anyone familiar with irssi (console IRC client for *nix systems) know the fact of a "daychange" message...

what I want is each day at 00:00:00 it displays a message to all server windows with the new date... the code I have now uses a timer but has 1 flaw:

/timer only accepts 00:00 timestamps, so I have it delay 90 seconds before resetting the timer. the wierd thing is that at 00:01:30 when the reset occurs it displays the message AGAIN for no appearent reason... anyone who can help?

ON *:START: { doqhaltdef_daychange RESET }

alias doqhaltdef_daychange {
  if ($1 == RESET) {
    .timerdaychange -o 00:00 1 0 doqhaltdef_daychange CHANGE
  elseif ($1 == CHANGE) {
    scon -a echo $doqcolor(CUSTOM_EVENT) -stni3 5» (DAY CHANGE5) $date([06ddd dd-mm-yyyy HH:nn:ss03])
    .timerdaychange -o 1 90 doqhaltdef_daychange RESET
  else { echo $doqcolor(CUSTOM_EVENT) -sti3 5» (DAY CHANGE5) Syntax Error5! | halt }

If it ain't broken, don't fix it!