I am behind two routers (one wireless and one ethernet). I have port forwarding working for other applications.
I can receive fine and ensured that I have the same DCC ports open (4985-5000) in mirc as on the routers.
I'm using SMC Barricade Routers with the latest firmware.
debug info on both sides:
-> aserver.org NOTICE someuser

CC Send somefile.txt (IP Deleted)
-> aserver.org PRIVMSG someuser :DCC SEND somefile.txt 1123384311 4985 442
<- :Sender!Sender@somehost.mindspring.com NOTICE someuser

CC Send somefile.txt (IP Deleted)
<- :Sender!Sender@somehost.mindspring.com PRIVMSG someuser :DCC SEND somefile.txt 1123384311 64456 442
Notice the port change from 4985 to 64456. This is obviously happening when the DCC send request leaves my network to the outside world. How can I stop this from happening? I know the same will occur with Resumes.