I have created for you the simplest, small script that should do what you ask.
Try using this script code:
on *:TEXT:!rules:#: unset %num_line | rules $nick
alias -l pathfile { return rules.txt }
alias -l delaymsg { return 1500 }
alias -l rules {
inc %num_line | var %str $read($pathfile,nt,%num_line)
if (%str == $null) var %str $chr(160) | .msg $1 %str
if (%num_line >= $lines($pathfile)) { return }
.timerRULES -m 1 $delaymsg rules $1
In the alias "
pathfile" you can specify your path to the file with the channel rules.
In the alias "
delaymsg" you can specify a delay time in milliseconds for sending messages, to prevent flooding.