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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
Joined: May 2024
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Hey people!
Are there any nifty scripts that colorize the nicknames in a channel, depending on state? Say, away users have a darker green then present users. IRCop get a blue color, voice one color and normal users one color?
Joined: May 2022
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: May 2022
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Hey people!
Are there any nifty scripts that colorize the nicknames in a channel, depending on state? Say, away users have a darker green then present users. IRCop get a blue color, voice one color and normal users one color? As for nick colors, I use address book integrated in mIRC, it perfectly works. I dunno if it works with away users, but if *away* is a wild card I think is possible.
Joined: May 2022
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: May 2022
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Hey people!
Are there any nifty scripts that colorize the nicknames in a channel, depending on state? Say, away users have a darker green then present users. IRCop get a blue color, voice one color and normal users one color? This is what I did:----> [img] https://ibb.co/jWbr1Wf[/img] Click on Tools>Address Book. In the window click on Add and set it as image #1. Then click OK Move the new rule at the top. Click OK
Last edited by Fernet; 10/05/24 05:19 PM.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
Joined: Feb 2011
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You can easily colour the nicks based on the users mode status in the channel.
; Enter these three lines of /cnick anywhere in mIRC (channel/query/status editbox)
; Channel ops are blue
; Voiced users are orange
; Normal people are green.
; This changes settings here: Tools -> Address Book -> Nick Colors
; Press CTRL+K anywhere in the editbox for a list of colour numbers to pick from.
/cnick -f * 12 @
/cnick -f * 7 +
/cnick -f * 3
IRCOP/OPER would need to be based directly on their vhost/spoof/cloak, assuming they have one.
/cnick -f *!*@example.foobar.com 4
Tracking /away status is a bit more tricky. I have a script that requires IRCv3 away-notify. If the network supports the feature it will be printed in the status window when you connect: [13:06:13] * Connecting to irc.foobar.com (+6697) [13:06:14] -irc.foobar.com:Auth- *** Looking up your hostname... [13:06:14] -irc.foobar.com:Auth- *** Could not resolve your hostname... [13:06:14] Caps supported: away-notify ... [13:06:14] Caps set: away-notify ... [13:06:15] -irc.foobar.com:Auth- Welcome to foobar! [13:06:15] Welcome to the foobar IRC Network ... If you use the script below you will need to enter: OR rejoin all the channels for the script to get the /away status of everyone already inside the channel. You will need to change %away-nick-colour in the script below to a different number for your dark green.
; Future updated versions can be found here:
; https://bitbucket.org/KindOne/mirc-scripts-public/src/master/away.mrc
; For mIRC 7.61 or newer if you want instant updates.
; 01/03/2020 - mIRC v7.61
; ...
; 5.Fixed /cnick not updating nick color immediately when used with a
; full address.
; ...
; 15/04/2017 - mIRC v7.48
; ...
; 18.Added CAP support for away-notify...
; https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/away-notify-3.1
; Currently set to use grey ( ctrl+k 14 ) because Xchat/HexChat uses that.
; Any nicks the address book ( /abook -l ) with this colour will be deleted
; when this script is loaded / unloaded or client connects / disconnects.
; If you don't like that colour, you can change it to something else below.
; Anything using the colour you pick will be deleted.
; mIRC does not have multi-network support for "Nick Colors".
; This script attempts to fix some of those issue by using hash tables.
; If someone is on multiple networks with the same nick!ident@host
; without (cloaking/spoofs/vhosts/whatever) and they only change the
; /away status on one network the status change will be applied for
; all other networks.
; ZNC: If you are in a large amount of channels you might get output in the
; status window due to this:
; https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/260197//ialfill_WHOX_995_output_visib
; TODO: Delete people that are /away if I part a channel with only them.
on *:start:{
.cnick on
; Change this for a different colour.
set %away-nick-colour 14
if ($hget(away-nick-colour)) { hfree away-nick-colour }
hmake away-nick-colour 200
on *:unload:{
if ($hget(away-nick-colour)) { hfree away-nick-colour }
unset %away-nick-colour
; Delete all entries with the %away-nick-color when closing mIRC.
on *:exit: { away-nick-delete }
on *:connect:{
if ($hget(away-nick-colour)) {
; Connecting or reconnecting on a network, delete all entries only for that network if any exists.
; Use the $right($calc($len(...))) to remove "$network_" from the "nick!ident@host" hash table item.
noop $hfind(away-nick-colour,$network $+ _*,0,w,.cnick -r $right($1,- $+ $calc( $len($network) + 1))))
noop $hfind(away-nick-colour,$network $+ _*,0,w,hdel away-nick-colour $1)
on *:disconnect:{
if ($hget(away-nick-colour)) {
; Disconnected on a network, delete all entries only for that network if any exists.
; Use the $right($calc($len(...))) to remove "$network_" from the "nick!ident@host" hash table item.
noop $hfind(away-nick-colour,$network $+ _*,0,w,.cnick -r $right($1,- $+ $calc( $len($network) + 1))))
noop $hfind(away-nick-colour,$network $+ _*,0,w,hdel away-nick-colour $1)
; User set or unset /away, change the nick.
raw away:*:{
if ($1 != $null) {
.cnick $fulladdress %away-nick-colour
hadd away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$fulladdress)
if ($1 == $null) {
.cnick -r $fulladdress
hdel away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$fulladdress)
; Unset /away
raw 305:*:{
.cnick -r $address($me,5)
hdel away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$address($me,5))
; /away ...
raw 306:*:{
.cnick $address($me,5) %away-nick-colour
hadd away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$address($me,5))
; /who #channel || /ialfill #channel (no /whox support)
raw 352:*: {
if (G isin $7) {
.cnick $+($6,!,$3,@,$4) %away-nick-colour
hadd away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$6,!,$3,@,$4)
; /ialfill #channel (/whox support)
raw 354:*:{
if (($2 == 995) && (G isin $8)) {
.cnick $+($7,!,$4,@,$5) %away-nick-colour
hadd away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$7,!,$4,@,$5)
on *:join:#:{
if ($nick == $me) {
.ialfill $chan
on *:nick:{
; Delete old nick add new one if they are /away.
if ($cnick($fulladdress)) {
.cnick -r $fulladdress
.cnick $address($newnick,5) %away-nick-colour
hdel away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$fulladdress)
hadd away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$address($newnick,5))
on *:quit:{
.cnick -r $fulladdress
hdel away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$fulladdress)
on *:part:#:{
; I parted all channels. Delete all users for that network.
if ($nick == $me) && ($chan(0) == 1) {
; Use the $right($calc($len(...))) to remove "$network_" from the "nick!ident@host" hash table item.
noop $hfind(away-nick-colour,$network $+ _*,0,w,cnick -r $right($1,- $+ $calc( $len($network) + 1))))
noop $hfind(away-nick-colour,$network $+ _*,0,w,hdel away-nick-colour $1)
; Delete the nick if we do not share any channels if they /part one.
if ($comchan($nick,0) == 1) {
.cnick -r $fulladdress
hdel away-nick-colour $+($network,_,$fulladdress)
; Only delete the nicks ( /abook -l ) that are using the colour the script is using.
alias -l away-nick-delete {
var %x $cnick(0)
while (%x) {
if ($cnick(%x).colour == %away-nick-colour) {
.cnick -r $cnick(%x)
dec %x
Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 15
Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 15 |
I use these colours myself, set by mIRC Address Book (Tools Menu -> Address Book) or ALT+B
~ Purple / & Yellow / @ Red / % Green / + Blue - and after 10 mins of inactivity, They turn dark colour
Or search for cnicks in mirc.ini and replace with this: (remember to go into Address Book and tick Enable so they show up)
[cnicks] n0=,6,~,,0,0,0,2,10,0 n1=,30,&,,0,0,0,2,10,0 n2=,5,@,,0,0,0,2,10,0 n3=,3,%,,0,0,0,2,10,0 n4=,10,+,,0,0,0,2,10,0 n5=,93,,,0,1,0,2,10,0 n6=,13,~,,0,0,0,0,0,0 n7=,8,&,,0,0,0,0,0,0 n8=,4,@,,0,0,0,0,0,0 n9=,9,%,,0,0,0,0,0,0 n10=,11,+,,0,0,0,0,0,0