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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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When someone types a message to either Nickserv, Chanserv, or Memoserv to send a command, using "/msg" I want force that command to only come from a custom window instead of the channel, status, or querys...any ideas how I can do this?
Thanks in advance
Last edited by The_Game; 07/06/03 04:07 AM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I suppose you could use on input to catch it. on *:input:*: {
; this will catch and stop someone from accidently doing something like msg instead of /msg in a channel window
; which i assume is the purpose of the request. Change/Add IF's to make it more or less strict.
if ((msg isin $1) && (serv isin $2)) {
if ($active != @YourCustomWindow) {
echo $color(info) -eati * You must enter services commands in the dedicated window!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok that works but what I forgot to mention was I have custom windows made:
@ChanServ @NickServ @MemoServ
If this makes sense I want any commands sent by "/msg" from either the status, channel , or query windows to instead be forced to come from their designated windows
If a user types any commands to chanserv from any window a message saying "to send commands to chanserv must come from the @chanserv window" and it wont send unless it comes from the @chanserv window
same thing goes for the others...
I apologize if this seems confusing
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on 1:INPUT:*: {
if (/msg* iswm $1-) && (*serv iswm $2) && ($active != $+(@,$2)) { /echo -a Wrong Window! Type in the $+(@,$2) Window!) | halt }
else if (/*serv* iswm $1-) && ($active != $+(@,$right($2, -1)) { /echo -a Wrong Window! Type in the $+(@,$right($2, -1) Window! | /halt }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well that sorta has numerous flaws. For example, DALnet requires /msg chanserv@services.dal.net, since you check if (*serv iswm $2) it won't match. Also: //echo -a $iif(*serv iswm #serv,$true,$false) So /msg #serv hey! Will cause it to output an error. Additionally (/*serv* iswm $1-) is wrong: //echo -a $iif(/*serv* iswm /server,$true,$false) //echo -a $iif(/*serv* iswm /join #serv,$true,$false) Also why use /msg* iswm $1- ? Should it trigger if I do /msgops? Or any other custom alias beginning with /msg?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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rather than critique someone, why not write a better version yourself. It wasn't meant to be bullet proof, but a solution for the time. Something he could later build apon.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hey it works for me so no complaints...anyways I got another question. I can't remember if this was posted before but say user A is on Network 1 and wants to send a message to user B on Network 2, how can I do this?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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also an alias or something that will allow me to change the backgrounds of the button bar and the channel tab bar...I have been reading the help file but it doesnt help (LOL go figure )
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well because I saw the problem in my mind, not the solution. Therefore I could write what the problems were with out giving it any real thought, to actually fix the problems I'd have to take more time and look at it, and frankly, I really didn't feel like it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Scratch that alias for the backgrounds out I figured it out for the most part and it worked so i'm not complaining. All I need now for the time being is for user A on network 1 to be able to send a message to user B on network 2 and I should be all set for now. Thanks for the help so far everyone...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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So im assuming thats not possible then? ah well
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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//if ( khaled isgod ) echo yes | else echo no
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This will send to all other networks: [color:green]; no parameters sent, give them the syntax[/color]
on 1:TEXT:!x-network:#: {
/msg $chan Invalid Parameters: !x-network [channel] <message> (Note: Channel parameter is optional, and can be left out to send to all channels)
[color:green]; they have some parameres[/color]
on 1:TEXT:!x-network *:#: {
[color:green]; if they specify a channel, we need to look for one more parameter before we're satisfied.[/color]
if (($chr(35 isin $2) && ($4 != $null)) || ($3 != $null) {
[color:green]; this will clear up whether it's a global message, or a channel-specific message[/color]
if ($chr(35) isin $2) /x-network $2 $cid $nick $1-
else /x-network all $cid $nick $1-
[color:green]; not enough information[/color]
else /msg $chan Invalid or missing parameters. Type !x-network for more information
[color:green]; Syntax: /x-network <#channel|all> <cid> <nick> <message>[/color]
alias x-network {
[color:green]; go through all network connections[/color]
/set -u0 %network 1
while (%network <= $scid(0)) {
[color:green]; send to the specific channel or all channels of the connection id doesn't match[/color]
[color:green]; the one that sent the message[/color]
if (%network != $2) /scid %network $iif($1 == all, /amsg, /msg $1) $+(<,$3,>) $4-
/inc -u0 %network