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#36597 16/07/03 06:32 AM
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It would be nice to have a switch (something like -k<key>) that allowed the user to specify the key that mIRC should rejoin the channel with, when the /hop command is used.

I know that /hop already rejoins the channel with the memberkey (if +k mode exists); but, in some situations, the user might want to specify their own key. For example, on an IRCX server, the user would be able specify an OWNERKEY or a HOSTKEY with /hop instead of having to make a custom cycle alias just to do this.

I don't have a problem with scripting my own alias, except that it closes the channel window when I part before rejoining, and that's the main reason why I want to be able to do it with /hop.

#36598 16/07/03 07:31 AM
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Hoopy frood
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i don't see the resoning.. hop is to rejoin a channel that ur presently in. You said it yourself mirc includes the key if one is present. Now, /hop does its job, what is the reasonging for a key switch? The only possible time u would need a key switch is if the split second it took u to rejoin someone set a key..

Sorry, maybe its just late, maybe im just tired, don't see a need for it.

#36599 16/07/03 07:47 AM
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Read the second half of the second paragraph again...

#36600 16/07/03 08:24 AM
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-void- i claim lack of sleep

Last edited by KingTomato; 16/07/03 08:26 AM.
#36601 16/07/03 12:08 PM
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Hoopy frood
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alias jump {
if ($1 == -k) {
mode $me +h $2
/jump -k <key>

#36602 16/07/03 09:40 PM
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Does that alias even work for you? Because it doesn't for me. Last time I checked user mode "h" was unsupported (for normal users, at least).

What's the urge of posting something that doesn't work on all servers? Not even did you mention that it might not work on every server or anything. Sheesh...

Last edited by Strider; 16/07/03 09:56 PM.
#36603 16/07/03 09:56 PM
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For example, on an IRCX server, the user would be able specify an OWNERKEY or a HOSTKEY

thats what you asked for. on ircX mode $me +h works.
so in future dont give an example that my script will work on, when you dont want it for that specific server mad

#36604 16/07/03 09:59 PM
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It doesn't work on the MS Exchange Servers, it doesn't work on IRCXPro and it doesn't work on IRCP.


#36605 16/07/03 10:01 PM
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my friends server is ircXpro and it works fine.

#36606 16/07/03 10:02 PM
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Your friend must be an IRC OP! Next time, make sure please.

#36607 16/07/03 10:03 PM
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my friend is an irc op but im not. and it works for me.
i get it that your ungrateful so please dont reply to me i have nothing more to say.

#36608 16/07/03 10:10 PM
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Ungrateful for something that doesn't even work?! That's new to me...

And if it does work, it must be an IRCXPro version that was created after May 23, 2003 (the date of the one I tested it on). IRCXPro isn't even a popular IRCX server (not that there's a popular IRCX server, but still).

If it doesn't work on all servers and not even on all IRCX servers, I don't see why you should've posted that alias in the first time. You just tried to look smart; that's my guess. At least you could've said that it might not work on all IRCX servers, but you didn't even do that.

#36609 17/07/03 02:45 AM
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Hoopy frood
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Actually, this would be useful for any server, not just IRCX... as the original intended purpose of /hop (as seen in earlier versions of mIRC when /hop was actually a stock alias) is to be a quick way of skipping from channel to channel without having to issue separate /part and /join commands.

/hop /part # | /join #$$1

It's only a nice side effect that the new /hop command cycles the active channel. Khaled even added the -c switch later so you can specify which #channel to cycle.

Without the -c switch though, /hop is meant to /join a new channel... so you would expect it to accept a key parameter like /join does.

- Raccoon
PS. It's interesting to look back at the old aliases and see how they progressed over the years. I might post these later.

__ Edit: __
After taking a closer look, /debug reveals that /hop does infact send the channel key to the server in the /join command... HOWEVER, it also places that key in your "part message" for servers which support it. A rather nasty security hole.

(in #chan1) /hop #chan2 key
-> irc.Prison.NET PART #chan1 :key
-> irc.Prison.NET JOIN #chan2 key

- Raccoon

Last edited by Raccoon; 17/07/03 02:54 AM.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
#36610 17/07/03 04:16 AM
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Weird... I just tested "/hop key" and it only sends "key" as a part message.

This is what i got:

-> server PART %#chan :key
-> server JOIN %#chan

(after edit):
Oh wait. What you mentioned happens only when you use it to join another channel. I should put more attention on what I read...

Well, it kind of works when you join a new channel (with that serious security bug); but sadly, it doesn't work for the same channel even if you specify the name of the channel, as if you were joining another one.

Last edited by Strider; 17/07/03 04:25 AM.
#36611 17/07/03 08:27 AM
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Velly intelestink.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
#36612 17/07/03 08:53 AM
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Hoopy frood
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i tested in on 2 ircXpro servers created before when you said and they both worked so obviously im going to post it.

#36613 17/07/03 09:01 AM
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Well, even worse. It doesn't work in a newer version, which means that it might have been a bug.

This is what I get:
Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator

#36614 17/07/03 09:14 AM
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Hoopy frood
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then i dont care coz it works for me smirk

#36615 17/07/03 10:35 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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/hop is not an IRC command on most (all?) IRCd's, it's a function built into mIRC (and perhaps some other chat programmes)

/debug @Raw:

-> qld-chat.bigpond.com PART #Help.Services
-> qld-chat.bigpond.com JOIN #Help.Services
<- :Watchdog!CN@=rlAXM-539-378-107-039.nsw.bigpond.net.au PART #Help.Services
<- :Watchdog!CN@=rlAXM-539-378-107-039.nsw.bigpond.net.au JOIN :#Help.Services
-> qld-chat.bigpond.com MODE #Help.Services
<- :ChanServ!RoomService@ircservices.bigpond.com MODE #Help.Services +o Watchdog
<- :qld-chat.bigpond.com 324 Watchdog #Help.Services +enrtL
<- :qld-chat.bigpond.com 329 Watchdog #Help.Services 1055390768

See the PART then JOIN...

Some IRCd's may have a command "/hop" for something or other which may be an oper-only command.

#36616 17/07/03 10:49 AM
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Hoopy frood
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I dont think anyone here has suggested HOP as being an IRCd command. I don't know of any IRCd that has ever had it as a server command.

The issue here is that mIRC isn't sending a specified channel key in the JOIN command when you're simply cycling a channel, only when you're hoping to a new channel. It's also sending the key in your PART message, which is a bit of a security breech. (Looks like a simple mistake in handling "$2-" parameters.)

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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