* triggers are now 4disabled }
if (%end.LS.trigger != $did(3) && $did(3) != $null) { set %end.LS.trigger $did(3) | echo -a 8*4*12* Lastspoke trigger succesfully updated }
if (%end.LL.trigger != $did(7) && $did(7) != $null) { set %end.LL.trigger $did(7) | echo -a 8*4*12* Lastline trigger succesfully updated }
if ($did(10) == $gettok($read($scriptdir $+ end.lastspoke.mrc,1),2,32)) { goto end }
else if ($did(10) == F1 || $did(10) == F2 || $did(10) == F3 || $did(10) == F4 || $did(10) == F5 || $did(10) == F6 || $did(10) == F7 || $did(10) == F8 || $did(10) == F9 || $did(10) == F10 || $did(10) == F11 || $did(10) == F12) { write -l1 $scriptdir $+ end.lastspoke.mrc alias $did(10) $chr(123) | set %end.LS.Fkey $did(10) | echo -a 8*4*12* Note: Your configkey is now %end.LS.Fkey $+ , however you need to reload the script for it to change (to do so, type /load -rs $scriptdir $+ end.lastspoke.mrc) }
else { set %end.LS.error $did(10) | did -r end.LS.config 10 | did -a end.LS.config 10 %end.LS.Fkey | dialog -ma end.LS.error end.LS.error | halt }
unset %end.LS.error

on *:dialog:end.LS.error:init:*: {
did -a end.LS.error 2 " $+ %end.LS.error $+ " is not a valid configkey, please use only F keys (F1-F12)

dialog end.LS.error {
title end.lastspoke error
size -1 -1 86 50
option dbu
text "Error",1,4 4 78 7,center
text "",2,4 12 78 30,center
button "OK",3,28 32 30 13,ok


I'm a Scripting Newbie, please forgive my questions, and have patience with me. Thanks!
Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 136
Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 136
The usual thing stated about this is to write the author. Maybe someone will help yea tho.

In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m.
Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 27
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 27
Just wanted to write to say that I have found a script that does exactly what I've been searching days for *smiles* It is a seen script that also tells what thier last words were. Thank you to everyone who posted to help me with either of these things.

MUCH appreciated!!


I'm a Scripting Newbie, please forgive my questions, and have patience with me. Thanks!

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