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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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ok, i just got my joins customized:
on ^*:JOIN:#:{
if ($nick != $me) {
//echo # 14[14 $+ $time(hh:nntt) $+ 14] 7* 9Joins: $nick 14( $+ $address $+ ) 7«14 $nick($chan,0) total users ( $+ $nick($chan,0,o) ops, $nick($chan,0,v,o) voices, $calc($nick($chan,0) - ($nick($chan,0,o) + $nick($chan,0,v,o))) others) 7»
How can i make it when I join a channel, it echos to me the number of users? Now, i am trying to make the quits and parts customized too. the problem is, i can't get the quit message to show up. I just get something like.. * Quits: Nick (address) it wont show the quit message.. How do I do this?
Last edited by brad2; 01/07/03 02:39 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Like this? sorry if I misread. I am quite tired. 
on ^*:quit: {
%quit.chan = $comchan($nick,1)
set %qtemp 0
inc %qtemp 1
if ($comchan($nick,%qtemp)) {
echo 2 $comchan($nick,%qtemp) $ntime *** $nick has quit IRC ( $+ $1- $+ )
goto quit
echo 2 -t $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) has quit IRC ( $+ $1- $+ )
unset %qtemp
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Yep, thats it.  Thanks... Now, how can i make it display to me the number of users when i join a channel
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Damn you do things the hard way....
on ^*:QUIT: {
var %i = 1
while ($comchan($nick,%i) {
echo $color(quit) -t $ifmatch * Quit: $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) ( $+ $1- $+ )
inc %i
For returning the number of users on a channel use $nick($chan,0)Here's some code I use...
on me:^*:join:#: {
echo $color(join) -t * Now talking in: $chan
.enable #join
#join off
raw 353:*: {
echo $3 Users: @ - $nick($3,0,o) / % - $nick($3,0,h) / + - $nick($3,0,v) / regular - $nick($3,0,r) / total - $nick($3,0)
raw 366:*: { .disable #join | halt }
#join end
Last edited by lammkott; 01/07/03 03:09 AM.
- Jason
Joined: Feb 2003
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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* /while: invalid format
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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He just missed a ), while ($comchan($nick,%i)) {
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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alias users {
set %users 1
set %user $nick(#,%users)
if (%user == $null) { goto done }
if (%user ison #) { echo -t $chan %user is on $chan $+ . }
inc %users
goto next
on *:JOIN:#: {
if ($nick == $me) { users }
I did read the post wrong. I thought you said list all the users on a channel. Oops. 
Last edited by SladeKraven; 01/07/03 03:15 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on ^*:quit:{
if ($1-) var %reason = ( $+ $1- $+ )
var %i = 1
while ($comchan($nick,%i)) {
set -u10 %countnickz $calc($nick($comchan($nick,%i),0,a) - 1)
echo $color(quit) -ti2 $ifmatch *** D3m0nicChaos Quits:8 $nick 12( $+ $address $+ ) %reason 15 $calc($nick($comchan($nick,%i),0,a) - 1) $iif((%countnickz == 1),4Chatter,4Chatters)
inc %i
thats what i used to make it count in my script ....... maybe its alil different than yours but i like mine as it takes in account saying your possibly the only one in the channel and changes the following from plural to singular ...... but then again thats just my taste in things also this can be modified to work with joins parts and kicks and every other event u wanna remodify ...... it then gives a count of users at the traling end of each one ..... nice neat and clean
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Why won't this work for parts?
on ^*:PART: {
var %i = 1
while ($comchan($nick,%i)) {
echo $color(quit) -t $ifmatch 14[14 $+ $time(hh:nntt) $+ 14] 7* 4Parts:15 $nick 14( $+ $address $+ ) 7(14 $+ $1- $+ 7)
inc %i
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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u forgot the TARGET part: on ^*:part:#: and u don't need a loop cuz u need to echo only in on channel
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on ^*:PART:#: {
if ($1- == $null) { echo $color(quit) $chan 14[14 $+ $time(hh:nntt) $+ 14] 7* 4Parts:15 $nick 14( $+ $address $+ ) 7(14 $+ No message given. $+ 7) }
else { echo $color(quit) $chan 14[14 $+ $time(hh:nntt) $+ 14] 7* 4Parts:15 $nick 14( $+ $address $+ ) 7(14 $+ $1- $+ 7) }
[07:18pm] * Parts: SladeKraven (DarkOne@=gvwfj.infinite-darkness.co.uk) (No message given) [07:18pm] * Parts: SladeKraven (DarkOne@=gvwfj.infinite-darkness.co.uk) (...)
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Ok thanks for all the help on the quit/part messages. Now... how do i make it echo to me the number of users when I join a channel.
on me:^*:join:#: {
echo $color(join) -t * Now talking in: $chan
.enable #join
#join off
raw 353:*: {
echo $3 Users:
@ - $nick($3,0,o) / % - $nick($3,0,h) / + - $nick($3,0,v) / regular - $nick($3,0,r) / total - $nick($3,0)
raw 366:*: {
.disable #join | halt }
#join end
This doesnt do anything for me. any ideas? Also..
$nick($chan,0) total users ( $+ $nick($chan,0,o) ops, $nick($chan,0,v,o) voices, $calc($nick($chan,0) - ($nick($chan,0,o) + $nick($chan,0,v,o))) others)
i added that to the quit message. all it returns is " total users ( ops, voices, 0 others) " ??????
Last edited by brad2; 01/07/03 11:43 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I made a small mistake in the join event, I've left out the $chan in the echo command, it should read
echo $color(join) -t $chan * Now talking in: $chan
If you're still having problems with it message me.
- Jason
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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still doesnt work..i messaged you