i made this little script and it wont work y not can u help
on *:input:*: {
if ((%autoaway == on) && (%away != on) && ($server != $null)) { .timerautoaway 1 %autoawayt /auto-away }
inc %numoflines | if (%numofletters >= 10000000000000000000) { set %numofletters 0 | set %numofletters2 $calc( %numofletters2 + 1 ) } | set %numofletters $calc( %numofletters + $strip($len($1-)) )
inc %stat_lines
if (%switchbar == on) { switchbar2 }
if ($left($1,1) = /) { goto ended }
if ($active == Status Window) { if ($mid($1,1,1) = /) { goto end } | else echo -ts $begme Status Window: $endme $+ $1- | halt }
if (%fun != on) {
if ($1- == $null) { .msg $active $1- | halt }
if (%allowclrs == on) {
set %2- $2-
set %_netlet $1
if ($ntalk(%_netlet) == yes) { set %_nettalk $begme %_netphrase $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
if (cba == $1) { set %_nettalk $begme cant be arsed !! $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
if (bbiab == $1) { set %_nettalk $begme Be back in a bit !! $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
if (uw == $1) { set %_nettalk $begme Your welcome $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
if (Wha == $1) { set %_nettalk $begme Whahaha !! $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
if (kd == $1) { set %_nettalk $begme Just kidding !! $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
if (lf == $1) { set %_nettalk $begme Lean Forward And Suck A Fart From My Arse !! $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
if (omw == $1) { set %_nettalk $begme On my way $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
if (jk == $1) { set %_nettalk $begme Joking !!! $checkend | .msg $active %_nettalk | halt }
.msg $active $1- | halt
