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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2021
Posts: 135 |
Greetings, im trying to write an auto bans removal using ping from server rather then rely on timers to then check enabled channels where i want to auto ban removal to work this is what i have so far:
var %i = 1 | while ($gettok($regsubex($str(x,$chan(0)),/x/g,$chan(\n) $chr(32)),%i,32)) {
var %chnel = $v1
if ($nick(%chnel,$me,~&@%)) {
check if %chnel is enabled to check for auto bans removal then do mode %chnel
and redirect to raw numeric to check ban duration and ban if exceeded ban duration
inc %i
RAW 367:*:{
if (($calc( $ctime - $5 ) > 7200 ) && (!$istok(%ban_except,$3,32)) {
if (!%bcount) { set %bcount 0 }
if (%bcount <= $calc( $modespl - 1 )) { set %blist $3 %blist | inc %bcount }
if (%bcount > $calc( $modespl - 1 )) { putmode $2 $+(-,$str(b,%bcount)) $($+(%,blist),2) | unset %bcount | unset %blist }
RAW 368:*:{ if (%bcount) { unset %bcount } | if (%blist) { unset %blist } | halt }
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 255
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 255 |
I'm not entirely sure what %ban_except is, I assume you wish to work with multiple lists: beI (and possibly q) bans, excepts, invites, and quiets. Rather than making the problem more complex than it needs to be, why not take advantage of mIRC's built-in lists? It makes more sense to test $chan(X).ibl/iel/iil/iql to see if you've already called these and have them up-to-date in mIRC's internal list history, which will avoid constantly re-requesting said lists from the IRCd per channel upon every ping. This also gives you a more convenient way to iterate over said lists without the headache and frustration of raw numerics and what token represents what data.
$chan(1).ibl/iel/iil/iql return $true if mIRC has already seen a /mode +b/e/I/q and has a ban/exception/invite/quiet list for the channel, $false otherwise
Returns Nth item in the internal ban/exception/invite/quiet list, or if N is 0 returns total number of items in that list.
Properties: by, date, ctime
Below is one example (I believe fairly well documented which makes it look huge) of how to achieve what you're after: Modify %lists with the list type(s) you want. (Line 12) Modify %MaxLifespan to set the duration to meet or exceed to unset. (line 52)
on *:PING: {
;== Use $comchan to find our total chans we're ACTIVELY on, as $chan() itself returns ones we may not be in, depending on mIRC settings like keeping chan windows
; open on kick/part/disconnect/etc... and make a tokenized list of these channels in "%chans"
var %x = 0 , %total = $comchan($me,0) , %chans = $regsubex($str($chr(32),$calc(%total - 1)),//g,$comchan($me,\n))
;== Iterate through all the ACTIVE channels we're on
while (%x < %total) {
var %x = %x + 1 , %chan = $gettok(%chans,%x,32)
;== %Lists are the types you wish to "monitor" b is Bans, e is Excepts, I is Invites, q is Quiets (tho not on all networks)
;Modify "%lists" to suit your needs.
var %lists = beIq , %known = $gettok($chanmodes,1,44)
;== Copy is used to tell the "helper alias" what lists we're working with. the regsubex expunges any list types not found from 005 CHANMODES= (not all servers support beIq)
var %copy = $regsubex(%lists,/(.)/g,$iif(\t isincs %known,\t))
;== If you are some level of OP on chan...
if ($nick(%chan,$me,~&@%)) {
;== If said list is "loaded" already, remove it's character from the lists variable
; or IF raw 005 on connect (which fills $chanmodes) doesn't contain that type of list, remove it.
if ($chan(%chan).ibl || b !isincs %known) { var %lists = $replacecs(%lists,b,$null) }
if ($chan(%chan).iel || e !isincs %known) { var %lists = $replacecs(%lists,e,$null) }
if ($chan(%chan).iil || I !isincs %known) { var %lists = $replacecs(%lists,I,$null) }
if ($chan(%chan).iql || q !isincs %known) { var %lists = $replacecs(%lists,q,$null) }
;== If any of the lists aren't filled yet, request them from the server.
if (%lists) { mode %chan + $+ %lists }
;== Immediately call our "helper alias" to do stuff with the internal lists mIRC has stored. (If any left supported)
; It will trigger a callback timer if the list isn't yet filled by the time of execution from requesting them on the if statement above.
if (%copy) { ExpungeList %chan %copy }
alias ExpungeList {
var %chan = $1 , %lists = $2 , %copy = $2
;== If said list is "loaded" already, remove it's character from the lists variable
if ($chan(%chan).ibl) { var %lists = $replacecs(%lists,b,$null) }
if ($chan(%chan).iel) { var %lists = $replacecs(%lists,e,$null) }
if ($chan(%chan).iil) { var %lists = $replacecs(%lists,I,$null) }
if ($chan(%chan).iql) { var %lists = $replacecs(%lists,q,$null) }
;== If any of the lists aren't filled yet, set a timer to re-call this alias as the above "should" have requested the list type(s) from the ping event.
;include connection ID in the timer name to avoid potential timer clash with multiple networks same channel name.
if (%lists) { $+(.timer,%chan,.,$cid,.ExpungeList) 1 1 ExpungeList $1- }
;== If we get here, the lists must be cached... Attempt to do work with them
else {
;== Number of seconds that must be met or exceeded to be flagged as "auto-remove" (7200 == 2 hours)
; Modify this to suit your needs.
var %MaxLifespan = 7200
;= Bans
if (b isincs %copy) {
var %x = 0 , %tot = $ibl(%chan,0)
while (%x < %tot) {
var %x = %x + 1 , %duration = $ctime - $ibl(%chan,%x).ctime
;== If this mask has met or exceeded the maximum lifespan, add it to a tokenized list.
if (%duration >= %MaxLifespan) { var %ExpungeBans = $addtok(%ExpungeBans,$ibl(%chan,%x),32) }
;= Excepts
if (e isincs %copy) {
var %x = 0 , %tot = $iel(%chan,0)
while (%x < %tot) {
var %x = %x + 1 , %duration = $ctime - $iel(%chan,%x).ctime
;== If this mask has met or exceeded the maximum lifespan, add it to a tokenized list.
if (%duration >= %MaxLifespan) { var %ExpungeExcepts = $addtok(%ExpungeExcepts,$iel(%chan,%x),32) }
;= Invites
if (I isincs %copy) {
var %x = 0 , %tot = $iil(%chan,0)
while (%x < %tot) {
var %x = %x + 1 , %duration = $ctime - $iil(%chan,%x).ctime
;== If this mask has met or exceeded the maximum lifespan, add it to a tokenized list.
if (%duration >= %MaxLifespan) { var %ExpungeInvites = $addtok(%ExpungeInvites,$iil(%chan,%x),32) }
;= Quiets
if (q isincs %copy) {
var %x = 0 , %tot = $iql(%chan,0)
while (%x < %tot) {
var %x = %x + 1 , %duration = $ctime - $iql(%chan,%x).ctime
;== If this mask has met or exceeded the maximum lifespan, add it to a tokenized list.
if (%duration >= %MaxLifespan) { var %ExpungeQuiets = $addtok(%ExpungeQuiets,$iql(%chan,%x),32) }
;== Spit out some data on the masks we collected per type
if (%ExpungeBans) { echo -ai2 *** Bans on: %chan to remove: $v1 }
if (%ExpungeExcepts) { echo -ai2 *** Excepts on: %chan to remove: $v1 }
if (%ExpungeInvites) { echo -ai2 *** Invites on: %chan to remove: $v1 }
if (%ExpungeQuiets) { echo -ai2 *** Quiets on: %chan to remove: $v1 }
;== Here's where you can do your fancy split-up by $modespl or whatever with the found items per list.
;=-=-=-=-=-= Example on how to remove them =-=-=-=-=-=
;== Lump all the mode-types to unset together
var %modes = $+($str(b,$numtok(%ExpungeBans,32)),$str(e,$numtok(%ExpungeExcepts,32)),$str(I,$numtok(%ExpungeInvites,32)),$str(q,$numtok(%ExpungeQuiets,32)))
;== Lump all the masks to unset together
var %masks = %ExpungeBans %ExpungeExcepts %ExpungeInvites %ExpungeQuiets
;== IF we have anything out of all 4 combined lists...
if (%modes) {
;== Total is the CEILING of number of modes to perform / modesplit (think rounded up, remove the decimal/fraction) which gives us the ENTIRE count of times to iterate to clear the lists.
; for example, if modespl is 6 and we have 11 to unset, 11/6 ~= 1.8, we can't do a fraction of an iteration, so round up to 2. 1st iteration unsets the 1st 6, 2nd iteration unsets the remaining 5.
var %x = 0 , %total = $ceil($calc($len(%modes) / $modespl)) , %beyond = $modespl + 1
while (%x < %total) {
inc %x
;== Unset the first few up to $modespl
mode %chan - $+ $left(%modes,$modespl) $gettok(%masks,1- $+ $modespl,32)
;== Trim the lists by grabbing the remainder BEYOND what we just unset. We'll eventually have none.
var %modes = $mid(%modes,%beyond) , %masks = $gettok(%masks,%beyond $+ -,32)
Debug info: Note: In multiple rooms, some not OP, some chan central already opened thus lists cached, #e was purposefully NOT cached to show it working
<- PING :hybrid8.debian.local
-> hybrid8.debian.local PONG :hybrid8.debian.local
-> hybrid8.debian.local MODE #a -b *!*@*.foo
<- :TalWin!TalWin@ MODE #a -b *!*@*.foo
-> hybrid8.debian.local MODE #e +beI
<- :hybrid8.debian.local 367 TalWin #e *!*@*.st TalWin!TalWin@ 1737058530
<- :hybrid8.debian.local 368 TalWin #e :End of Channel Ban List
<- :hybrid8.debian.local 348 TalWin #e *!*@*.com TalWin!TalWin@ 1737058530
<- :hybrid8.debian.local 349 TalWin #e :End of Channel Exception List
<- :hybrid8.debian.local 347 TalWin #e :End of Channel Invite List
-> hybrid8.debian.local MODE #e -be *!*@*.st *!*@*.com
<- :TalWin!TalWin@ MODE #e -be *!*@*.st *!*@*.com
Output info:
(status) *** Bans on: #a to remove: *!*@*.foo
(chan) * TalWin sets mode: -b *!*@*.foo
(status) *** Bans on: #e to remove: *!*@*.st
(status) *** Excepts on: #e to remove: *!*@*.com
(chan) * TalWin sets mode: -be *!*@*.st *!*@*.com
Joined: Nov 2021
Posts: 135
Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2021
Posts: 135 |
Thank you Talon and yes you are right i didn't consider multiple requests of ban list from the ircd might result in booting off the server due to commands flood/abuse, I'll try the code you posted and let you how goes.