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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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this problem occurs in win2k aswell as win98 for some users... so it's not just an XP problem ;-]
I get d/c about 2 or 3 times a day on some network :-[ and I can't figure out why *sigh* none of the things stated in this topic or any other on this forum or on other sites have helped so far :-/
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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We know it does effect other OSs, but as i said in the first post, this does seem to effect XP and 2k more so than others. Some of the gathered up suggestions help some, others nothing seems to help. Only other thing i could suggest is start with the basics, check all the connections leading to your puter from your provider (ie phone lines, cable lines, etc). See if you can narrow down anything that could be a common factor, like a certain size dcc, or when on a certain server, when using another application, etc. Might not hurt to check with your provider to see if other ppl are reporting this a lot. 10053 is a tough one to narrow down as there are so many factors possible
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
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I'm trying to figure out if it might have something to do with the new combination of the new 100mbit realteck 3189 NIC's I have in my computer and my linux gateway and the cross cable I have between it...
does anyone have a similar setup with linux (redhat) knowledge that could help me figure out if it's some linux config? plz pm me :-[
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Sorry, but I have the following error while trying to perform DCC send (all the times, sigh  ): Software caused connection abort and at the same time my router enters in diag mode! I have to swicth it off and turn on again all the time... This issue is related to 10053 error? ERRATA: i mean: i don't have a specific error number from mirc, but 10053 "IS" the code for "Software caused connection abort" exception? Thanx to all, have a nice day
Last edited by moffetta; 29/11/03 01:02 AM.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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i have tried other two irc clients and everything seems to work properly...
mirc is very good, but maybe needs an hard bug fixing session...
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I just this afternoon started getting this error. Now I cannot connect for more that 2min. without being shut down. Any idea's? I have tried all other suggestions and tried different networks same poblem. Running on w2k
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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OK here is my situation which nothing has worked yet. I did the research too on this and came up with the same winsock stuff as well. Here is my setup and see if anyone has the same and can shed some light on this odd one.
OS : Windows XP Professional/Corporate Router: SMC Barricade that goes to a Linksys Router Both routers have the newest firmware upgrades OS Updates : Fully installed and are all updated
Nothing works and I cannot even connect to a server for over 4 messages before I am disconnected. I have tried using all different types of software but all say the same thing. Ok so what is happening? I would love to get a resolve to this because it just started happening from going to Windows XP Home to Pro. So is there something I am missing with the upgrade? Thanks for your time!!
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Recently I was working on my script with a lag timer. As soon as i got this time going full time the abort started to happen. When i stopped the timer this problem stopped too thought it might have been that the timer was a 0 5 second timer. I have not yet tested it with a 10 15 or 20 second timer.
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The problem has reached that point where a rival IRC client beckons. My mIRC uptime varies wildly between 30 minutes and 30 hours on W2K or higher. Once a 'software abort' occurs, the program loops between reconnecting and failing. The fact that I can: 1. Close mIRC, restart it, and connect 2. Open a second instance of mIRC while the problem is occurring, and connect 3. Use another IRC client at the same time without trouble 4. Use any other network application at the same time without trouble point to a simple, copper-bottomed fact that it's a bug in mIRC code. There's absolutely no point looking at MTU values or any other machine-specific issues. Everyone here may as well stand on one leg and blow raspberries in an attempt to make the problem go away—it'll have the same effect as any other suggestion (none whatsoever). I'll check back in a couple of weeks to see if anything's been done, but I doubt it. Looking at the date of the first post here, and given that I've put up with this thing for months and months now, it's clearly an old and unsolvable problem. Disappointed
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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"it'll have the same effect as any other suggestion (none whatsoever)."
As i said in the initial post and in the numerous other threads on the subject, the suggestions made are things that some ppl have found work for them. I'm not claiming they work for everyone, there are merely things others have found helpful, condensed here from all the other threads. I have personally helped ppl that the problem is resolved by things like getting rid of a script, changing MTU values, not using port 6667 etc. I know some that have found "interference techniques" at the provider level have been the root cause. I also know others that none of these have helped. 10053 can be caused by so many factors.
A problem that only effects some ppl and is corrected by widely varying means (and in some cases not at all) makes it almost impossible to track down one specific cause that mIRC can control.
I can sympathize that its annoying, several years ago i had the same problem and it drove me nuts. Turned out the problem in my case was an underground phone line issue.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Ok ... let's get something else out. Here is what I tried:
Using my link straight from my Road Runner connection. <-- Still didn't work.
I tried using Trillian's IRC ... <-- Worked much better than mIRC but still disconnected.
I tried upgrading my drivers (again) for my network card. <-- Still didn't work.
I am pinning it to something is wrong with Microsoft on this one. Let's face it... it is when we try with a Win2k or WinXP right? Fair enough, now if you trace back the original 10053 error you will be brought to a winsock problem. Yes that is used since Win 95, and even later editions of Win3.1. That however has not changed in MANY years. Therefore we can eliminate mIRC as the only one doing this, routers are fine. Now can anyone speak from a coding point of view on this as to what exactly does the winsock mechanism do and can it be botched? If so how? Let's try to get an active (cure all) resolve to this. Continue to place a bandaid on this .... but let's try to cut off the source. That is all I really am going to say.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Howdy Folks, was on this a year ago and after seeing all the struggle in posts, and as I come to gather anything else on it I can, you haven't yet discovered the missing link, so I'm here to give it to ya. (Yea! Everybody cheer for me!) But, as you'll see, things are still short of a 'solution.' (try changing connecting servers)
-This is a TCPIP error. I would guess what follows is from berkely, I didn't copy/paste the source. This is straight out of the manual for the TCPIP protocol.
WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort.
Berkeley description: A connection abort was caused internal to your host machine. The software caused a connection abort because there is no space on the socket's queue and the socket cannot receive further connections.
WinSock description: Partly the same as Berkeley. The error can occur when the local network system aborts a connection. This would occur if WinSock aborts an established connection after data retransmission fails (receiver never acknowledges data sent on a datastream socket).
TCP/IP scenario: A connection will timeout if the local system doesn't receive an (ACK)nowledgement for data sent. It would also timeout if a (FIN)ish TCP packet is not ACK'd (and even if the FIN is ACK'd, it will eventually timeout if a FIN is not returned).
User suggestions: There are a number of things to check, that might help to identify why the failure occurred. Basically, you want to identify where the problem occurred.
Ping the remote host you were connected to. If it doesn't respond, it might be off-line or there may be a network problem along the way. If it does respond, then this problem might have been a transient one (so you can reconnect now), or the server application you were connected to might have terminated (so you might not be able to connect again). Ping a local host to verify that your local network is still functioning (if on a serial connection, see next step) Ping your local router address. If you're on a serial connection, your local router is the IP address of the host you initially logged onto with SLIP or PPP. Ping a host on the same subnet as the host you were connected to (if you know one). This will verify that the destination network is functioning. Try a "traceroute" to the host you were connected to. This won't reveal too much unless you know the router addresses at the remote end, but it might help to identify if the problem is somewhere along the way. WinSock functions: recv(), recvfrom(), sendto(), FD_CLOSE
Additional functions: send() can also fail with WSAECONNABORTED. Any function that takes a socket as an input parameter--except close socket()--could potentially fail with this error.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (end of copy paste)
I also went thru rounds of reinstalling software/os's etc, hope this clears some things up. If you still end up not getting it to work, at least now you know whats 'actually' going on.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Oh yeah, so furthermore, this is not so much about your paricular OS or the install of MIRC, etc, etc. Obviously those things are important and you do need to have a 'clean machine', yet if you'd really want to 'solve' the problem, a guess is to enlarge the winsock que (of which I don't know how to do, or if you even can), yet even that would have no effect on not getting a return ACK.
(ie- In the end this is NOT a software issue as more of it is a NETWORK COMMUNICATION issue. try changing your connecting server to get a 'new' path across the internet to whatever network you connect to.)
Good Luck. I still get the problem as well, and just as frustrating too. (Hey, all my hair did indeed grow back!)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks for your post. This thread wasnt intended to go into all the causes of this error, and a link to the info you kindly posted is on another thread about common IRC errors Since we had so many posts/questions about this issue after the release of xp i simply wanted to condense what other users have tried with some success to save ppl having to search and wade thru all the threads. My intent wasnt to fault/blame any OS, it just appears to occur much more often for some xp and 2k users.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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hi, I have been using Mirc for 5 months and had no problems connecting with it until I bought a new computer. Now i get error 10053 all the time and havent yet been able to sort it  Being not a technical person I dont really understand most of what is being said here (sad i know). Anyway I have windowsXP could someone plz tell me how to disable windows firewall?
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Hoopy frood
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RIght click on connection icon in tray (next to system clock on desktop) - choose "Status" then a dialogue opens - choose "Properties" then click the "Advanced TAB" then untick the first checkbox - click OKAY. Done.
This won't stop the issue with mIRC however.
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I think it's possibly those nasty RPC exploits still going around. When you get the update from Microsoft to stop your comptuer shutting down, or run a firewall, the virus doesn't actually get removed. So it's still hammering away at other people's connections and this seems to interfier with your irc expirence  There's a nice little utility that'll find it and remove it if do you have the virus: http://us.mcafee.com/virusInfo/default.asp?id=stingerThat was what fixed it for me anyway
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Just to toss in my IT-Drone .02 here:
As people have repeatedly said, 10053s are very difficult to deal with because the error message itself means almost nothing vis-a-vis the actual problem. It's a bit like getting robbed and then finding out that the culprit lives in Los Angeles; a start, but not particularly helpful.
At its core though, a 10053 is typically just a connection stability issue, and most of them that I've ever encountered, except, of course, the instance I'm trying to solve now, can be dealt with by doing one of a couple of things (preferably both):
1) If you're behind a router, take all of the machines on your LAN off of the DHCP table (just be sure to leave the service on so that you can use your router's LAN IP as a backup DNS). Why? Because DHCP can be, well, a little finicky in the stability department. Plus, it takes a bit of the load off of the router itself since it no longer has to 'decide' how to handle the connections from the PCs on the network.
2) Optimize your TCP/IP settings for your connection type. The reason for this one is simple. The Windows default TCP/IP settings are designed to work with either very low-speed connections (dial-up) or very low-latency connections (ethernet LANs, for instance). Particularly with XP (and especially with XP Pro, due it being designed to run on professionally maintained networks), the super-low-latency defaults can play havoc with persistent connections (read: connections that are allowed to idle) over the internet-at-large. An optimization will take care of it.
Anyway, just thought I'd toss a couple of additional solutions into the mix in the hopes that they help somebody. Good luck to all you folks having problems out there.
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that doing either of these things will totally resolve the issue, but they will almost certainly reduce its frequency. Also, manually configuring your DNS/Gateway/Subnet/etc. is a relatively safe thing to do, even for a novice (just go back to autodetect if you mis-configure it). Messing with TCP/IP is not. Do NOT do it manually unless you know what you're doing. There are numerous free programs out there that will do a relatively good job of optimizing those settings for you with minimal risk and full backup/restore functionality. Use one of those.
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Well, I ran Housecall ( http://housecall.antivirus.com ) after getting the same odd problem, and within seconds it had removed a malware file called mircflood, an all is fine again! Hooray for online virus scanners!
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The problem is not in Windows, is not in your network or anything else.THE PROBLEMS IS IN MIRC!!! I have this problem from 6.12 to 6.14.Now i'm using Ice Chat 5.It has themes support, scripting language and it's more stable and powerfull than mIRC
-=====MDMA Chemistry======-