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#272781 11/07/24 08:06 AM
Joined: Apr 2005
Posts: 124
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Joined: Apr 2005
Posts: 124
dialog xsys {
title "New Project"
size -1 -1 409 125
option dbu
box "", 1, 5 4 399 120
button "Button", 2, 71 110 37 12, flat
list 3, 9 13 392 94, size
edit "", 5, 59 111 11 10
edit "", 6, 46 111 11 10
edit "", 7, 33 111 11 10
edit "", 8, 21 111 11 10
edit "", 9, 9 111 11 10
check "Check Box", 4, 116 110 62 10

on *:dialog:xsys:sclick:4:{
if $did($dname,4)=1 { .echo -a 065 activado | info }
else { .echo -a 061 Desactivado } ----- wrong and error help

XGamerAMD #272782 11/07/24 05:00 PM
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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🕮 ? Quest - Check the help documentation.

Study this information carefully to find the right solution to your problem:

Hint: The answer lies somewhere on the surface and is hid between the lines of the help documentation.

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XGamerAMD #272784 12/07/24 06:51 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 5,493
The property you are looking for is ".state" which returns the state of the checkbox:

on *:dialog:xsys:sclick:4:{
  if ($did($dname,4).state == 1) { .echo -a 065 Activado }
  else { .echo -a 061 Desactivado }
Other observations:
You should have brackets () around the if statement comparison, followed by { } for the commands it triggers.
The "==" should have spaces around it to separate it from all other parts of the comparison text.

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