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#42741 18/08/03 04:42 PM
Joined: Aug 2003
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I don't want people stealing my source, how can i stop them from viewing my remote scripts.

#42742 18/08/03 05:15 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can't. You could stop mIRC from opening the files internally by butchering the toolbar but the user can still open the script files in any word processor. (Notepad, Wordpad, Word, Wordperfect, etc)

There is also no way of scrambling the code because mIRC then will not recognise it. You could write a DLL file (as suggested by users replying to similar questions about rip protecting scripts) but that requires a knowledge of a programming language. In my view though, this is a complete waste of time. I, as a personal option, am proud to put my scripts on display so that people know they are:

1. Trustworthy.
2. Reasonably efficient.

If someone rips your work then consider it a good reflection on the quality of your work and a bad reflection on the integrity and knowledgeability of the ripper.

#42743 19/08/03 12:27 AM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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What are you asking?

1. Can someone look at the remote scripts you are running and see the code?

Answer: NO! Someone can not see any script your running unless you sent it to them.

2. Do you want to be able to send someone a remote script you made and not have them be able to read the code?

Answer: NO! Not unless you write the code and put it in a DLL that must be loaded and then the routine called by mirc.

If your new to scripting in mirc forget trying to prevent someone from changing it.

There are ways to make the mirc scipt programming very difficult for someone to read, but that takes an experienced programmer to write that code.

#42744 19/08/03 04:19 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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A ripper couldn't care less if the code is difficult to read. I've made scripts with a mix of global variables, custom identifiers, hash tables and $chr(). Did it stop it from being ripped and redistributed? No. Why? Because a mouse can read the code perfectly when all the ripper wants to do is copy everything directly from my script to his. No doubt he had the savvy to realise what a global variable is too - he even thought that changing the name of the global variables would trick me into thinking it was his work, though most legit script writers will realise that it does work like that. I've seen a script written by a mate of mine get ripped and the idiot who did it didn't even bother to change some of the file names so not only is it perfectly possible to rip any script, it's also possible for the ripper to be too stupid to even cover the most obvious of tracks.

The rest of what you said is just a repeat of what I said.

#42745 19/08/03 11:57 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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If you don't want people stealing your source, don't script with an open source language.

#42746 19/08/03 12:01 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hehe.. i have seen that too.. a big group on ircnet made a script.. 1 day after they put it on the web somone else puted "hes" script on a big script site @web.. the only thing he did was to change 2 %var in the whole thing.. that was the %var that suplyed with the scripts name when u kicked somone and gave you some info on a version.. grin grin grin grin

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