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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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mirc.org and mircscripts.org sites seem to be down or something...as i cant get onto them....i was directed to the mircscripts.org website in regards to one of my posts in this forum, and cant get to it, lol, any idea on whats going on/ideas...?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That site has been having some problems lately.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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ah ok, just makin sure it wasnt just me, thx
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mirc.org just opened ok for me, let us know if you are still having probs getting to it
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It must have been brief cause it seems it is back down again...no biggie though...
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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mircscripts.org has been getting major DDOS attacks same as DALnet, although I have no idea who anyone would want to DDOS attack a mirc scripting site.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yes, mirc.org does seem to keep going down and then back up again, so I assume it's DDoS attacks. although I have no idea who anyone would want to DDOS attack a mirc scripting site. The packet kiddies would probably say, "Because we can" or "Because it's funny" - Plus any other retarded no-brain comments you can come up with  They don't always have reasons, they just do it because they're lamers. They probably had an argument with one of the site moderators/reviewers or something - that's why irc-scripts.com went down. Heh, now I think about it, I wonder how many people try and take down mirc.com every day? Regards,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Because some people are just losers. I know who at least one of the people involved in the attacks on ms.org is, and surprise surprise he was involved in attacks on other scripting sites and IRC networks. It's the same stupid little kids each time using security holes in systems of the same stupid idiots who get infected when downloading porn and 'warez' from the same stupid places over and over again. Every time a channel goes down a new one springs up. Every time an idiot finds he's got a dozen trojans on his computer he'll just reformat and then go download them all again within a week. And every time a lamer's botnet or whatever gets shut down he'll just instantly start trying to get a new one because there's nothing else in his pathetic little life.
...Not that I'm bitter...
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What makes you say it is DDoS? Running some quick tests, it certainly doesn't appear to be a DDoS, it appears to be routing problems.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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We're being SYN flooded...
At this point I'm ready to call it quits. It's not worth it anymore.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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And the hoster hasn't null routed the IP?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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sad, i was just planning to resubmit one of my addons...
don't give up please, ms.org is a great website!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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it was the best scripting site i have ever seen...
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Yes it is sad that one (or a couple) person (or people) has to ruin it for everyone. No one wants the website to 'die' except for the one(s) attacking it. I actually believe if mIRCScripts.Org was to disappear, that would be a HUGE hole in mIRC Scripting since there are not any other websites around which can even compare to the enormous value ms.org has; although there are a couple of other good websites such as http://www.team-clanx.net.With the demise of ScriptaZ, mIRCScripts.Org was left in being the biggest websites with tens of thousands in it's userbase. With even more thousands downloading from the website daily. Not only is this is a blow for the scripting community but will have a huge impact on the mIRC community overall; since many, many people download items from the website for their personal use. Scripting help channels are also going to be majorily effected by this, simply because they will have little places to direct people asking questions about downloading add-ons/scripts/etc. Rumours are spreading about who is doing the attacks, and why; but the real thing is that it's just sad. Particulary when the two main villians in the middle of it all are actually scripters themselves and I know for sure one of them grew up on mIRCScripts.Org, possibly helped him extend his knowledge. As you've said, they're kiddies who think they're invincible. But everyone has little holes which you can play with, and in fact we've already found one with one of the attackers (which will remain for the mIRCScripts.Org community to only know). But what is even more sad is that one of the only possible quick ways of getting the person to stop is by giving them a taste of their own medicene, stooping down to their level; but some things are nessercary (as is a dictionary right now). The attacker(s) don't seem to really care how other people are feeling, they're arrogant, selfish and just blame stupid to even attempt such things. But with your words, saying that mIRCScripts.org must not die is great support, showing how much the website means to you is wonderful and I personally do thank you. Hopefully mIRCScripts.Org won't perish into the corrupt world of the Internet, and the attacker(s) will be stopped.
You won't like it when I get angry.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I disagree with you completely. If the only way to save mircscripts.org is to engage in DoS attacks, then bye bye mircscripts.org. Since when is it justifiable to commit a crime because someone else did? Someone murders someone you care about so you are now allowed to go and murder someone they care about? The major nations of the world are getting further and further from the archaic teaching of "an eye for an eye" and to try and say it is necessary is ridiculous. I've been dealing with DoSers for the last 6 years or so doing research, trying to come up with protection methods, etc. I know a little something about the issue. The two biggest rules are:
1.) Don't give in to their demands These are children, not rational people. They think it is fun and they believe they can not get caught. Giving them what they want only gives them more power because they will quickly realize (as all children do) that the adults are going to give in each time they do something. In my experience 9 out of 10 times the guy is gonna DoS regardless of whether you give in or not, so why give him the power trip of allowing him to realize he can control you? I say, ban him, preferably right after he says "don't even think of banning me." That can signifigantly leave an impact on him because it shows he does not have control over you it shows you have control over him. You recognize that he is a child and what he says has no impact on what you do.
2.) Don't DoS them. First of all, I know of _several_ instances where people were "100% positive" that they "knew the person who was DoSing" so they decided why not DoS back? Well guess what? They were wrong, it wasn't the right person. Now you haven't help stop the DoS attacks, you've helped spread it. And if the people you've now DoSed have the same attitude of "you DoS me I DoS you" then you've potentially exponentially amplified the situation. Secondly, even if you do definately know who is doing it, do you think DoSing them is going to stop it? In my experience it does not. They will continue doing it, you are playing with fire yet you will be the only one who gets burned.
What is generally effective? 1.) Information gathering. If you own the machines under attack, then you set up a program such snort which will give you information about where the attacks are coming from. You should then contact the individual owners/operators of those machines to alert them of the fact that they have been compromised. You might think this is a futile task, but doing this I've gotten a few hundred machines secured.
2.) Threaten legal action. Even if you can't follow through with it, remember these are children. You can usually get some information about the people. Many of them enjoy connecting to the IRC server, emailing the victim, etc. That leaves a paper trail of some kind in many cases. Following this trail can usually lead to some information. For example a location traceroute on the person's IP can usually get you the town they live in. Telling someone you will prosecute them and then providing the town they live in is often enough to get them to stop. When they think they are invincible they will continue, once you show them that they are not, they give up. I've managed to get some DoSers to tell me their realnames, then a week later I tell them "I know who you are <his name here>" Being that he is a child he forgets that he had told me this a week ago (it was just a minor detail, no need to remember it), and it is often enough to get them to stop.
In short, don't resort to counterattacks, if you do that, most likely you'll be the one who gets caught; simply because the DoS kids have been doing it for a while, they know some methods to hide, you most likely do not. So you'll go to jail for their crimes, is that worth it? Secondly, retaliation never stops the problems, it only increases them. You DoS them back, then they DoS you back, and the cycle repeats sometimes for months. Additionally it is possible that your attacks will get other innocent people involved.
I would MUCH rather see mircscripts.org die than see people resorting to illegal activities and destruction of property to keep it alive.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I agree. And more often than not it is the party that seeks retribution that gets caught breaking laws because they are too caught up in the hysteria of being owned that they don't think before acting and just simply give themselves away when they return fire.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I agree that it isn't the best idea in the world, but I know these people and it's all they listen to. You're right, they're just kids and have no idea what they're dealing with, but they don't listen to 'adult' threats and simply put, they know we can't do anything about it.
On the other hand tho, I actually gained access to one of the 'attackers' phone numbers, which has ended with him claiming to stop his 'attacks', which ultimately ended up him admitting that the entire time and hadn't attacked the website, he just claimed he did.
The other person in question really won't listen to anyone or anything and there seems to be no way of getting to him through 'the law'. I've done my research on this current issue and I've learnt a lot about this person, I hope he is actually reading my post right now.
Whatever it takes, I personally won't let mircscripts.org die. I've seen hundreds of people worried about the state of the website and that community cannot be lost otherwise a huge hole would start to appear in the mIRC community.
I don't want to resort to those tatics, and I really will try every avenue to stop the attacker before even attempting it; but I don't think anything is going to work.
You cannot tell someone to stop something until you start speaking their language, and unfortuntely the only language they understand revolves around DoS.
You won't like it when I get angry.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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damn kids.. dont they get enough love or attention from their parents or something?! My favourite site is down 'cause of them! *grr*  Cant let them get to you fubar!! just wait them out or something, they eventually have to get tired. And i bet they'll miss ms.org more now that its down!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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zack: Whatever it takes, I personally won't let mircscripts.org die. i take it by that you actually believe you can stop them.? if you can stop them by peforming your own criminal activities then whats the point? then you just get a bad name yourself, i personally with codemastr, mircscripts is an outstanding site but if keeping it alive involves dosing them back, then let it die.
Last edited by pheonix; 19/06/03 09:49 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i honestly dont think the attackers give a monkeys about the site, regardless of how much it helped them, other wise why would they be attacking it :tongue:
new username: tidy_trax