mIRC has ON BAN and ON UNBAN, which are very useful, however they only apply to +b. What I'm thinking is a new event. ON LISTMODE, ON UNLISTMODE (yeah I know the names suck, if someone has a better idea for the names, then just say it

ON *:LISTMODE:#channel:letter:{
ON *:LISTMODE:#channel:e:{
.echo -a +e was just set on $mask
This is better than doing ON EXCEPT/ON CHINVITE or something like that, because this will work for other modes as well. If some server out there has a +J list, LISTMODE will support it. I'd also like to see the IBL redesigned to work with this system as well. I (and others) in the past have suggested things like $iel, and $iil for +eI, but that still suffers from the same problem if a server has +J. The solution is a mode independant address list.
[Internal Mode List]
$iml(#channel,1,b) that would be the same as
The advantage is that it now works for other modes as well, $iml(#channel, 0, e) - returns the total number of ban exceptions.
I think this could prove very useful as a way to allow all "list type" modes to be supported by mIRC scripts without having to play with ON RAWMODE.