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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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i ahve the problem that the error occurs wen im idle. u said that a simple script with a timer that posts somethoing to a channel could help. but im an mirc noob, could u post me what to do? pleas, i mean the complete script, i dont want to learn scripting just for that issue!
tanks a lot and best regards DreadKing
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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OK, you wuols setup a code like this: on 1:LOAD:{
/timer 0 45 /msg #channel INACTIVITY SCRIPT MESSAGE
And get that to load everytime yoo start up mIRC. I tried this fix, but it doesn't work 
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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ok, thx, ill give it a try! best regards dreadking
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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thats one way, but how about:
on *:connect: {
timer [ $+ [ $network ] $+ . $+ [ $server ] $+ .ping ] 0 30 raw ping $server $ticks
on ^&*:pong: {
%lag = $duration($calc(($ticks - $2) / 1000))
I did not test it, but i have somthing simular running on my mIRC 
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Mostly harmless
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I'm getting the 10053 error the instant I try to connect. Here's what's showing up...
[19:32] * Connect retry #88 irc.esper.net (6667) - [19:32] * [10053] Software caused connection abort - [19:32] * Disconnected - [19:32] * Connect retry #89 (6667) - [19:32] * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out) - [19:32] * Connect retry #90 irc.esper.net (6667) - [19:32] * [10053] Software caused connection abort - [19:32] * Disconnected
What, exactly, is going on?
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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[10053] Software caused connection abort
I get this error ever time I finish an xdcc send. The program locks up while the anti-virus software checks for viruses when the xdcc is complete..so it seems. Right after the anti-virus finishes the scan (approx 5-8mins), the program comes back alive but I have been kicked out from the network (disconnected). When I take a look at the new xdcc file on my computer, it is not complete either, and every time I try to retreive the file again to complete it, the same crash happens to me. XPsp2, I am using mIRC 6.12. Maybe I should try an older version, if it is still available. Love the program, pleeeeease help me out ppl, kthx!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Since you state that this happens after you've downloaded a file using XDCC, then this request, in my opinion, falls under the rule regarding file sharing, which states that we do not assist with those types of requests.
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Mostly harmless
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For staying connected I use this in options->perform for all servers: /join #Keep_Alive
/timer5 0 120 /msg #Keep_Alive Keep Alive
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Mostly harmless
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* Connecting to irc.eu.gamesurge.net (6667) - Local host: sean ( - * [10053] Software caused connection abort - * Disconnected
thats wqhat I get and the funny thing si that this only started happening when I finally moved my PC into school. everything worked fine at home though
should i just un-installit and start all over agian?
Last edited by mean_sartin; 01/12/05 02:50 AM.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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First off, I hope EVERYONE see's this. Any admin should do all they can to make sure this gets properly published.
Ok, I am a Physical Security Specialist. One important part of my job is testing network security. About a year or so back, I designed a network in which I tested it's security daily using Multi-Threaded vulnerability scanners such as x-scan v1.3, nmap, accessdiver, ares, l0pht and eventually nessus. All of which I have used on different platforms(Win98,2000,XP). I have never had this problem from 98 or 2000, which makes me think this problem is an XP issue. All of these programs do consume quite a bit of bandwidth and memory. I started getting those [10053] errors, at the very time Microsoft came out with Service pack 2(which I did install) for XP. Ever since then, NONE of my Multi-Threaded scanners work, and if i try to scan ANYTHING, my mIRC hangs/disconnects, and gives the 10053 error. THIS DOES NOT ONLY AFFECT mIRC! It affects all programs initiating the tcp/ip protocol.
I have done extensive research on this, and I found some information relating it to Microsofts Service pack 2. It's said that ole Bill added pragma to restrict the flow of packets sent locally(and remotely, I believe).
No matter what he did, or what I may have done to start getting these errors,, It has rendered XP, mIRC, nmap, x-scan, etc. completely USELESS for me.
I uninstalled the Service pack 2, and It didn't work. So I re-installed Windows without the service pack. That worked for about a month then I installed Zone-Alarm, the problem came back.
Recap: This is not only a mIRC issue. This does affect ALL programs using tcp/ip protocol(Makes web browser/ftp/p2p etc. hang). Although I can't pinpoint the problem for sure, assumption brings me to believe it's an XP issue with their Service pack 2, hence I've never had this problem on 98/2k. If it's not XP, it's firewall issues.
BUT I HAVE FOUND THE SOLUTION!!! Take this time to migrate to Linux Debian. It's 10x more stable, and security is infinately more advanced. Viruses only exist because windows allows them. Even though one could inject malicious code into a vulnerable Linux box, it can not spread itsself, because it's contained into it's specific module, hence there aren't any REAL viruses on Linux and no renegade registery keys to worry about. There is even an online installer to install it automatically.
I love mIRC too much, and have too small of a budget to buy pain relievers every time mIRC take's a nosedive.
I don't want to step over the line, but I urge Khalid and all of the developers to create a Linux distro, before irssi and xchat surpass mIRC's functionality. I would trust a halfassthrowntogetherbetaversion of mIRC on Linux way before that on Windows.
I hope this helps someone, and hope the world takes my advice about Linux, it's scary to switch, but well worth the ride. On that note: mIRC I love you but I gotta go.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks for taking the time to report one of the things which has effected you and your solution. I feel however, that it is important to stress to anyone reading this thread that your solution to the problem is not necessarily the one for every Windows XP user out there. This error can happen for many reasons and Para (and others) have posted various solutions to help. For example, I have Windows XP SP2 and the only time I get this error is when a problem happens on the server's end, and that's rare. Heavily promoting Linux on a forum relating to a program which only works on Windows is just asking for trouble, so do be careful  Regards,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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BUT I HAVE FOUND THE SOLUTION!!! Take this time to migrate to Linux Debian. It's 10x more stable, and security is infinately more advanced. Viruses only exist because windows allows them. Even though one could inject malicious code into a vulnerable Linux box, it can not spread itsself, because it's contained into it's specific module, hence there aren't any REAL viruses on Linux and no renegade registery keys to worry about. There is even an online installer to install it automatically. Now let me get this straight, you have a car that stalls sometimes, so the solution is to buy a speedboat? [ Mirc crashes sometimes in windows so use linux (which it doesnt work on). ] Oh and dont be sticking ya head in the sand about how safe unix is, it appears untouched becuase the big windows whale is thrashing around with so many attacks on it, that knowone notices the unix dolphins swim by, everyone still gets caughjt in the drift net in the end.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Ok people, I dont mean to kick up dust, and certainly dont want to turn this into a (excuse my realism) pissing contest (which I'd win), but replies to my post do nothing but create more threads to an already crowded topic. I have been dealing with this issue months before the first thread about this topic was posted, and over a year later I have still not found an iron clad way to get around this problem. I'm glad that people in the mIRC community are taking time to try to help people with this problem(ie: Mentality), but I'm afraid and feel confident that if you have this problem, as mentioned in my previous post, then your just out of luck :P I hate saying that as much as It may upset people dealing with this repetitave problem, but I feel I've done everything I could, including calling Dell(which said 10053 was a network settings error = no help) to find a solution to this problem,,, to no avail. To DaveC: I realize(wether you do or not) that EVERY OS(including openBSD, which has had one exploit in 8 years), and most programs including mIRC(which has had a few critical security holes) are succeptible to being exploited in one way or another. As a Physical Security Specialist I accept and embrace this as part of life as well as part of my job to identify. I'm not as arrogant as I am "upfront", but I will tell you/the world and Bill Gates himself for that matter that Window's is one of the most unsecure operating systems, and until Bill re-writes Windows from ground up (which will never happen) and actually sacrafices some usabilty/eyecandy for security, then I advise against using it. Far beyond 3/4 of Linux's exploits come from MISCONFIGURED SERVERS and/or bad cgi scripting which make up for more than %50 of exploits on the web. But just because some cgi script is exploitable does not mean it's Linux's fault. As a perl/cgi coder, I admit to have written exploitable code as well as written code to test these holes. Bottom line,, Windows is a MASSIVE, inpenetrable, pretty safe,,,,,,,,,, that has a lil hole in the back of it that any one can reach in and grab what they want, and now that windows source code has been distributed(cough,Cough),, expect large numbers of exploits to arise. And please remember Linux is/has been and will always be open source which was around before the first stable distro of Windows 3.1(Yes, it was out before Windows). Linux was written by hackers, and the source is, and has been thoroughly screened by them for over 15 years now. Unfortunately I require my computers to be hot rods, and when they stall or govern out at 60 mph,, they are well on their way to the junkyard as far as I'm concerned, and/or on their way to ebay to someone who wants to deal with it. Please leave security to me. And PS. mIRC DOES work on Linux :P Although you have to do a semi-007, check out http://www.winehq.com and read http://www.mirc.co.uk/help/linux.htmlOk, back on the subject :P If you've read this far, I either annoyed you by my last post or your having these 10053 problems. Either of which, I'd like to take a pro-active role on this issue and ask anyone that has this problem to post some info other than the fact that you got an 10053 error, which we know, and some system spec's. First off I agree that if it repetitvely happens when you initially boot mIRC and will NOT let you connect to ANY IRC server, IT IS A FIREWALL/NETWORK SETTING ERROR which is not isolated to the mIRC client only, but to all IRC client's. This "brand" of 10053 error is correctable by you or your network admin. If your on a college campus,,, forget it. I assure you, your net admin will do nothing but tell you he does'nt allow IRC connections as I dont on my workplace environments. Either way fiddle around with your firewall settings and try again and/or try a different client to make sure your allowed to connect to irc ports. If you try another client and it still will not connect, I can almost guarantee you that your firewall/net admin has blocked your IRC access. As a realist, I admit that there are ways around this, and only because there are legit/legal services that offer this kind of help, I will advise you to google BNC. Now if you have the same problem as I do, I'll recap on my symptom's: mIRC works fine with no error until I run memory intensive; Multi--threading; tcp/ip protocal utilizing program's such as x-scan/nmap/accessdiver/ares/etc. When I do run them, the programs seem to run fine, but yield no results. and when I get the 10053 error on mIRC, all of my internet services hang such as my web browser/ftp/p2p etc. for about 5 minutes, representing that of a DDoS and or DoS attack(Im sure it's not btw). So if you have problems identical to mine, please post your computer make; model; processor; any service packs(IMPORTANT! make sure to check for service pack 2), and if you use any other memory consuming/multi-threading tcp/ip utilizing programs, such as those I have listed. I request this so that we may be able to isolate this problem to certain systems/service packs etc. I hope that people will follow thru with this as I am confident this is(as of this time) the only thing we can do about it(except switch to Linux or course :P). If any one has any other not idea's but solution's please post them, I'd love to hear them. Ps. I assure you any timer script will not work for this. This is a local problem not an IRC server issue. The only thing that an IRC server wants to see(under most cases) is a PONG to their PING. And as long as your client replies you should have no problem staying connected.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I'll start,
I have the 10053 error problem on the following computers:
I have a Dell Dimension 4600 P4 HT desktop with Service pack 2 installed on windows XP.
I also have a IBM Thinkpad X series with a pentium M on XP with Service pack 2 installed.
I run Multi-threaded software on both.
I'm not a gambler but I bet that the people that have the problem's as I do, are ALL on XP being as none of my other 98/2k pc's(4 that I have tested) have had this problem chronically.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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pissing contest (which I'd win), .. etc etc ..: I realize(wether you do or not) that EVERY OS(including openBSD, which has had one exploit in 8 years), ...etc etc . Wow i better not say much, i wouldnt want to get wet now. Anyway, while windows has holes, i disagree with your access ments, most are as you stated about unix just miss configures, its just most admins dont take the time to deal with all potential problems. oh and i dont consider running an emulation/partial interface of another OS as being running something in unix, this is of course subjective as to the meaning of "runs in" or "runs on" Q : Can u drive a car across the paciffic ocean? A : ummm no, well maybe yes, i could drive it around a super tanker, while it sailed across that ocean, does that count? It doesnt does it?, no i didnt think so. 
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I have had this error too when running memory intensive programs, i also sometimes get other errors thrown up by other progs when doing the same It seams to be a winxp service pack 2 problem when i had sp1 it was fine
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Mostly harmless
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Same problem here, but at least i know the reason.
Recently i modified my 3COM Dual Link Adsl Modem to a Router OfficeConnect 812 changing the firmware. The problems began from that moment on.
The Router cannot handle too many conections from torrents for example and it resets by itself.
Mirc start to give me the 10053 error and i am pretty sure it´s a hardware limitation or simple a port forwarding configuration.
Even so, i made my PC a NAT workstation ( which means i opened all ports to my ip, not the safest procedure, but what the hell ) and still i am having this problem.
Tried manually configurate 10 ports and make mirc use then, still the same problem.
So i have no ideia what to do, i will set up a timer today and tomorrow morning i will see the results. But it´s pretty anoying.
By the way, when the error occur, the router is still conected, no reset, adsl line is ok, but my other programs stop responding for a couple os seconds and then come back to normal.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i have this annoying problem on XP SP1...
starting to wonder wtf is happening...
on WinME/2000 i didnt have this EVER !
/msg Khaled will 6.18 be more stable ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I get this problem on all of my systems at one time or another, and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when or why it happens. Sometimes I go for weeks without a problem, other times I've seen it come up two or three times in about half an hour. I finally gave up trying to make heads or tails of it, and just have my system reconnect & rejoin channels automatically.
Various systems running Window 98SE, Windows ME, Windows XP SP2, & Xandros
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok, this is defiantely mirc fault. i have 2 6.16 running and i just executed on first mirc /whois command on myself and i got this [10053] Software caused connection abort, so i look on other mirc what error it is (so i can compare) coz i have them in same channels, but look at miracle, mirc (2) didnt even showed mirc(1) quit...
so i guessed mirc(2) is also f*cked up now... i do the same //whois $me on mirc(2) and woila [10053] Software caused connection abort
yep, i beg khaled you to fix this on 6.18 it become too much annoying