Hi Khaled,

I detected a bug in Channel Central.
When I check a channel's ban list using the command: /mode #chan +b

(#mircscripting) *!*@blo.users.swiftirc.net TECO!none@vhost.cferreira.org 1698846295
(#mircscripting) deVilbaT!*@* TECO!none@vhost.cferreira.org 1698846295
(#mircscripting) *!*@Swift-81AFA2D5.compute-1.amazonaws.com Ouims!~Ouims@simple.mIRC.user 1697837400
(#mircscripting) *!*@Swift-F9128509.adsl196-7.iam.net.ma mIRC!mIRC@services.swiftirc.net 1697150010
(#mircscripting) End of Channel Ban List

But then Channel Central doesn't show the year:
[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

And these bans are all from 2023.
I think it would be important to add the year on Channel Central.

And I make a suggestion regarding the /mode #chan +b command, I think it would be better if it returned the time and date in text format associated with the $ctime time value.


Example ban list:
(#mircscripting) *!*@blo.users.swiftirc.net TECO!none@vhost.cferreira.org Wed Nov 01 13:44:55 2023
(#mircscripting) deVilbaT!*@* TECO!none@vhost.cferreira.org Wed Nov 01 13:44:55 2023
(#mircscripting) *!*@Swift-81AFA2D5.compute-1.amazonaws.com Ouims!~Ouims@simple.mIRC.user Fri Oct 20 22:30:00 2023
(#mircscripting) *!*@Swift-F9128509.adsl196-7.iam.net.ma mIRC!mIRC@services.swiftirc.net Thu Oct 12 23:33:30 2023
(#mircscripting) End of Channel Ban List

It was also tested on the latest beta version of mIRC 7.77.1917

irc.PTirc.org (Co-Admin)