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#272452 02/03/24 11:59 PM
Joined: Mar 2024
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YoSiTo Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Hello friends I wanted to ask you for help in case you know a script or a bot that has the Captcha to automatically give voice to users who enter the room.

I explain to them that there are bots that come to disturb the rooms and I saw that in some there is a bot that when a user enters the room for 1 minute it sends them a pv with a simple random question and if they answer Good gives him voice in the room and If fails gives him one more option.

Thank you very much in advance and sorry if my English is not good!

Joined: Nov 2021
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2021
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Sending them like a password will only allow them to send it back automated as well since they probably use scripted bots its better to find a better more efficient way as im running an irc network myself i may be able to provide u a network wide solution or at channel level contact me in pm if u like.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i think i misunderstood as u didnt mention a password but rather an answer to a question wich can be a good method as well

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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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I don't know if I can help you but I'm using this script, a friend made it for me. I don't know if it helps you, but if anyone can improve it, it would be appreciated.

on *:join:#Luciana:{
.timer 1 7 /msg $nick [Captcha], Para poder tener voice en Bolivia y poder dialogar en sala responde la siguiente pregunta;
.timer 1 9/msg $nick $read $mircdirtxt\ingresos\join.txt
.timer 1 11 /closemsg $nick

on *:open:?:{
if (nueve isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (B isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (tres isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (verde isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode#Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (rojo isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (25 isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana+v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (flaco isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (60 isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (24 isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (francia isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (paris isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (sangre isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (invierno isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (verano isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (primavera isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (D isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (12 isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (cuatro isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (sol isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (naranja isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana+v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (rojo amarillo verde isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }
if (ocho isin $1-) { .msg $nick Respuesta correcta! | /mode #Luciana +v $nick | /closemsg $nick }


You must have the questions saved in a txt folder and the income file


I change the questions every month and the answers too and they work for me.

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