And yet another useless post. Its painfully obvious that as usual you are just posting to increase your count, but on the off chance that the meaning of my post escaped you:
We have many ppl here who spend a great deal of time giving valuable, accurate and useful help. If they dont know an answer, they find it or suggest where the user can look. On the rare occasions they make an educated guess regarding an issue, they clearly state it is a possibility and their reasoning. On the very rare occasions they are shown to be mistaken, they learn from it. They dont do this to satsify some inexplicable need to see a big number by their nick. They are not their post count. They help because that is what they do and they pride themselves on the value of their posts, not the number of them. That is
quality. I dont need to give examples of such users, everyone knows who they are.
On the other hand, we have the occasional person who feels driven to post nonsense, inaccurate answers as gospel, echo what others have said and waste everyone's time. All this just to see a larger number by their nick. They seek
quantity as opposed to quality, a genuine desire to help others is sadly lacking. This justifiably annoys those who are subjected to it. The post count is not an indicator of the quality of help given. You are a classic example of this type of person and i refer you to just so no one misunderstands, I am not referring to the occasional offthread or humorous comment, i refer to dozens and dozens of posts by any one person that are totally without merit.
(to anyone who finds that link offensive, my apologies, but it is simply too appropos to resist)